In recent years, the carbon footprint of livestock production has received a fair amount of criticism from environmentalists, journalists and even legislators. Some consumers have cited it as a reason for eliminating meat from their diets.
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In recent years, the carbon footprint of livestock production has received a fair amount of criticism from environmentalists, journalists and even legislators. Some consumers have cited it as a reason for eliminating meat from their diets.
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Agriculture has gone through quite a revolution over the past two centuries, with the introduction of tractors, chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers in the last century. But since the dawn of agriculture thousands of years ago, one thing remained a very common practice right up to now - plowing the soil. In fact, a quick drive through Orange County will help you quickly see that this practice remains common.
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South Africa has to ramp up its conservation efforts, including in the protection of threatened and endangered species, in order to meet its international commitments by 2030 as a signatory to the Convention on Biological Diversity.
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Healthy soils
If you pay attention to news in agricultural production, you have probably seen the term “regenerative” somewhere lately
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Climate change is altering weather patterns around the world. We’re witnessing an unprecedented rise in droughts in some areas and devastating floods in others.