South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  19th April 2023

South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 19th April 2023

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

South Africa's agricultural towns, once the lifeblood of the country, are deteriorating due to crumbling infrastructure, failing municipalities, natural disasters, biosecurity threats, and load shedding. Food producers face the daunting task of keeping the lights on, powering water pumps, creating employment and most importantly, feeding the nation at affordable prices. Having said that, we believe that agricultural businesses have a duty to assist municipalities that are buckling under the pressure. "As a concerned citizen and business, we need to help our communities and municipalities with applicable skillsets where we can, otherwise we are all going to suffer," says Roelie van Reenen, our supply chain executive. 

One should not be surprised if SA bonds and the ZAR become even more volatile and weaker than usual over the rest of the year and into 2024. In the last two months alone, the SA 10-year bond

yield has risen from below 10.2% to almost 11.4% (yields move inversely to prices). The rand has weakened by more than 6% against the dollar this year, making it the worst performer in a basket of 16 major currencies tracked by Bloomberg. On the back of the commodity revenue windfall, the naysayers who have been predicting an IMF bailout for SA have until now been proved wrong.

However, such is the deteriorating economic climate that there is no certainty they will continue to be wrong.

Over the past 15 years South Africa has been experiencing a gradually worsening number of electricity cuts. This state of affairs has prompted frustration among citizens, negative international economic sentiment and financial hardship for many businesses. Public pressure has grown more intense, leading to the extraordinary presidential decision by President Cyril Ramaphosa to proclaim a tate of disaster as well as to appoint a Minister of Electricity. The year 2022 was marked by the worst power outages in the country’s history. Electricity generation deficits reached up to 6 GW on occasion, necessitating up to 10 hours of rolling electricity blackouts. High outages have persisted through the warmer early months of 2023, and since early January the country has experienced power cuts every day.

Fresh beef accounted for 54% of overall exports, with the balance frozen. Within the total figure a significant fall was recorded in frozen beef exports, which were down 24% year on year at 12,945 tonnes last year. Meanwhile, fresh beef exports increased 2% to 15,477 tonnes, the key markets being Kuwait (with a market share of 22%), Jordan (16%), Mozambique (13%), United Arab Emirates (12%), Qatar (9%), Netherlands (4%), Lesotho (3%), Canada (3%), Zimbabwe (3%), Mauritius (3%), and Eswatini (2%). These markets accounted for 90% of SA’s fresh beef exports in 2022.  In the case of frozen beef, the top export markets, accounting for 82%, were Lesotho (16%), China (14%), Nigeria (14%), UAE (9%), Mozambique (7%), Kuwait (6%), Egypt (5%), Qatar (4%), UK (3%), Netherlands (3%), and Jordan (2%). 

In an amendment to Schedule 4 the Customs and Excise Act (1964), published in the Government Gazette on 31 March 2023, it was announced that the annual quota for frozen bone-in cuts of the species Gallus Domesticus originating in or imported from the United States (US), would be increased from 71,290 tonnes to 71,632 tonnes, with retrospective effect from 1 April 2022.

The total cost after eight to 10 years could exceed R20-million, with no vaccine in the market yet. The question is: why wait another five to 10 years to develop costly vaccine strains while the country has the strains in its possession, but is unable to produce them due to its inefficiencies? READ MORE -=

Scientists are warning the likely return of El Niño later this year could see the world warm by 1.50C or more. While this year is expected to be hotter than 2022, scientists are predicting the full impact of El Niño will play out in 2024, with temperatures expected to soar across the globe. READ MORE 

Case Ih Farmall tractor crosses 100-year mark . But let's start from the summer of 1923 . North America. In the endless US plains, very particular tractors worked, with three wheels , with a large ground clearance and a minimalist appearance , without mudguards and with an essential supporting frame structure to contain their weight. They were the pre-series and test models of a tractor destined to become legendary , the “ Farmall ”. Designed by International Harvester Engineer Bert R. Benjamin, had a concept at the antipodes compared to that of the then market leader, Fordson “F”. The latter was low and wide, a classic tractor intended above all for ploughing. " Farmall " was instead tall and slender, intended primarily for row crops , a type of means defined as "Row-Crop".


Agri X en CRA MEDIA - will with this competition give these women the platform they deserve to enter a competition for Women`s Insight with the finalé gala event on 24 Augustus, during Womens`month at a venue in Pretoria. The impact of policy matters on your individual farming operation and in your immediate rural community Do you have a voice? Would you like to be heard? Do you wish to share your insights in how decisions on agricultural policy matters are affecting your daily lives on the farm? Now is the time to be part of the discussion! The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provides the perfect opportunity for women who live on farms or who are involved in a farming business or in the sector to become part of the discussion on how boardroom decisions on policy matters impact on your daily lives. The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition seeks to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the topic with practical examples. This competition seeks to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions



AGRI NEWS RUSH - 19th April 2023 


 Ons span is die week weer op die pad-  Wes Kaap en dele van die Swartland. Dankie aan almal wat ons altyd so vriendelik ontvang.  Sojabone word nou gestroop met baie hoe opbrengste en goeie gehalte.  . Die winter is besig om vinnig nader te kruip. En daar is nog oeste op die land wat nie nou enigsins reg is vir ryp of koue nie. Kry maar jou krag voorsiening reg- Ons het geen beheer oor Eskom meer nie.  Hier gaan baie dinge gebeur op Farmingportal.

Week se nuus op AGRI NEWS NET 


Plaasveiligheid, veediefstal en veeartsenykundige dienste is ván die kwessies wat dringend aandag in die Vrystaatse landbousektor en – gemeenskap verg.Dit is volgens landbou-organisasie Vrystaat Landbou (VL) se kommersiële bestuurder Dr Jack Armour in afwagting op die provinsiale Departement van Landbou se begroting vir die nuwe finansiële jaar.


 The data released by Statistics South Africa this morning shows that consumer food price increases accelerated by 14,4% in March 2023 from 14,0% in the previous month.The food product prices that increased notably were milk, eggs, and cheese; fruit; vegetables; and sugar, sweets and desserts.


’n Resessie is waarskynlik Suid-Afrika se voorland nadat die Reserwebank einde Maart die repokoers verhoog het. Dit gaan die vraag na voedsel knou en boere gaan sukkel om produksiekrediet te kry.


Eskom sal beurtkrag in die buurland tot verdere kennisgewing afgradeer na fase vyf gedurende die dag en fase ses van vanaf vier-uur in die middag instel. Die kragvoorsiener se krisis-kommunikasie-bestuurder, Menzi Mngomezulu, sê die onderbrekings staan tans op 17 325 megawatt in opwekkingsvermoë, terwyl die verlies aan kapasiteit vir beplande instandhouding op 5 457 megawatt staan.


Scientists have discovered a signal that causes roots to stop growing in hard soils which can be ‘switched off’ to allow them to punch through, a finding which may have 'huge implications' for agriculture. The discovery could help plants grow in even the most damaged soils, according to scientists from the University of Nottingham and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.



South Africa before & after the introduction of #BlatantEliteEnrichment (#BEE): - overall unemployment- UP - black unemployment UP - productivity DOWN -- international competitiveness DOWN - foreign investment - DOWN - - gross fixed capital formation DOWN - - economic growth DOWN- number of ANC and EFF millionaires UP.



CEO Business Club is hosting a 3 day seminar on the Miracles of Capital from 8-10 May 2023 where an experienced venture capitalist will share a tried and tested methodology to scale businesses. We have now also negotiated with him to share in a one-day session his experience in creating a $1,5bn business within 5 years, by applying the MOC (Miracles of Capital) methodology,



South Africa Wine Industry Information and Systems (SAWIS) recently revised the wine grape harvest estimate downward for the fourth time, making it the smallest harvest in 19 years.



The sugar industry is set to suffer a significant financial loss as the final revenue price (RV) for the 2022/2023 season experiences an 8% decline. The drop is largely due to the failure of Tongaat Hulett (THL) to pay the South African Sugar Association (Sasa) more than R900m by the end of March 2023, and the default by the Gledhow Sugar Mill, which is also in business rescue.



44% of childless individuals ages 18 to 49 say it is unlikely that they will ever have children. The majority (56%) of childless adults younger than 50 cite the reason as "they just don’t want to have kids"



Load shedding is impacting the manufacturing of frozen French fries in SA. This, in turn, is causing a shortage at some retailers and restaurants. McCain is one of the largest producers of frozen French fries in South Africa. The company has stated that, due to load shedding, it cannot process frozen French fries at the usual capacity. It is aware of shortages at some retail stores and large fast-food chains.



In March 2023, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation’s Global Food Price Index, a measure of the monthly change in international prices of a basket of agricultural commodities, was at 126.9 points, down by 2.1% from February 2023. This marked the twelfth consecutive monthly decline since reaching its peak one year ago.



Israeli pomegranate exporter and year round distributor, Edom Fruits, had a challenging season in the US due to California that finished late says Yinon Osem, CEO of the company. They are also currently seeing up to 40% lower Wonderful pomegranate volumes from South Africa for this season.



Human-wildlife conflict is an ever-growing threat to wildlife (and people) in Africa. Scientists from the Zambia Lion Project at the University of California examining the skulls of lions and leopards have found that simple forensic methods can improve the detection of previous non-lethal injuries from snares and shotguns.



Gcobani Ndzongana on the LAND party’s intentions -Our intention is not to make this country ungovernable, but to say if we want land, the land must come back. - His LAND Party has grown in the five years since then, a highlight being the victory in a by-election over the ANC.



Voedselproduksie is tans onder geweldige druk, grootliks weens beurtkrag, en besluitnemers sal die erns van die saak moet besef. Suid-Afrikaners sowat ’n week lank in fase 6-beurtkrag. Eskom kan nie genoeg krag voorsein nie en daar is ongelukkig geen leierskap meer nie. Die manne wat die leiding kan neem is nie meer daar nie



Botswana records spike in wildlife snaring in protected areas-The disarmament of anti-poaching unit personnel in 2018 has been cited as the main factor for the increase in recorded poaching incidents. The country reportedly lost 126 animals between 2018 and 2021, with 33 rhino poaching incidents recorded in 2022.



Food starts with soils, and as the target date to accomplish the SDGs grows closer, it is more urgent than ever to reverse soil degradation and tackle its effects on agrifood systems. This booklet aims to review the role of soil fertility in producing sufficient, safe, and more nourishing food for healthier plants, animals, and people.



Boere en die landboubedryf maak al lank onwetend van biotegnologie gebruik. Vir baie jare al kies mense in die sektor sekere diere vir teeldoeleindes sonder om te besef dat hulle eintlik biotegnologie gebruik. Biotegnologie is in die alledaagse lewe van toepassing, met iets so eenvoudig soos kruisbestuiwing wat ‘n vorm van biotegnologie is. Die enigste gevaar is ‘n gebrek aan inligting vir verbruikers.



In an amendment to Schedule 4 the Customs and Excise Act (1964), published in the Government Gazette on 31 March 2023, it was announced that the annual quota for frozen bone-in cuts of the species Gallus Domesticus originating in or imported from the United States (US), would be increased from 71,290 tonnes to 71,632 tonnes, with retrospective effect from 1 April 2022.



In a bid to boost Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) business for wineries, Vinpro and the Cape Winelands District Municipality have launched a new wine tourism research pilot programme. The programme aims to generate tourism intelligence, which will aid wineries in utilising the data to grow their business.

Lukas Lessing (26) van Marquard is Vrystaat Landbou se 27ste Jongboer van die Jaar. Dié pa van twee seuntjies boer al 10 jaar en sê hy sal dit vir niks verruil nie. Hy meen die feit dat sy pa hom van jongs af betrek het by besluitneming en hom vryheid gegee het, het gunstige resultate gelewer. Hy bedryf hoofsaaklik ’n saaiboerdery met mielies, soja en sonneblom, asook ’n kleiner veevertakking.
Lukas en sy vrou, Marné, is betrokke by die plaaslike kerk, asook die plaaslike aftree-oord en Lukas huiwer nie om self plaaspaaie te skraap waar dit nodig is nie. Hy glo daarin dat sy werkers voordeel trek uit hul insette tot die boerdery, dat hulle versorg word en hul werk geniet.


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 Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-  

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