Farmers in South Africa face constant uncertainty regarding weather, politics and market fluctuations - all factors out of their control.
‘Farmers make most decisions using their intuition’ noted Dr Nuthall when commenting on some recent research. Successful farmers work hard at improving their decision intuition.
The population share of older adults in the US is expected to have increased roughly three-quarters over the same period.
The trouble with junk food is that it's convenient, tasty, and cheap. When it first appeared in the 60s and 70s, it was welcomed as a sign of progress and post-war abundance.
Die voetspore wat ons nalaat, moet nie net ons nageslagte finansieel versorg nie, maar veral ook ons spore op hul harte nalaat, want goeie waardes en familieharmonie is die kosbaarste geskenk wat ons ooit kan nalaat.