Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
Die groeiende samewerking die afgelope paar jaar tussen lande in Europa, die Verenigde Koninkryk, die VSA, Australië en Japan om China, Rusland en ander outoritêre magte teen te werk, is dus ʼn positiewe stap. Die voormalige Amerikaanse president, Donald Trump, en sy regering het reeds vyf jaar gelede die noodsaak vir hierdie soort verdedigingsamewerking tussen demokrasieë wêreldwyd geïdentifiseer. Japan as derde grootste ekonomie in die wêreld het die rykdom om iets te doen om China se negatiewe rol in Asië teë te werk. Die globale magstryd gaan oor die volgende paar jaar veral in Asië afspeel. Japan se strategiese verandering na ʼn meer selfgeldende militêre benadering gaan ʼn wesenlike invloed op gebeure hê.
Environmental concerns and climate change fears are at an all-time high, making sustainable farming a contentious issue. With the global and especially Africa’s population growing, increasing shortages of land and water pose a significant threat to the longevity of the human race. However, agriculture technology start-ups are taking action. From precision agriculture to farm automation, genetics, and water management technology, various new innovations in agri-tech provide smarter, safer, more productive farming techniques. It is expected that by 2050, the demand for food will surge by 70%, in line with the rapid population growth. According to United Nations study last year, it was established that 9.9% of the world’s population still goes hungry. With environmental changes becoming increasingly harder to predict, innovation in agriculture technology is called for as never before.
Klimaatsverandering het ՚n rampspoedige uitwerking op landbou, die ekonomie en die lewensgehalte van miljoene mense in Afrika. Die mees kenmerkende nagevolg hiervan is uitermatige weerstoestande wat tussen swaar reënval en ernstige droogte swaai. Regoor die kontinent teister hierdie effekte inwoners en hongersnoood loer vir ons op die horison. Buiten die tekort aan water vir gewasse en vee, asook huishoudelike gebruik, is daar ook minder water om krag op te wek by Afrika se hidrokragstasies, dus ontstaan daar ՚n kringeffek wat uitkring dwarsdeur Afrika tot in die huis van elke inwoner. Klimaatsverandering, die hoofsondebok agter permanente temperatuurveranderings, word aangewakker deur menslike bedrywighede wat gasse in die atmosfeer vrystel wat hitte vaskeer en verhoed dat die aarde natuurlik afkoel. Hierdie aardverwarming is die bekendste effek van klimaatsverandering, maar daar is egter ook warmer oseane, stygende seevlakke, smeltende yskappe, ernstige droogtes en erge storms.
Die Amerikaners, tans die wêreld se magtigste groot moondheid, begroot $858 biljoen vir volgende jaar se verdedigingsuitgawes. Trouens, die Noord-Atlantiese Verdragsorganisasie (Navo) se militêre uitgawes vanjaar beloop $1,2 triljoen. Vergelyk dit met die Chinese se $230 biljoen, of die Russe se $75 biljoen, of Suid-Afrika se $3,5 biljoen. Só gesien kan ons verstaan wie die kitaar slaan en die neo-liberale kapitalistiese wêreldorde in stand hou.
The FNB/BER consumer confidence indicator for the fourth quarter of 2022 demonstrated that consumer confidence, while still negative, has improved significantly from the troughs of 2020 and 2021. This organisation says a more detailed breakdown shows that confidence among high-income and middle-income households has improved. The results also show that young people (16-34 years old) have turned more optimistic about their financial prospects compared to the older generation.
South Africa’s agricultural trade data paint an encouraging picture, though the sector continues to struggle with poor roads and inefficiencies in rail and ports. In the third quarter of this year, the value of the country’s agricultural exports — food, fibre and beverages — amounted to $3,7bn, up 10% year on year. The main factors underpinning this are sizeable agricultural output in the 2021/22 production season and higher commodity prices. READ MORE
Another misunderstood detail is the level of risk associated with processed red meat. According to the report, eating 50g of processed meat daily increases the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%. “However, the statistic doesn’t mean that eating 50g of processed meat daily causes you to have an 18% total chance of developing cancer. It means you’re 18% more likely to develop cancer relative to whatever your initial, absolute risk already was. READ MORE
Audiocasts van ons deelnemers aan ons gewilde Skrywers kompetiese.
Hierdie onderhoude is gevoer op OFM in die Vrystaat- en nog 4 ander radiostasies in Suid Afrika.
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Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za
Nadat die Namibiese omgewingsministerie vakansiegangers by die kus vermaan het om versigtig te wees vir woestynaangepaste leeus in die omgewing van Torrabaai, het die Woestynleeu-bewaringstrust ‘n leeuwyfie met ‘n satelliet-nekband toegerus.
The Winelands are called the "winelands" because of the vineyards and wine. Sometimes we forget that. And Stellenbosch is in the middle of it all. It is for this reason that people pay a premium to live in the Winelands. It also explains why it is one of South Africa’s premier tourist destinations and so prominently featured on all our tourism brochures.
Rooivleis is gesond- en veroorsaak baie minder probleme in mense as wat die manne en vrouens met hulle dik brille en boeke kennis wil voorgee. Maak eers seker dat jou verteringstelsel gesond is en reg werk voor jy rooivleis die skuld nie. Dit gaan nie oor wat jy eet nie - dit gaan oor wat jy kan verteer. En eet maar volgens jou bloedgroep - jy gaan nog beter doen.
Genetic analyses show that a destructive wheat blast fungus that travelled from South America to South East Asia is now established in Zambia under rain-fed conditions, according to a new report from The Sainsbury Laboratory.
The global gathering, the Marine Environment Protection Committee 79 (MEPC 79), hosted by the United Nations’ International Maritime Organisation (IMO), has seen climate-vulnerable and ambitious countries push the committee to adopt a zero-emissions-by-2050 position, a shift from the current target of halving emissions by 2050.
Ekonomiese geleenthede vir boere van Suid Afrika lê in die groeiende bevolking wat moet eet, Arm mense is een ding, maar arm mense wat honger is, lei tot revolusie.” Die landbou maak 3-4% van Suid-Afrika se BBP uit, maar saam met sy geïntegreerde waardeketting speel die sektor ’n baie belangriker rol in die ekonomie as wat dié persentasie aandui.
The continent of Africa has a combined GDP of $2.7 trillion, while Apple, Facebook, Google and Amazon have a combined worth of over $5.5 trillion - that's more than 40% of the continent's GDP.

This is so cool....we must make farming cool. pic.twitter.com/UYZFYwA37U
— Mohammed Hersi : Mr Optimist (@mohammedhersi) December 18, 2022
Happy Friday 🐷 #farm #farming #farmlife #farmers #thankafarmer #piglets pic.twitter.com/k8Tj1GswM0
— Swine it Podcast (@swineitpodcast) December 16, 2022
Speel die mense net Sokker- ? Hoekom is die land so ARM ??? Ho9e kan mense so SPORT mal wees en 'n mense so aanbid.Carrier XT is the newest addition to the Carrier disc cultivators, used for high-speed primary tillage and seedbed preparation. It can handle all the versatile challenges of modern farming – from ultra-shallow tillage to a deeper incorporation. pic.twitter.com/lNmBMSubPb
— Väderstad (@vaderstad) December 12, 2022
Buenos Aires celebration packed with ~5m people. The Argentina team bus couldn’t drive through, so they had to call in helicopters 🤯 pic.twitter.com/Yc5eLUpFDS
— Trung Phan (@TrungTPhan) December 20, 2022