Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
Government has declared a national state of disaster after floods that affected large parts of the country. The national disaster management centre has received reports ranging from flooded homes, vehicles swept away by floodwaters and overflowing dams and sewerage facilities, to the loss of basic infrastructure and damage to roads, bridges and a Limpopo hospital. The minister of co-operative governance & traditional affairs may declare a national disaster should a disastrous event happen or threaten to happen in more than one province.
Mikroskyfies van silikon gaan binnekort vervang word met superdun skyfies gemaak van litiumniobaat. Daarmee sal die mens op die maan kan navigeer en internetdienste tussen die aarde en die maan kan installeer. Dit sal ook sake vergemaklik om ryp vrugte oor ’n afstand heen te identifiseer, voorspel internasionale kenners in die toonaangewende wetenskapspublikasie Science. Litiumniobaat is ’n nagemaakte soort kristal wat reeds in 1946 ontdek is. Dit kan elektromagnetiese golwe opwek en manipuleer reg oor die volle ligspektrum – van mikrogolwe tot UV-frekwensies.
The end of SA’s century-old war on dagga use announced during President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Sona address last year gathered momentum with last week’s commitments to creating “enabling conditions” to “unlock enormous economic energy in the rural areas of the country”. But the delay in decriminalising the uses of the plant — arguably SA’s most famous, if illicit, export — has created a grey area in which millionaire entrepreneurs are already setting up industrial-scale facilities that have stolen a march on traditional rural cannabis farmers, the government’s developmental target.
Youth needs to be made aware and trained – The government and private universities can conduct small workshops to introduce our youth to the new-age technologies and innovations in the farming sector. Experts can educate them on how to enrol in different subject-specific courses to access these technologies and transform into the entrepreneurs of tomorrow. READ MORE
Katherine Livingstone, senior research fellow at the Institute for Physical Activity and Nutrition at Deakin University in Australia, writing in The Conversation, says: “Unless your diet is very well planned, eating only animal meat could lead to insufficient intake of certain vitamins and minerals. This is especially the case with vitamin C and folate, [for which] the main food sources are fruits, vegetables and wholegrains.” This is apart from the bad breath, headaches, and constipation if you are not careful about the amount of water, fibre and variety of nutrients you’re having. High-protein foods are also comparatively expensive, so these diets may hit your pocket.
Europe sits in a pivotal moment where there are enough producers for the current market to service the industry for cannabis flower, but this amount must increase as access opens through the many countries. Additionally, as of 2020, Europe started seeing the first extracted products and is just getting to the 2.0 versions which still are far behind the US and Canadian products that consumers prefer. READ MORE
NCTA partnered with the Future Today Institute (FTI), experts in researching trends and calculating how they will disrupt business, government and society, to imagine what some cutting-edge changes might look like with 10G. The resulting report honed in on four areas: entertainment, healthcare, education, and agriculture. READ MORE
Ons span was die week weer in groot dele van die land. Ons sien en hoor hoe sekere ekonome vanuit hulle kantore voorspellings maak oor die oeste wat tans op die land is. Dit kan baie misleidend wees. Daar is baie skade aangerig aan oeste met die baie reen en daar is ook sekere dele waar net genoeg reen geval het. Die kalahrie is mooi groen en die beeste is in baie goeie kondisie.
The intermittent rainfalls experienced in various parts of the country have contributed to a water level rise in the reservoirs. A weekly report issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation indicates that the water levels have increased to 93.7% this week, as compared to last week’s 92.9%.
While in some regions of the world, consumer food price inflation has started to cool off; South Africa sees the opposite. The data released this morning by Statistics South Africa shows that consumer food price inflation accelerated to 13,8% y/y in January from 12,7% in the previous month. The food product prices that increased notably were bread and cereals, meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. These are also the products with a significant weighting within the food basket; thus, we see a notable increase in the headline number. For example, within the food basket, the large weighting of essential products are meat (35%); bread and cereals (21%); milk, cheese and eggs (17%); vegetables (8%); sugar, sweets and desserts (4%); oils and fats (3%); and fruit (2%). READ MORE
GEDAGTE vir die dag -Moenie afdaal na 'n vlak waar jy nie gemaklik is nie- moenie jou waardes prysgee om deel te word van 'n groep mense wat nie jou denk vermoee en waardes het nie.
As farmers closed out 2022 and welcomed in 2023, there was an eerie sense that they had seen this all before. A year ago, the government declared a national state of disaster in response to torrential rains that afflicted several parts of the country. These were the heaviest rainfalls on record for many parts of South Africa. As we entered the first weeks of 2023, heavy rains again swamped large parts of the country, making this the fourth year in which rainfall far exceeded the average. This and other climatic issues such as veld fires have dominated the headlines over the past years. All these issues have impacted food production, manufacturing and distribution, driving home the message that climate variability is a new reality for all stakeholders in the agricultural industry.

Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za
As groot manne lekker speel
Grown up carpet farming. But would #notillers partake…. pic.twitter.com/xhqQMJKaOj
— Holly (@HTAgronomy) February 11, 2023
Die vrou ken haar werk
Fattened goose liver farming in China
— Songpinganq (@songpinganq) February 14, 2023
To produce “foie gras” (the French term means “fatty liver”), workers ram pipes down the throats of male ducks twice each day, pumping up to 2.2 pounds of grain and fat into their stomachs, or geese three times a day, up to 4 pounds daily. pic.twitter.com/fHAIAk3j2e
Meet the @Brandt_AG DXT dual-auger #grain cart.
— Farms.com U.S. Ag News (@FarmsNews) February 15, 2023
This #GrainCart series delivers the perfect combination of unload speed, carrying capacity, and durability to meet the rigorous demands of your harvest season.
Watch the overview here ⬇
#FarmEquipment #Harvest #FarmMachinery