Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers South Africa junior communicator awards- 2022

Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers South Africa junior communicator awards- 2022

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Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards

Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards.

The Agricultural sector is critical in helping create a better future for all South Africans and the purpose of this competition is to encourage accurate storytelling and relaying of information within this sector. The competition seeks to create a platform where students of agriculture or journalism can publish their work and get a taste for communicating to the public and industry stakeholders and stand the chance to win some nice cash prizes.

There are two sections to the competition, one for journalism students and another for students of agricultural disciplines. The latter includes scientists and economists.

The competition closes at the end of October 2022 and the winners will be announced at an event held at the historical Villa Arcadia in Parktown in November. Villa Arcadia is the home of Hollard and we look forward to presenting this event at this special place.  

Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior kommunikeerder toekennings

Hollard is die trotse borg van die Farming Portal/Landbouskrywers SA junior kommunikeerder toekennings.

Die landbousektor speel ‘n kritieke rol in die skep van ‘n beter toekoms vir alle Suid Afrikaners. Die doel van hierdie kompetisie is dan ook om akkurate en oordrag van inligting en positiewe stories binne die landbou aan te moedig. Hierdie is ‘n platform waar studente en jongmense binne die landbou en joernalistieke omgewing hulle werk kan publiseer. So kry hulle ook ‘n voorsmakie van kommunikasie met die publiek en belanghebbers binne die sektor en staan die kans om lekker kontantpryse te wen!

Daar is twee afdelings naamlik een vir joernalistiekstudente en die ander vir studente binne die landbousektor. Dit sluit ekonome, wetenskaplikes en landboukundiges ook in.

Die kompetisie sluit aan die einde van Oktober en die wenners sal aangekondig word aan die einde van November tydens ‘n geleentheid by die historiese Villa Arcadia in Parktown. Hierdie is ook die tuiste van Hollard en ons sien uit om die geleentheid daar aan te bied.

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