Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
Die ooreenkoms wat Oekraïne toegelaat het om graan verby Rusland se oorlogskepe in die Swartsee na die res van die wêreld, waaronder Afrika, uit te voer, het Maandag in die hek geduik nadat Rusland geweier het om dié ooreenkoms te hernu. Die Verenigde Nasies (VN) het gewaarsku dat miljoene van die wêreld se armstes “die prys sal betaal” vir dié besluit. Rusland het Maandag bevestig dat hy nie die ooreenkoms gaan hernu nie, aangesien die struikelblokke in die pad van sy eie uitvoere, wat die ooreenkoms uit die weg moes help ruim, nooit nagekom is nie. “Die graanooreenkoms is beëindig. Sodra Rusland se deel [van die ooreenkoms] nagekom word, sal Rusland weer na die ooreenkoms terugkeer,” het Dmitri Peskov, woordvoerder van die Kremlin, gesê. Antonio Guterres, sekretaris-generaal van die VN, sê Moskou se stap sal “ʼn slag vir mense in nood” wees. “Hongersnood staar honderde miljoene mense in die gesig en ʼn wêreldwye lewenskostekrisis wag op verbruikers. Húlle sal die prys betaal,” het Guterres aan verslaggewers gesê.
Eskom is attempting to recoup tens of billions of rand that it believes was paid irregularly to contractors including coal supply agreements and construction contracts, underscoring the deep rot plaguing the state-owned utility. The extent of the embattled state-owned utility’s troubles are contained in a written reply by President Cyril Ramaphosa to a question by NCOP MP Cathlene Labuschagne of the DA. Ramaphosa said Eskom had cancelled coal supply agreements and construction contracts valued at about R11bn, and was involved in litigation to have a further roughly R3.7bn worth of coal supply agreements declared invalid. The utility was also seeking prevent further losses of about R10bn by setting aside other coal supply agreements and construction contracts, he said. The extent of fraud and corruption at Eskom first emerged at the Zondo commission of inquiry report into state capture and also from the revelations of former Eskom group CEO Andre de Ruyter, who estimated that Eskom was losing more than R1bn a month due to criminal activity.
Unaudited mid-month fuel data from the Central Energy Fund (CEF) points to increased prices for most fuels in August, with ULP93 petrol the only fuel currently showing a decrease. But the Automobile Association (AA) says this is likely to change in the next two weeks. Based on current data, ULP95 petrol shows an increase of about 7c/l a litre, while ULP93 shows a nominal decrease of just over 1c/l. Diesel, however, again shows significant increases for the second month in a row. The outlook at mid-month is of an increase of about 48c/l. Illuminating paraffin shows an increase of about 47c/l.
The Reserve Bank’s monetary policy committee meets this week and it will surely be hoping that the response to its interest rate decision is more predictable than the last time. Markets are a lot calmer now. The rand is considerably stronger. It’s trading at about R18.11 to the dollar, whereas at the time of the previous meeting the Bank’s implied starting point for the exchange rate was R18.68. Inflation is looking somewhat better, too. It came in at a lower-than-expected 6.3% for May, the lowest for more than a year. A big driver has been food price inflation. This is slowing down at last, even if it’s still high at 12% year on year. Fuel prices are coming down too. Here in SA, the Bank has hiked rates by a cumulative 475 bps to 8.25% since it started to tighten in November 2021. That’s pretty steep even if not as steep as some of SA’s emerging-market peers.
SA headline inflation cooled to its lowest reading in 20 months, falling back within the Reserve Bank’s 3%-6% target range, further supporting the view the Bank might keep the repo rate steady on Thursday. But economists warn recent developments may not be enough to stop another hike. These include the higher-than-expected inflation expectations in the second quarter, as well as the recent sharp currency depreciation that could lead to wage-price spirals that together may hold stronger than the fall in the consumer price index (CPI) to 5.4% in June from 6.3% in May as reported by Stats SA on Wednesday.
Kom ons verstaan eers hoe natuurlike seisoenale wisselvalligheid veroorsaak dat sommige somers warmer is as ander en sommige winters kouer of warmer is. Die El Niño- Suidelike Ossillasie (ENSO) is een van die belangrikste klimaatverskynsels vanweë die vermoë om die globale atmosferiese sirkulasie te verander, wat temperatuur en reënval beïnvloed. El Niño en La Niña is die twee uiterste fases van die ENSO-siklus. LEES MEER -
Exports of grain from Ukraine were disrupted when Russia invaded the country in February 2022. But the rising concerns about global food security resulted in the United Nations and Turkey brokering a deal in July 2022 between Russia and Ukraine to allow the safe movement of grain from Ukraine to the world market while the war continued. READ MORE
Africa has 60 percent of the world's uncultivated arable land. The agriculture sector accounts for 35 percent of Africa's GDP and employs more Africans than any other sector. So why does Africa spend a staggering US$78 billion of scarce foreign currency on food imports each year, with some countries such as Zimbabwe, Guinea and Sudan exceeding 100 percent of their annual foreign currency receipts? Why in 2020 did more than 20 percent of Africans face hunger—a figure twice as high as any other region in the world? READ MORE
The rationale cited in various media articles in that India's government is worried about inflation ahead of the upcoming elections. However, the problem with this view is that India faces far less inflation pressure than other regions. For example, in June 2023, India's annual consumer inflation was at 4.8%, down significantly from the start of the year when inflation was at 6,5% in January 2023. Food inflation has moderated at roughly the same pace, measured at 4,5% in June 2023, down from 5,9% in January. READ MORE
CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums. Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neem. Ons internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums. Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme- Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort.
HURRY UP - its almost the end of 30th November 2023 - We awaiting your VIDEO
Agri X en CRA MEDIA - Farmingportal.co.za Agrinewsnet.co.za will with this competition give these women the platform they deserve to enter a competition for Women`s Insight with the finalé gala event on 24 Augustus, during Womens`month at a venue in Pretoria. The impact of policy matters on your individual farming operation and in your immediate rural community Do you have a voice? Would you like to be heard? Do you wish to share your insights in how decisions on agricultural policy matters are affecting your daily lives on the farm? Now is the time to be part of the discussion! The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition provides the perfect opportunity for women who live on farms or who are involved in a farming business or in the sector to become part of the discussion on how boardroom decisions on policy matters impact on your daily lives. The Women’s Insight Deliberation Competition seeks to encourage well-thought and accurate deliberation of the topic with practical examples. This competition seeks to create a platform where women in agriculture can become part of the agricultural discussion platform and ultimately influence public and industry discussions
Redenaarskompetisie gefokus op vroue in landbou
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The 2023 Junior Writers awards is open until the 30th September 2023 Proudly sponsored by Hollard-
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Suid Afrika se suksesvolle boerderye
Suid-Afrika voer ongeveer 50% van sy wyn uit en produseer ongeveer 3,4% van die wêreld se wyn. Die bedryf het die laaste dekade ’n enorme groei gesien. Wynuitvoer het tussen 2005 en 2015 meer as verdubbel. Dit het die plaaslike ekonomie ’n groot hupstoot gegee en baie werkgeleenthede geskep. Die wynbedryf lewer ook ’n groot bydrae tot die land se bruto binnelandse produk (BBP) – omtrent 9% van die land se totale BBP. Die BBP is die waarde van al die goedere en dienste wat die land se mense binne-in sy grense maak. Die Suid-Afrikaanse wynbedryf het in 2020 ongeveer 319 miljoen liter wyn uitgevoer. Meer as 2 778 boere het wingerde op ongeveer 92 005 hektaar landbougrond vir wynbou geplant. Die jaarlikse wyndruifoes in 2019 het 1 247 522 ton gelewer (973,6 miljoen liter), waarvan 86% vir wyn gebruik is. Die jaarlikse oes in 2020 het 1 342 109 ton (1 042,0 miljoen liter) gelewer, waarvan 86% vir wyn gebruik is. Italië is die land wat die meeste wyn in die wêreld produseer. Hulle produseer 18,3% van die totale oes, Frankryk is tweede met 17%, Spanje is derde met 13,2% en Suid-Afrika is agste met 4,0% (2020-syfers). Suid-Afrika voer die meeste wyn na die Verenigde Koninkryk toe, gevolg deur Duitsland, die VSA, Kanada en Afrika. Uitvoer na China neem ook sterk toe.
Die makadamia-oesskatting vir 2023 is afwaarts aangepas met 5,7% sedert die eerste kwartaal se skatting. ’n Opname onder verwerkers en hanteerders van makadamianeute dui op ’n oes van 77 659 ton droë, ongedopte neute. Met die oesskatting vir die eerste kwartaal het die verwagte oes op 81 556 ton gestaan. Met die nuutste skatting is die oes 8 819 ton groter as verlede jaar s’n. Makadamiaproduksie in Suid-Afrika het oor die afgelope tien jaar meer as verdubbel teenoor 2013 se oes van 37 500 ton.
Die Sitruskwekersvereniging (CGA) van Suid-Afrika eis dat die nasionale rampbestuursentrum dringend ’n ramptoestand vir die Wes-Kaap aankondig ná verlede maand se verwoestende vloede. Minstens R1 miljard se skade aan die landbou is reeds bevestig deur die provinsiale regering. Die CGA het Dinsdag gesê dit is noodsaaklik dat geld en bystand so gou moontlik aan produsente en gemeenskappe beskikbaar gestel word.
The South African Reserve Bank (Sarb) implemented the inflation target policy in 2000. An inflation target band of 3% to 6% was selected, and this target was based on what the Sarb thought at that time was an appropriate level of inflation to allow economic growth.
South Africa's consumer food inflation slowed in June 2023, recorded at 11,1% from 12,0% in the previous month.
Traditionally SA’s big five banks mean FirstRand, Standard Bank, Absa, Nedbank and Investec, which dominate commercial lending in the country and control about 90.3% of the sector’s R5.4-trillion in assets.
Die temperature in die suide van Europa sal na verwagting vandag ‘n hoogtepunt bereik. Volgens die Europese Ruimte-agentskap kan die kwik op die Italiaanse eiland Sardinië tot 48 grade Celsius styg, en in Spanje, waar hittegolftoestande ook al dae voortduur, is 44 grade Maandag gemeet
Goldman Sachs’ latest Global FX Forecasts predict that the rand will strengthen to R14 to the US dollar by 2026. The Global FX Forecasts provide an overview of where Goldman Sachs sees currencies trade over the next three years.
South Africa - Cabbage -Cabbage prices have decreased with strong volumes available and low consumer demand. School holidays have influence on demand as school feeding programs consume considerable amounts of cabbage. Prices are expected to trade sideways over the coming weeks with upward scope as we enter spring
Boere en die landboubedryf maak al lank onwetend van biotegnologie gebruik. Vir baie jare al kies mense in die sektor sekere diere vir teeldoeleindes sonder om te besef dat hulle eintlik biotegnologie gebruik. Biotegnologie is in die alledaagse lewe van toepassing, met iets so eenvoudig soos kruisbestuiwing wat ‘n vorm van biotegnologie is. Die enigste gevaar is ‘n gebrek aan inligting vir verbruikers.
Die Verenigde Nasies is teleurgesteld oor Rusland se weiering om die Swartsee-graanooreenkoms te hernu. Graanpryse het daarop vinnig gestyg. Die stap kan pogings in die wiele ry om graanpryse in ontluikende markte bestendig te maak.
Die Namibiese Statistieke-agentskap sal in 2025 ‘n sensus oor die landbousektor, insluitend bosbou, visserye en akwakultuur, in landelike gebiede doen. Dit sal in samewerking met die Verenigde Nasies se Voedsel- en Landbou-organisasie gedoen word.
President Cyril Ramaphosa sê Rusland het dit duidelik gemaak dat die inhegtenisneming van President Wladimir Poetin, sou neerkom op ‘n oorlogsverklaring. Hy sê dit is nie in die land se belang om in ‘n oorlog met Rusland betrokke te raak nie.
Saai and TLU SA are grateful that Agri SA has also joined the Moladora case and will now make a financial contribution towards the costs of the case. The case has thus far been driven by Agri-NW, Mpumalanga Agriculture, TLU SA, and Saai because it can have damning consequences for property rights and potential implications for every farmer.
Transnet has selected a Philppines-based multi-national port terminal operator as an equity partner to develop and run its busiest and biggest container terminal – Durban Port’s Container Terminal Pier 2.
The World Meteorological Organization has declared the onset of the first El Niño event in seven years. It estimates 90% probability the climatic phenomenon, involving an unusual warming of the Pacific Ocean, will develop through 2023, and be of moderate strength.
There are two critical phases in which the vine is more subject to botrytis infections , also known as gray mould. The first is that of the pre-closing of the bunches, while the second begins with veraison, that is when the color of the berries changes towards that of fully ripe.
Traceability has become a crucial element of food safety and quality assurance in agriculture. International governments and consumers are increasingly concerned about the safety and validity of claims about the produce they import and consume.
They produce pods that both humans and other creatures consume, providing them with the breeding pathway of expanding stores. Fruits bloom in a wide range of forms, dimensions, and aromas, ranging from pleasant to sour and sometimes caustic. Apples, bananas, oranges, grapes, and strawberries are a few prominent fruits.
The tables have turned for shipping lines who are now facing an overcapacity/lower demand scenario. “Now that we have entered July, peak season should be getting under way, but there is, as yet, scant evidence of this happening” says Alan Murphy, CEO of maritime consultancy Sea Intelligence.
Since folks are worried about the expected El Nino and its impact on food prices in South Africa, I should also make a few observations on this issue. A major challenge that could confront South Africa's agricultural sector in a few months is a change in weather conditions from favourable rains to drier and hot conditions. This would be a switch from a prolonged period of La Niña to El Niño.
To read this and more real and updated Farming and Agriculture NEWS 7 days a week and 365 days of the year-
Download AGRINEWSNET or visit agrinewsnet.co.za-
Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za
— Vehicle Trackers (@VehicleTrackerz) July 18, 2023
— James Melville (@JamesMelville) July 17, 2023🚨🇮🇪 Ireland - Farmer Protests 🇮🇪🚨
— Concerned Citizen (@BGatesIsaPyscho) July 14, 2023
Just like the Netherlands farmers are now rising up in Ireland.
Because the Irish Government have sold their country out to the Globalists, which means an assault on independent food production & agriculture land.
They want to own it… pic.twitter.com/iq1XvnjX3C
Seems like a nice idea but I bet wasps and other insects would try to use it too.#gardeningtips #bushcraft #farming #farmlife #gardeningtwitter #homesteading #offgrid #prepping #survivalskills #survivalism #permaculture #electroculture #selfsufficiency pic.twitter.com/BU8F1ruQTJ
— Conspiracy Gardener Homestead (@DaysofNoahGen6) July 13, 2023

Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
White maize |
R 3 658,60 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-18 |
-0.69 % |
R 3 684,00 |
Yellow maize |
R 3 670,60 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-18 |
-1.64 % |
R 3 731,80 |
Soybeans |
R 8 550,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-18 |
0.12 % |
R 8 540,00 |
Sunflower seed |
R 9 195,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-18 |
0.43 % |
R 9 155,20 |
Wheat |
R 6 730,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-18 |
-1.17 % |
R 6 809,80 |
Sorghum |
R 5 964,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-14 |
-5.66 % |
R 6 322,00 |
Groundnuts |
R 32 330,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-14 |
-0.90 % |
R 32 622,00 |
Cotton |
R 11 639,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-14 |
-4.02 % |
R 12 127,00 |
Sugarbeans |
R 25 000,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-14 |
0.00 % |
R 25 000,00 |
Lusern (Grade 1) |
R 4 750,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2023-07-14 |
-1.04 % |
R 4 800,00 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Bananas |
R 7,15 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
6.08 % |
R 6,74 |
Apples |
R 8,89 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
0.45 % |
R 8,85 |
Oranges |
R 3,72 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
2.76 % |
R 3,62 |
Avocados |
R 15,66 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
3.09 % |
R 15,19 |
Grapes |
R 71,04 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-25.31 % |
R 95,11 |
Mangos |
R 12,72 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-53.20 % |
R 27,18 |
Pears |
R 9,08 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
5.09 % |
R 8,64 |
Pineapples |
R 7,64 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
5.67 % |
R 7,23 |
Peaches |
R 57,01 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
1,562.10 % |
R 3,43 |
Lemons |
R 3,61 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
3.44 % |
R 3,49 |
Nectarines |
R 193,61 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
7,644.40 % |
R 2,50 |
Naartjies |
R 6,57 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
8.42 % |
R 6,06 |
Blueberries |
R 59,98 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-35.86 % |
R 93,51 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Potatoes |
R 81,67 |
per 10Kg |
2023-07-14 |
6.90 % |
R 76,40 |
Tomatoes |
R 9,48 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-1.86 % |
R 9,66 |
Carrots |
R 3,60 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
6.19 % |
R 3,39 |
Onions |
R 8,99 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-1.10 % |
R 9,09 |
Cabbage |
R 2,87 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-11.15 % |
R 3,23 |
Garlic |
R 66,43 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-0.85 % |
R 67,00 |
Spinach |
R 4,67 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-5.85 % |
R 4,96 |
Sweet Potatoes |
R 4,01 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
6.65 % |
R 3,76 |
Peppers |
R 17,34 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-4.73 % |
R 18,20 |
Chillies |
R 11,37 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
7.16 % |
R 10,61 |
Pumpkins |
R 4,78 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
11.16 % |
R 4,30 |
Mushrooms |
R 95,74 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-10.10 % |
R 106,50 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Sheep A2/3 |
R 90,37 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
1.79 % |
R 88,78 |
Feeder Lamb |
R 42,81 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-0.63 % |
R 43,08 |
Sheep AB2/3 |
R 70,61 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-1.40 % |
R 71,61 |
Sheep B2/3 |
R 60,08 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-0.96 % |
R 60,66 |
Sheep C2/3 |
R 62,90 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
4.38 % |
R 60,26 |
Ave Wool - Non RWS |
R 165,58 |
per Kg |
2023-06-15 |
0.00 % |
R 165,58 |
Ave Wool - RWS |
R 178,98 |
per Kg |
2023-06-15 |
0.00 % |
R 178,98 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Beef A2/3 |
R 47,26 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-2.40 % |
R 48,42 |
Beef Weaners |
R 32,53 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-3.39 % |
R 33,67 |
Beef AB2/3 |
R 48,58 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-0.96 % |
R 49,05 |
Beef B2/3 |
R 48,86 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
6.29 % |
R 45,97 |
Beef C2/3 |
R 45,49 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
1.65 % |
R 44,75 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Kids (under 30kg) |
R 57,30 |
per kg |
2023-07-14 |
-4.18 % |
R 59,80 |
Medium (30-40kg) |
R 54,44 |
per kg |
2023-07-14 |
9.45 % |
R 49,74 |
Large (above 40kg) |
R 36,72 |
per kg |
2023-07-14 |
-21.22 % |
R 46,61 |
Ewes (Goats) |
R 45,13 |
per kg |
2023-07-14 |
-0.38 % |
R 45,30 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Poultry Frozen |
R 34,60 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
0.96 % |
R 34,27 |
Poultry fresh |
R 34,36 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
0.56 % |
R 34,17 |
Poultry IQF |
R 32,82 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
1.17 % |
R 32,44 |
Poultry Average |
R 33,93 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
0.89 % |
R 33,63 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Pork Porkers |
R 28,67 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-0.49 % |
R 28,81 |
Pork Baconers |
R 31,01 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
2.01 % |
R 30,40 |
Pork Sausage |
R 23,55 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-0.88 % |
R 23,76 |
Pork Average |
R 28,89 |
per Kg |
2023-07-14 |
-0.28 % |
R 28,97 |