Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
André de Ruyter, uitvoerende hoof van Eskom, het ná twee jaar in dié uitdagende pos bedank te midde van fase 5-beurtkrag. Die bedanking, wat Solidariteit bevestig het, kom nadat sy kop die afgelope jaar herhaaldelik geëis is, onlangs weer deur lede van die ANC se nasionale uitvoerende komitee. Verlede week het Gwede Mantashe, minister van minerale bronne en energie, De Ruyter en ander Eskom-bestuurders daarvan beskuldig dat hulle aktief die staat ondermyn deur beurtkrag nie op te los nie. De Ruyter was nog so onlangs as Donderdag verlede week nie bereid om te sê of hy van plan is om te bedank nie. Nou het ons probleme- dankie vir Jan Oberholzer wat nog daar is tot volgende jaar- Maar as die ANC weer een van hulle Kaders gaan aanstel is ESKOM finaal ook deel van die verlede. Al die mense wat so baie te se gehad het- kom ons kyk of julle beter kan doen.
Gedurende ʼn beraad van Asiatiese leiers in September het die Russiese president Wladimir Poetin aan die Indiese eerste minister Narendra Modi gesê dat hy wil sien dat die oorlog in Oekraïne so gou moontlik beëindig word. Verlede week het Poetin op Russiese televisie gesê dat hy verwag dat die oorlog nog vir lank kan voortduur. Binne enkele weke nadat Rusland aan die einde van Februarie vanjaar Oekraïne aangeval het, het die Russe daarin geslaag om sowat 25% van Oekraïne se grondgebied, hoofsaaklik in die suide en ooste van die land, te beset. Die afgelope twee maande het die weermag van Oekraïne byna die helfte van hierdie besette gebiede bevry. Verlede week is Oekraïne se president, Wolodimir Zelensky, deur die internasionale nuustydskrif Time as 2022 se persoon van die jaar aangewys. En die ANC regering swyg nog steeds oor die oorlog in Ukraine. Die afgelope nege maande se oorlog het vernietigende gevolge vir miljoene mense in Oekraïne gehad. Sowat 8 miljoen van die 43 miljoen Oekraïense burgers het uit hulle land gevlug en bevind hulle tydelik in ander lande. Die land se ekonomie is byna gehalveer en meer as 800 miljard dollar se skade is aan infrastruktuur aangerig. Duisende onskuldige Oekraïense burgers is reeds in die oorlog dood terwyl tienduisende soldate dood of beseer is.
Inflasie het in November effens teruggesak tot 7,4%, die laagste sedert Junie, maar kosprysinflasie hou aan styg en is nou 12,5%. Statistieke Suid-Afrika (SSA) het bekend gemaak inflasie het teruggesak van die 7,6% in Oktober en is ook nou laer as 2022 se hoogste vlak van 7,8% in Julie. Kos is egter nou gemiddeld 12,5% duurder as ’n jaar gelede, teenoor die 12% wat in Oktober gemeet is. Dis dit hoogste kosprysinflasie in jare. Die grootste bydraende faktore tot die 7,4% is vervoerinflasie van 15,3%, wat 2,2 persentasiepunte bydra, en kosprysinflasie, wat 2,1 persentasiepunte bydra. Kerninfinlasie, wat kos- en brandstofpryse en kragtariewe uitsluit, het onveranderd gebly op 5%. Inflasie wissel van 7,1% in die Wes-Kaap tot 8,8% in die Vrystaat. Arm Suid-Afrikaners beleef inflasie van 10,1%. Dis omdat hulle ’n groter deel van hul inkomste aan kos en vervoer moet bestee. Dis die eerste keer in jare dat enigeen dubbelsyferinflasie beleef. Oorhoofse inflasie was laas in November 2018 bo 10%, toe dit 11,8% was tydens ’n jaar waarin dit selfs 13,7% getref het in Augustus.
In the 344 days since the first instalment of the Zondo Commission Report was handed over to President Cyril Ramaphosa on 4 January 2022, the collective call for orange overalls has grown louder and louder. We’re not quite there yet, sure. But we’re a heck of a lot closer than we were back then. That’s because the NPA has been hard at work. Here are some of their numbers: 11 – seminal cases brought to court by the NPA by the end of September 2022, which saw the likes of former Transnet group CEO Brian Molefe, former group CFO Anoj Singh, and former national commissioner of police Khomotso Phahlane, among others, appear in court. R1,66-billion – the value of the corruption that occurred in those cases, which the NPA is slowly clawing back. R3.4-billion – the preservation order granted by the Gauteng High Court to the NPA’s Asset Forfeiture Unit against those involved in “financing” (the NPA’s quotation marks, not ours) the purchase of Optimum Coal Mine for R2.1-billion by the Gupta-owned Tegeta Resources. R2.5-billion – punitive reparations owed to South Africa by Asea Brown Boveri (ABB) for their role in corruption at Eskom. This is over and above the R1.6-billion that ABB has already paid back to the power utility.
The use of LNG in passenger cars is far less viable because on average passenger cars stand idle more often, which would give rise to high evaporative losses. The use of LNG requires storage facilities for the cold (-162 0C) liquid natural gas at the roadside refueling stations and special fuelling equipment which can handle cryogenic temperatures. In addition, the trucks must be equipped with special dual fuel engines to be able to use LNG. Moreover, the fuel tank on board of the truck needs to be adapted for LNG usage. READ MORE
The recently signed Agriculture and Agro-Processing Master Plan (AAMP) has pinned the overarching policy direction on the widespread consensus for the need to promote meaningful participation by all players and stakeholders, whether small, medium, or large businesses in the agricultural value chain. READ MORE
After contracting for two consecutive quarters, South Africa’s agricultural gross value added expanded by 19,2% quarter-on-quarter (seasonally adjusted) in the third quarter of this year. The better yields of some field crops (mainly summer grains and oilseeds) and horticulture, combined with relatively higher prices, specifically grains and oilseeds, underpin this improvement. Also worth noting is that the summer grains harvest, typically in the year’s second quarter, was delayed by roughly a month and fell into the third quarter this year. In a slightly more technical sense, the weak growth in the last quarter also created a lower base, setting the ground for a recovery in the third quarter. READ MORE
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Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za
On the food security front, South Africa’s ranking in The Economist’s Global Food Security Index has improved. This index ranks South Africa at 59 out of 113 countries, improving from 70th position in 2021. This places South Africa as the most food-secure country in Africa, followed by Tunisia, ranked 62nd. This improvement is commendable.
Retail giant H&M Group has partnered with BKB Ltd, a major supplier of Responsible Wool Standard (RWS) wool, to implement the Biodiversity Restoration and Regenerative Land Management project.
A farmer who wants to purchase a ready-to-use autonomous tractor has little choice. Manufacturers who have market-ready versions are hesitant to enter the market. Every self-respecting manufacturer of agricultural tractorsagricultural tractors develops autonomous tractors or robot tractors or at least prototypes or design studies
Africa area = 30,37 million km2 -° China area = 9,6 million km2 -° US area = 9,8 million km2 -° Europa area = 10,18 million km2 - Africa is bigger than all of Europe, China and the United States of America together. - But on most world maps, Africa is represented in downsize.
Die georganiseerde sakelui het 'n dringende beroep gedoen op die regering om die Suid-Afrikaanse energie krisis te verlig en Eskom finansieel te help om diesel te koop. Die sakewêreld sit in 'n knyptang situasie sedert Eskom Fase 6 en Fase 5 ingestel het met beurtkrag omdat hy nie oor die fondse beskik om diesel aan te koop nie.
SA’s agricultural trade approach is not one-sided. The country also imports a range of products. Imports for the first eight months of 2021 amounted to $5.1bn, up 13% from the same period in 2021. Palm oil, rice, wheat and spirits were among the essential imported products, specifically in the later months of the measured period.
Southern African citrus growers packed for export 164.8 million (15kg) cartons to be delivered to global markets in 2022. While this is an increase of 3.2 million cartons when compared to 2021, it is 5.7 million cartons less than what was predicted at the start of the season says Justin Chadwick, CEO of the citrus Growers’ Association of Southern Africa (CGA) in this statement
New Holland has taken a further step in its Clean Energy journey by unveiling the T7 Methane Power LNG (liquefied natural gas) pre-production prototype tractor.
Ons mense sukkel om kop water te hou en baie is verslaaf aan sosiale media en sepies en sport op Televisie. Dan is daar die rook en drankverslaafdes wat elke geleentheid gebruik om te drink en "nonsense" te praat. Dis deesdae mode om met glasie drank in die hand op 'n foto op sosiale media te verskyn. Alles draai om een ding, en dis 'n gewoonte wat jou nerens gaan bring nie.
South Africa's trucking sector is most concerned about unroadworthy vehicles, poor road conditions, and a lack of policing, according to Webfleet's first-ever Road Safety Report.
We are a few weeks away from the 55th national conference of the ANC, where new leadership will be elected and resolutions will be adopted on critical policy matters. Agricultural policy is likely to be among the prominent topics discussed at the conference, with burning issues of food security and land reform receiving much attention.
Suid Afrika -Navorsing het bevind dat twee groot faktore die vraag na vleis aandryf, naamlik die groei in bevolking (wat ’n gegewe in Suid-Afrika is) en, belangriker, die groei in besteebare inkomste per capita. . Daar word egter algemeen aanvaar dat daar tans nader aan 70 miljoen mense in Suid-Afrika is, teenoor die sowat 60 miljoen volgens Statistieke SA

The FAO Food Price Index, based on the prices of an international basket of food commodities, was 2.0% higher in October 2022 compared to October 2021, but nevertheless declining for the sixth successive month, following a 0.1% decrease from September 2022. On a month-on-month basis meat, dairy, oils and sugar decreased, while oils and sugar also decreased on a year-on-year basis.
An agriculture economist expects that there will be a mild contraction in the agricultural sector's gross value added (GVA) following two years of solid growth.
The global autonomous mining equipment and vehicles market in 2022 is expected to grow to $2.91 billion at a rate of about 6.6% through 2023. Rising concerns regarding miners' safety is driving the autonomous mining equipment and vehicles market as more autonomous mining equipment is being employed to minimize human intervention and thereby reduce accidents.
As you read this, global attention is on COP15, the world’s biodiversity conference in Montreal, Canada. We are using the resources of 1,6 Earths and the ecosystems that sustain life cannot keep up with our demands. An estimated one million of the world’s eight million species of plants and animals are facing extinction – while baboons are being culled in the Magaliesberg.
Die eerste veiling van die 2023 somer seisoen vind plaas die 14de Februarie 2023. As gevolg van die huidige wêreld mark toestande is dit moeilik om te voorspel was die 2023 somer seisoen se vooruitsigte sal wees.
Suid Afrika is besig om vinniger te verval as wat mense werklik dink. Ons span ry weekliks deur die land en die enigste plekke waar daar nog wet en orde gehandhaaf word en dorpe beheer word is in die Wes Kaap. Dis skrikwekkend om te sien teen watter spoed ons mense in platteland en sekere stedelike gebiede verarm en verval. Die ANC regering kan net nie 'n land bestuur nie.
Sowat 30 miljoen mense in Suid-Afrika gaan slaap snags honger terwyl 10 miljoen ton eetbare surplus kos jaarliks na die stortingsterrein gestuur word.Dié vermorsing kos Suid-Afrika sowat R10 miljard per jaar – genoeg om nagenoeg 22 200 kinders elke dag vir 'n jaar lank te voed.
As global demand for and use of products such as pesticides and fertiliser increases, it is imperative that stakeholders minimise the adverse impacts of these products on human and environmental health, says the United Nations Environment Programme (Unep)

Boer jy vir wins of boer jy vir opbrengs?
— TLU SA (@sa_tlu) December 14, 2022
Skakel dr. Gawie du Toit by 083 630 1330 of stuur ’n e-pos na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. vir meer besonderhede. pic.twitter.com/0znIPYjoJB
Exciting new project laying hard hose #dripirrigation lines in a commercial #tree nursery! 2022 saw nurseries losing <60% of their young trees as they died in the hot dry weather! With @UkDrip they can irrigate little and often, with cloud programing, monitoring and #fertigation pic.twitter.com/WF2k1TFoc7
— JL Agri Ltd (@JLAgriLtd) December 13, 2022
Speel Speel ons met die koeie
Ever seen a cow playing frisbee ? pic.twitter.com/KPtoSJBrU3
— Antoine Thibault (@AgriSkippy) December 9, 2022
This poor baby just wants milk from their mother, but this device is made to prevent that. This is factory farming. #godairyfree 🌱 pic.twitter.com/JnQql1TdsO
— Angie KaranⓋ🌱🐾🌻 (@angie_karan) December 12, 2022