AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 16th July 2023     (2)

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 16th July 2023 (2)

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With agriculture accounting for 75% of Africa’s trade, 70% of its employment and more than 20% of the continent’s GDP, it is critical for farmers to understand how climate change affects agriculture and how agriculture influences climate change. Climate change is a material risk for Africa and the world. Agriculture has an impactful relationship with climate change as the sector is both a contributor of greenhouse gases (GHGs) and, potentially, one of the world’s greatest carbon sinks. 

Nigeria declared a state of emergency that would allow the government to take exceptional steps to improve food security and supply as surging prices cause widespread hardship. Food is becoming unaffordable to a majority of Nigerians, Alake said. “This has led to a significant drop in demand, thereby undermining the viability of the entire agriculture and food value chain,” he said.  Africa’s most populous country has seen a jump in the cost of food and transportation since the fuel subsidies were ended, which were costing as much as $10bn a year, but made gasoline prices one of the cheapest globally. In addition, the government plans to release 500,000ha from land banks, including by clearing forested areas, to increase available farmland and boost agricultural output.

The recent crop estimates from the International Grains Council paint a good picture of global grain and oilseed supplies in the upcoming 2023/24 season, which points to moderate price movements. For example, the 2023/24 global maize harvest is forecast at 1.2-billion tonnes, up 5% year on year. Subsequently, the 2023/24 global maize stocks are estimated at 276-million tonnes, up 2% from the previous season. Such stock levels signal an environment of a slight decline in global prices. Regarding soya beans, global production in 2023/24 could reach 402-million tonnes, up 9% year on year.

Die sogenaamde Cerberus-hittegolf oor dele van suidelike Europa  en noordwestelike Afrika gaan in die komende dae na verwagting tot rekordhoë temperature lei. Meer as 40°C word voorspel vir dele van Spanje, Frankryk, Griekeland, Kroasië en Turkye, en so hoog as 48°C in Italië, waar die dood van minstens een persoon reeds aan die hitte toegeskryf is. Die El Niño- Suidelike Ossillasie (ENSO) is een van die belangrikste klimaatverskynsels vanweë die vermoë om die globale atmosferiese sirkulasie te verander, wat temperatuur en reënval beïnvloed. El Niño en La Niña is die twee uiterste fases van die ENSO-siklus.

Die regering het 'n spesiale afvaardiging na Washington DC gestuur in 'n poging om Suid-Afrika se Suid-Afrikaanse voorkeurhandelstatus met die VSA in terme van Agoa te red, het. Die afvaardiging word gelei deur Ebrahim Patel, minister van handel, nywerheid en mededinging, en het gister daar aangekom.

El Niño's is wanneer winde oor die Stille Oseaan waai en warm water na die oppervlak bring. Ons is nie seker watter omstandighede tot hierdie winde lei nie, maar ons weet dat warm water warm lug tot gevolg het, en dit verander wind- en drukstelsels. Uiteindelik word die aarde warmer tydens 'n El Niño omdat hitte uit die oseane vrygestel word. Daardie hitte is deur die jare geleidelik deur die oseane geabsorbeer, en wanneer dit skielik vrygestel word, beïnvloed dit temperature wêreldwyd. Wanneer El Niño's in die Noordelike Halfrond gebeur, waar die meeste land geleë is, voel jy die hitte omdat die land dit absorbeer en dit weer uitstraal. Tydens El Niño, wat is waarheen ons op pad is, sal gebiede in die Noordelike Halfrond in die somer warmer toestande ervaar. Dit is nog maar die begin van El Niño, so dit verduidelik nie alles nie. Wat die situasie vererger, is dat ons dit bo en behalwe 'n aardverwarmingsein kry, wat beteken dat die aarde noodwendig al hoe warmer word. Ons sien al ten minste sedert 1900 hoe die temperatuur toeneem. Nie noodwendig elke jaar nie, maar elke dekade is warmer as die vorige.

"ONS BOERE-  ONS LANDBOUERS van Suid Afrika is die prooi van lafhartige barbare wat geen reg het op bestaan nie- " Verdedig julleself en pas julle gesinne op.

Urea prices are now showing some proper momentum as prices rose 7-8% in almost every region this week. This is being ascribed to supply tightness in the East, led by plant outages in Indonesia and Brunei. With demand picking up in Latin America and Australia, expectations are that these factors will combine to sustain the run up in prices for the next 4 weeks at a minimum. The next Indian tender is also a supportive factor to prices; the only possible counter to these prices in the short term is the unknown of how much urea the Chinese may export in the coming weeks as falling coal prices reduce their production costs and their domestic urea market goes into a seasonal full. READ MORE 

The first concern on scaling green and climate finance in Africa is understandable. From a demand perspective, the Africa Development Bank estimates that the continent will require an average of  USD 1.4 trillion between 2020-30, yet in terms of supply, climate finance committed and mobilised for Africa is falling short. As it stands, there will be an estimated annual climate financing gap of USD 99.9–127.2 billion between 2020–30. It follows that meeting climate financing commitments already made is likely to be a challenge. READ MORE 

Among other things, it details an ongoing rhino horn trafficking case that sheds light on the complex and corrupt networks that facilitate this kind of organised crime, including the fishy use of frozen seafood and lost luggage.  The Wildlife Justice Commission unveiled the skeleton of the case but did not add flesh to the bones by naming suspects, the source and destination country, and other specific details as the case is linked to ongoing investigations. The case came to light through a joint investigation between the Wildlife Justice Commission and a pair of national law enforcement agencies.  READ MORE 

A new investigation report has confirmed that fictitious land claimants scammed government of massive amounts of money in Mpumalanga’s Badplaas (now called Emanzana) area when it bought farms at highly inflated prices. The restitution of land in the area about two decades ago was so corrupt that the department of agriculture, land reform and rural development forked out up to 2 300% more for farms it bought from private owners in deals facilitated by middleman Pieter Visagie.

Hierdie weeklikse oorsig word totaal en al vertaal in 5 tale en word reg oor die wereld gepubliseer. 

Ons het ook nou 'n weeklikse AUDIO CAST in Engels- Net die Hooftrekke. Saam met dit is ons gewilde Agri News Rush wat binnekort weer gaan terug wees in 'n ander formaat.

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Women in agriculture deserves recognition. These women are in most cases graduated or with some form of post-school tertiary qualification and a leader in hear community, church, at the local school, clinic and plays a role in keeping the daily activities on the farm, running.A Women who forms part of the decision making on the farm, support her husband to adapt to the changes in weather, government rules, managing the finances of the farm as a business.A Women who offers an input before agricultural meetings and conferences. This Women has a direct input in the management of the farm and allows her husband to be a farmer and allows him to farm. A Women without a platform to raise her own voice.The reality is that men as farmers compete in competitions, wins luxury vehicles and invited to international agricultural trade and study tours, but never such an opportunity for women in agriculture.


ʼn Bekende aanhaling wat aan Albert Einstein toegeskryf word, lees soos volg: “Waansin is om dieselfde ding oor en oor te doen en ʼn ander uitkoms te verwag”. Daar word beweer dat hy hierdie aanhaling geuiter het in die konteks van diegene in die intellektuele gemeenskap wat gedurende sy era geglo het dat die werking van die heelal bloot aan toeval te wyte is. Alhoewel hierdie aanhaling binne die konteks van die ingewikkelde leer van kwantummeganika gemaak is, word dit vandag wyd in ander kontekste aangehaal. Dié aanhaling is ook van toepassing op die konteks van die politieke- en kulturele- landskap van Suid-Afrika.

 AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 2nd July 2023

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Here is just a few of the 350 that were posted this week. 

Die onlangse geweld in Frankryk en stygende misdaad wat deur onwettige immigrante regoor Europa gepleeg word open opnuut die debat oor die toekoms van Europa. Miljoene Europeërs voel tereg dat hulle besig is om hulle eie lande, leefruimtes en toekoms te verloor terwyl ’n groterwordende groep immigrante deur die welsynstaat onderhou word. Die vraag oor die toekoms van Europa kan oor die volgende weke en maande in verkiesings in Nederland, Spanje, België, Oostenryk en die Europese parlementsverkiesing volgende jaar deels beantwoord word. 

An organisation of truckers sympathetic to former president Jacob Zuma, together with the xenophobic Operation Dudula, were the key instigators of the violent attacks on truck drivers, which rocked parts of the country this week. This is according to a new confidential crime intelligence report leaked to City Press.

Die jagseisoen is in volle swang en die Namibiese Landbou-unie ontvang gereelde navrae oor die vervoer van wildsvleis. Volgens die omgewingsministerie word dit deur die regulasies van die Natuurbewaringsordonnansie bepaal dat vervoer van wildsvleis onderhewig is aan óf ‘n ‘skiet- en verkoop’-permit óf ‘n ‘skiet vir eie gebruik’-permit.

Die Universiteit van Pretoria sê ‘n internasionale navorsingspan het opgelet hoe sewe olifante in semi-gevangenskap in Knysna, Wes-Kaap, hul slurpe, sterte en liggame beweeg wanneer toeriste hulle voer, aanraak, op hulle ry of saam met hulle stap.

We are drawing down energy from the earth at 10 million times the pace as this energy was stored on the planet ,Fossil fuel is energy from sunlight stored in plants that has accumulated over billions of years. Since we started using fossil fuels we are using far far more energy and resources than the world can replenish.

Urea prices are now showing some proper momentum as prices rose 7-8% in almost every region this week. This is being ascribed to supply tightness in the East, led by plant outages in Indonesia and Brunei. With demand picking up in Latin America and Australia, expectations are that these factors will combine to sustain the run up in prices for the next 4 weeks at a minimum.

The trading week at the Johannesburg municipal market started with the coldest morning he can remember in twenty years, says Ricardo Kotze of BothaRoodt Johannesburg, and by mid-morning a light snow started fluttering down over City Deep.

Professor Hartmut Winkler from the University of Johannesburg’s Faculty of Physics said considering the current high electricity demand, stage 6 load-shedding is “reasonably good” as higher stages were expected to be implemented

Aardverwarming en die gevolge daarvan kan oral gesien en ervaar word- Dit was lankal tyd om hiervoor te beplan en die gevolge daarvan op jou boerdery en jou omgewing te bestuur en te beheer- Daar staan oeste op die lande wat binnekort gereed sal wees vir stroop en met hierdie onvoorspelbare weer kan baie dinge nog met die oeste gebeur.

Unregistered veterinary and para-veterinary workers pose a serious threat to the health and well-being of South Africa’s animals, as well as to food security. To counter this worrying trend, the South African Veterinary Council (SAVC) is rolling out a dedicated whistle-blowing app from 1 June 2023 to encourage the public to come forward and report transgressors.

Die rooivleisbedryf bly onder skoot — of dit druk van die veganiste is wat ’n volle 0,1% van die wêreldbevolking beslaan of omgewingsaktiviste wat die kweekhuisgaskat aan die stert beet het. Rede is egter besig om te seëvier. Die mensdom se eetlus is besig om die aarde oor sy planetêre grense te druk, terwyl dit terselfdertyd ook ’n gesondheidsrisiko skep.

80% of European basil supplies currently come from Kenya, a leading country for the winter market. The produce arrives via chilled air cargo, so deliveries are guaranteed within half a day.

In 2023/24, Russia’s wheat crop is forecast lower at 85.0 million tonnes. However, large carry-in stocks will ensure that Russia wheat supplies remain over 100.0 million tonnes for the second year in a row. With import demand remaining strong in many of Russia’s top markets – including Egypt, Iran, and Algeria, Russia – wheat exports are forecast to reach another record of 47.5 million tonnes in 2023/24."

Komatipoort farmers complain that border control authorities have lost control. Average time to enter Mozambique  is 56 hours. Poor and inadequate infrastructure and officials allow only 1900 trucks through the border post per day

Despite heavy rains across the country, the Eastern Cape container terminals were handling higher citrus volumes than the previous three years during mid-season, Transnet Port Terminals reported on Thursday.

In its latest food inflation brief, the Bureau for Food and Agriculture Policy reported that the healthy food basket, which measured the cost of basic healthy eating for lower-income households in South Africa, had increased by 2.6% or R89 m/m in February to R3 504.

South Africa has experienced a ‘dark quarter’ and a challenging first half of the year, with asset management firm Futuregrowth warning that investors are worried about the country’s growth prospects for the remainder of 2023.

Dr Jakkie Cilliers from Institute for Security Studies has warned that organised criminals are holding the state to ransom. Speaking to Newzroom Afrika, he said a small grouping of criminals conducts organised crime in South Africa.

The REST of the news you can read on - - 350 stories were posted this past week.

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