Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - Health  26th June  2024

Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect - Health 26th June 2024

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.  

Exclusive to Quanlim Life-  - LIFE-I-SELECT - PLEASE TAKE NOTE - We only give you a message in this weekly Article-
(Thank you for the great response on this Weekly Article)  ( Get you marketing on this page) 
All the "quick fixes"
Your colon need to work on itself. If you keep on feeding it with all these so called natural "Herbs " that's nothing other than a "laxative" in a good way and your Colon will still be lazy.
The coarse or root of your lazy colon need to fixed- and that is not that easy unless you have the real devices to see the real problem.
It is good to clean it- but you will take out all you natural bacteria and much more. Don't keep on doing it unless you solve the problem. Watch out for not thinning your colon membrane.
Colon cleansing can be dangerous. Coffee enemas have been linked to many deaths. And in general, colon cleansing also can cause less serious side effects. These include cramping, bloating, diarrhea, upset stomach and vomiting. For some bowel conditions such as colitis or a blocked intestine, colon cleansing can lead to worse symptoms. It also can lead to complications such as bleeding in the digestive tract. Other risks of colon cleansing include:
Losing too much fluid, also called dehydration.
A tear in the rectum, also called a perforation, caused by placing a tube in the rectum.
A change in the balance of important minerals in the body called electrolytes. This can be dangerous if you have kidney or heart disease, or other health conditions.
Some very clever professionals on social media and elsewhere believe that toxins from the digestive tract can cause headaches, arthritis and other conditions. They think that colon cleansing removes toxins and boosts energy or the immune system. But there's no evidence that colon cleansing offers these helpful effects. What's more, the digestive system already gets rid of waste material and germs called bacteria from the body. Also, research doesn't show that the body holds on to toxins from regular diet or activity. This is another way of getting the toxins out.
It is your body- don't be fooled by all these diagnosed symptoms and quick fixes.
We are prohibited by the Health Professions Council’s ethical rule 23 from endorsing, preferring, supporting or marketing any specific medicine, or medical device. We give you message with the option to "READ MORE" 
Arteries are an essential part of your body that contributes to overall health and delivers oxygen-rich blood throughout your body. A tube-like structure that carries pure blood with oxygen to different parts of your body. However, atherosclerosis is a condition that can reduce the blood flow through your arteries.
The arteries can become clogged due to plaque buildup and there is no magic tool to fix it. Lifestyle changes can prevent further deposits and accumulation to improve heart health. In some cases, medical procedures or surgery may be required to clear the blockages.
A powerful antioxidant that helps to prevent oxidation of bad cholesterol, an important factor in plaque formation. Promoting better blood circulation and preventing blood clots. Regulates blood pressure and reduces inflammation that contributes to atherosclerosis, a stage where arteries are clogged. You need to lowers homocysteine level in the blood, helps the arteries from getting damaged lining and promotes plaque buildup. It is necessary to keep your homocysteine level lower to have healthier arteries.
With this GREAT Flue- Called Varkgriep- or whatever- the virus enjoy this kind of blood that look like spaghetti - and this is why most of all these sick people have lung problems and other blood clots.
OXYGEN is the problem- 
Stop treating the symptoms - get to the root and the coarse
BIOFILM need your attention -
BIOFILM in your body- and with all the nice DRINKS full of sugar it will make you even more prone for all these inflammations.
Undigested food- Bacteria - Undigested Fat- Sugar- syrup- undigested Protein - will make BIOFILM in your organs - BAD SLUDGE -
LIFE is a CHOICE- you rather keep your body HEALTHY or be in the hands of PHARMA-
Freeze your Fatcells is a new concept. They say you can say goodbye to stubborn fat cells as they freeze. Don't be naive to believe this as it's all symptoms related.
The real problem for getting overweight is not resolve and the side effect will come later. Dont play with your health on "quick fixes"
Protect your body.
Instead ..try to take a few cold showers and then a hot one. But you also need to burn fat.. to understand that what you put in your mouth every day.
But you need to attend to the coarse of your overweight and not the symptoms .
Quanlim life we care.

Some people don't believe in heroes but they haven't met my dad !!!
A daughter needs a DAD to be the standard against which she will judge all men.
Dad is a son's first Hero... and a daughters first love
Every house need the muscular energy of a real man
Daughters will be more attached to her father between the ages of 5 and 7 years.
Dad's are responsible for his daughters Spiritual well being and his son emotional well being.
A dad is a person you look up to no matter how tall you grow!
We have so much children growing up without fathers .. and most of them fall apart at one stage of their life.
Why are so many dads absent?
Enjoy your day with the one and only YOUR DAD.
Let us assist you with your methylation - We have the correct product to treat this after we did a full scan.  STOP using all kinds of LIVER  CLEANSES  and COLON CLEANSES -
YOU will use it for the rest of your life- and the side effects is huge-  It is all BRANDED - NATURAL-  all good- but think TWICE.  You need to get to the root of the problem. You need to find the real coarse on DNA level. Nobody can diagnose you on eye level

Prediabetes means you have a higher than normal blood sugar level. It's not high enough to be considered type 2 diabetes yet. But without lifestyle changes, adults and children with prediabetes are at high risk to develop type 2 diabetes. If you have prediabetes, the long-term damage of diabetes — especially to your heart, blood vessels and kidneys — may already be starting. There's good news, however. Progression from prediabetes to type 2 diabetes isn't inevitable. Eating healthy foods, making physical activity part of your daily routine and staying at a healthy weight can help bring your blood sugar level back to normal. The same lifestyle changes that can help prevent type 2 diabetes in adults might also help bring children's blood sugar levels back to normal.

Parkinson’s disease is the fastest growing neurodegenerative disorder worldwide, with the World Health Organization estimating that more than 8.5 million people  were living with the disorder in 2019. Since 1990, the number people with Parkinson’s has more than doubled worldwide. The risk of developing Parkinson’s increases with age, and men are 50% more likely to develop it than women. Other risk factors include genetics, exposure to environmental toxins, and past traumatic brain injury. Symptoms occur when nerve cells in the basal ganglia, an area of the brain that controls movement, are damaged and die, so stop producing the neurotransmitter dopamine. This leads to tremors, muscle stiffness, slow movement, impaired balance and coordination, emotional changes, and gastrointestinal symptoms. Studies have suggested that an imbalance in gut microbiota may contribute to the development of Parkinson’s disease. And you need a certain Vitamine that is essential-   ONLY ONE WAY TO TREAT- THE RIGHT WAY- and we can assist you.

A full Methylation scan and test will assist you in knowing the status of your genes and DNA. This is the only way to find out what is wrong in your DNA- No blood Test- 
and with our knowledge of Epic Genetics we will assist you in getting rid of this irritation.
The higher your Histamine- the lower you Methylation-  the higher your Homocysteine - and the result is a Income for the Medical profession and a unhealthy unbalanced body for you.  Only one way to treat it- Let us assist you. Stop playing around with your health - get to the root- you only treating the symptoms. 
MESSAGE -  Very serious- as this is part of the Corporate world in most cases. 

The last few years I saw a lot of Highly Professional business men and women using "uppers and downers" to cope with their lifestyle- it is part ot their life and some are prescribed by Pharma-
Young people- highly qualified and clever and brilliant in their work also make use of these devastating drugs to "COPE" - What a bad habit.!!! Slowly destroying their life.
We already placed an article about VAPING -SMOKING - DRINKING.
Drugs go by a variety of different names including their generic name, brand name, and street names. “Uppers” and “downers” are informal drug classifications used to describe how a drug affects the central nervous system. “Uppers” are what’s known as stimulants while “downers” are what is classified as depressants. These two slang terms encompass many different substances, some legal, and some not.
As their contrasting names imply, uppers and downers have opposing effects on the body. Mixing them can be catastrophic, but so can doubling up on multiple drugs that have the same effect (i.e. using two uppers or two downers simultaneously). Something that both types of drugs have in common? Uppers and downers can be addictive and highly dangerous.
Uppers is a slang term used to refer to stimulants, a group of drugs that increase energy, alertness, and mood, and can also heighten feelings of self-confidence or sexual prowess. Stimulants work by speeding up the messages that are sent and received between the brain and the central nervous system (CNS).
The high that uppers produce is invigorating, but the result of a process that puts tremendous strain on the body. Uppers increased cardiovascular and respiratory functions to dangerous degrees that can overwhelm the body. If you’ve ever felt an adrenaline rush before, you likely felt shaky, weak, or dizzy once it passed. This is similar to what stimulant drug users experience once a stimulant wears off. Feelings of exhaustion and depression set in and users seek more uppers to ward off what’s known as a “crash”.
Legal stimulants, like coffee or ADHD medications, can help improve focus and concentration. However, take too much, and the side effect of overstimulation is likely to result in cardiac distress such as high blood pressure, irregular heartbeats, heart failure, or a stroke. Such an occurrence is even more likely with the use of illicit stimulants, which are extremely powerful and have no safe levels of use.
Examples of Uppers
Ritalin (children)
Concerta (children)
Nicknames for Upper Drugs
One of the key ways to know what you or a loved one is taking is by knowing the nicknames of various uppers. Amphetamines like Adderall and Ritalin may go by nicknames such as speed, jelly beans, or addys. Meth often goes by crank, ice, or bump. Cocaine may go by coke, dust, snow, blow, or white.
On the opposite end of the drug side effect spectrum are downers. This slang term refers to CNS depressants, the types of drugs that produce a sedative effect by slowing down the messages sent and received between the central nervous system and the brain. They make the individual feel relaxed or tired and are often highly effective at minimizing feelings of pain. The natural opposites of uppers and downers decrease alertness and focus.
Legal sedatives help manage anxiety, epilepsy, and insomnia but are dangerous when abused. Illegal sedatives such as narcotics, are never safe to abuse in any amount and are notorious for being highly addictive.
Depressants slow central nervous system functions, such as breathing and heart rate. This can cause dangerously low oxygen levels in the body and result in a coma. Lack of oxygen is the biggest risk of abusing downers. When too great of a dose is taken, possible outcomes include overdose and death.
Examples of Downers
Benzodiazepines (Xanax, Klonopin, Halcion, and Librium)
Barbiturates (Amytal, Numbutal, and Seconal)
Prescription painkillers (BAD)
Nicknames for Downer Drugs
Similar to uppers, knowing the slang nicknames for downers is extremely beneficial. Benzodiazepines like Xanax may go by nicknames such as blues, candy, or z bars. Barbiturates may also go by blues or bluebirds.
Knowing how uppers and downers exert opposite effects on the central nervous system, you can imagine what a bad idea it is to combine them. However, it’s very common for recreational drug users to mix uppers and downers, and take alcohol and energy drinks for example, a staple at most bars.
People mistakenly believe that the effects of one type of drug will cancel the other out. They often do this to “even out” accidental overuse of one type of drug (conversely, most people continue using the same or same type of drug to stave off the come down from their high) or simply to manipulate their mental state. Both the physiological and neurological consequences of such actions can be devastating.
Every time u use these drugs you destroying your health and your life and putting "stress" on your family - If you a Father and Mother- think TWICE - you have children who need you in their life and maybe follow your bad habits -
Apart from this- you put "stress" on your love one's when you do not take responsibility for your life- you will surely get sick and fall in the hands of PHARMA if you grow old- maybe not old- but soon- This is enormous financial implications and sick for the rest of your life-
Get your gut healthy and start controlling what you eat and drink. Most of the time it is a nutrition and digestive problem-
Visit a real Professional Health practitioner with years of real practical experience to get to the root of the problem - stop treating your symptoms with these "drugs"
WAKE UP take control of your life- do your part and be alive.
Quanlim life - your way to a better life.
"FAT BURNERS"- is die laaste spyker in jou goeie gesondheid- die pille is nie geprogrammeer om net die VET weg te brand op die plekke wat jy dit wil he nie-
Dit brand  waarskynlik heel eerste in jou BREIN - dan verloor jy daardie vetselle-  Moenie NAIVE wees nie - Dink voor jy alles drink wat vir jou gegee word in 'n pil.
It is time that you read all the SIDE EFFECTS if your Prescribed Drugs-  it's not that simple- it's serious.


Sukses en geld- Dis is die norm wat vandag geld in die besigheids wereld. Mense vertel jou eers wat die persoon se titel en wat hy besit -
Sukses begin in jou huis- Suksesvolle man- vrou en suksesvolle Pa of Ma- Liefde en omgee en absolute "support"
Daagliks sien mens die manne met hulle sogenaamde suksesvolle besighede in die media- "Show" op alle gebiede- Duur motors- plase- besighede- en by die huis 'n stukkende huisgesin.
Jou titel- Jou salaris- jou grade en toekenings - jou motors - jou huis en eiendom wat bestaan uit sement,kongreet, rubber, plastiek en metaal maak nie van jou 'n beter mens nie- Word wakker- wat jy geplant het gaan jy oes. Ons bly in 'n siek wereld-
Jy is nie skaap om ander mense te volg nie- nog minder om aan die lippe van sogenaamde suksevolle persone of sportmanne of sangers se lippe te hang nie. Aan jou vriende word geken. 
Staan by huisgesin- en by kinders- Wees 'n voorbeeld- Wees 'n MAN -
Sosiale media is vol van baie slim mense wat vir jou baie stories vertel oor gewigsverlies- duur programme- allerhande rate en metodes en "quick fixes" en in baie gevalle gaan jy weer gewig optel.
Jy is uniek- Daar is 'n rede hoekom jy oorgewig is- dalk baie redes- en voor jy nie weet wat die rede is nie- gaan jy jou geld mors... kry eers die oorsaak reg en volg dan 'n program wat presies by jou liggaam aanpas.
Jou DNA speel 'n baie belangrike rol in jou algemene gesondheid en gewig - 
Bly weg van al die programme  met al die beloftes- veral die wat so aanlyn spog.
Moenie 'n pil in jou mond sit as jy nie weet wat presies fout is in jou liggaam nie en of die pil verteer en of die pil newe effekte het. 


Suid Afrika en sy nuwe mediese wet-

Niemand in Suid Afrika wil in enige staatshospitaal beland nie- inteendeel daar is sekere privaat hospitale wat ook nie meer so op standaard is nie.- Jy en net alleen is verantwoordelik vir jou gesondheid- en daarom moes jy al lankal 'n besluit geneem het om uit die hande van die mediese wereld te bly- Jou mediesefonds soek altyd redes om jou nie ten volle te betaal nie- Die mediesewereld het jou liggaam nodig om geld te maak- dis waarom jy beheer moet he oor jou gesondheid en dit onderhou-

Alternatiewe gesondheid het ook sy eie probleme- en moenie toelaat dat jy weereens op simptome behandel word nie- daar is baie metodes- maar daar is net 'n paar wat reg is.  Die mense in Gesondheidswinkels het baie kennis oor produkte- maar het nie kennis oor jou gesondheid nie. 


Never put supplements in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy, and not part of your body. You need to know what is really wrong in your body,before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms.

Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.

Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body.  BOOK your session today - 

25 years of real Health - www.lifeiselect.co.za
It's always good to see happy healthy clients when they come back and they feel better and look better. It's not easy to keep cancer patients positive while getting chemo. We always do our best to assist them and support them. To see how these people get better ..feel better..and start living again is such a privilege. They always come back and they maintain their health. Most of changed their habits and walking a new path. Satisfied and thankful for the knowledge we obtained over 20 years of practical health experience. Let us assist you in getting your real Health back. We are getting great results on our exclusive methylation scanning  program- what a pleasure to get to the root of the problem. You need to feel good about yourself- you need to be healthy and look healthy- 
Let us assist you in getting to the ROOT of your problem
Thanks for all the positive replies - 
By ons is jy spesiaal- en wil ons jou gesond sien- Vry van al die kwale en allerhande Sintetiese pille en voorgeskrewe pille wat jou liggaam verniel en jou ontneem van 'n gesonde liggaam.  Jy kan gesond word as jy die regte plan en metode volg-  
Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius -  
Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria - Gesonde gesondheid sorg- en 25 jaar van praktiese ondervinding
You can book at Quanlim@cramedia.co.za 
Our Name on our products -  Q-JOHANN
We only give you a message- you need to do more research to understand - You are responsible for your Health - don't be a sheep to follow the crowd and make sure you know what is wrong in your body before you only treat the symptoms - we live in 2024 .
 Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life and Life i select
We have our own EXCLUSIVE range of  real healthy Supplements-   
Only available in our Practise if we know what is wrong inside your body.
Good quality-
1) Pure Bile
2) Tissue Renowal
3) Quanlim Greens
4) Betaine Hydrochloride acid ( Exclusive)
5) Methylated Folate
6) Ultimate Digest.
7) Methylated B12
8) Ultimate Maintenance
9) Methylated HOMOSYSTEINE - Assist. 
10) Colon Assist
11) Neuro Sciatica assist. 
12) Histamine assist.
13) P5P -
15) Natrocine 
More coming up- Not available in the open market 
Ons maandelikse inligtings seminare is 'n "eye opener" vir elkeen wat dit bywoon. Dis lekker om te sien hoe mense reageer rondom ware Gesondheid en begin om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir hulle eie gesondheid . Saam met dit sien ons hoe mense met 'n ander oog kyk na die onverskillige gebruik "Supplements" en die newe effekte van dit en PHARMA se voorgeskrewe "drugs" - 
Saam met dit besef mense dat hulle moet ophou om simptome te wil behandel as liewer na die oorsaak te kyk. Ons sien baie jong en ouer manne en vroue wat alreeds op allerhande voorgeskrewe medikasie is wat baie newe effekte het. Die samelewing en die bekommernisse dra by tot  hierdie epidemie.  Daar is net een manier - Die regte manier.
Ons lewe in 2024- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons liggame wil geld maak.
Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- ons wil jou gesond sien-


We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.


Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.

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