• The internet gives wildlife traders new tools for illegal trade‚ and others the means to fight back.

  • China says it will allow trading in products made from endangered tigers and rhinos under "special circumstances," reversing a previous ban and bringing condemnation from conservation groups.

  • Many of the creatures that share this planet with us may not be around much longer.

  • Earlier this year, a panel appointed by Minister of Fisheries, Forestry and the Environment Barbara Creecy released a comprehensive report reviewing policies, legislation and practices relating to the management and trade of lion, elephant, leopard and black and white rhino. The department subsequently developed and gazetted a draft policy position on the conservation and ecologically sustainable use of the same five species.

    The draft policy has intensified an ongoing discourse with extremely polarised positions characterised by those who advocate trade in rhino horn and those who oppose it. We take this opportunity to frame a new discourse on the future of rhino conservation in South Africa.

    First, some background

    South Africa is widely acknowledged as having saved the southern white rhino from extinction in the early part of the 20th century. This was done by securing the remaining rhino clustered around the confluence of the black and white iMfolozi Rivers (commonly cited to be fewer than 100 rhinos) from ongoing and indiscriminate hunting. Continental numbers of the subspecies subsequently grew to more than 21,000 in 2012. 

    There are parallels with the two subspecies of black rhino. During the second half of the 20th century, under sustained levels of indiscriminate hunting of rhino for their horn, which took place in all range states, continental numbers crashed from an estimated 65,000 to 2,500 in 1992. Their numbers have since recovered to 5,500 black rhino in Africa, of which about 35% to 40% are in South Africa. 

    Following a two-decade hiatus in poaching which ended in 2008, the past 13 years has been a period in which rhino have again experienced significant poaching pressure. More than 8,000 rhino, the bulk of which were white rhino, were killed in South Africa alone. The situation is very serious, and whether we like it or not, the fate of Africa’s rhino will depend to a significant extent on decisions and actions that we take as a country – the next five to 10 years is going to be a critical period. 

    Once the number of white rhino had recovered to around 650 individuals in the 1970s, measures were taken to expand their range out of iMfolozi Game Reserve. Founder populations were placed in other state-protected areas, including Kruger National Park (KNP), and subsequently on to private properties. Promulgation of the Game Theft Act in 1991 made provision for private ownership of rhinos. This meant that rhinos could be legally traded and, along with other wildlife, a rhino economy was established as individual rhinos acquired financial value. During the hiatus in poaching, many property owners, estimated to be over 300 at the peak, saw opportunities to buy and maintain small populations of rhino.

    Since the resurgence in poaching, rhino losses have not been evenly spread. State-run protected areas, notably KNP and Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, have experienced the bulk of the poaching and the number of white rhinos has declined alarmingly. We estimate that more than 50% of white rhino are currently privately owned.


    The fivefold increase in security costs over the past decade has resulted in many private owners divesting in rhinos and a concomitant 75% decline in the auction price for a rhino. Others have used this opportunity to buy rhinos, leading to consolidation of private rhino ownership. These “rhino investors” now own an estimated 45% or more of all privately owned white rhino in South Africa. 

    Security remains a significant challenge for these properties and there is an associated tendency towards higher densities of rhino being kept on many of the properties. Under these conditions, there is commonly not sufficient natural grazing and rhinos are provided supplementary feed as well as additional veterinary care. In the absence of a meaningful market for rhinos, many private owners have for a long time been advocating for the opening of formal channels to trade legally in rhino horn in order to cover their costs. 

    This brings us back to the draft policy position that we opened with. With respect to rhino management, the draft policy proposes, among others, reversal of the domestication and intensification of management of rhino. In relation to trade-related issues, it proposes, among others, that South Africa implement the recommendations of a 2014 Commission of Inquiry (CoI) on rhino horn trade. The recommendations relate to security, community empowerment, biological management, responsive legislative provisions and demand management, and to finding a mechanism to sustainably fund the future of rhino conservation. 

    Reimagining rhino conservation in South Africa

    In this context, instead of asking how we can fund current rhino conservation efforts, we propose that we should be using the crisis to step back and ask how we can conserve rhino in a manner that best advances current and anticipated future national environmental, social and political landscapes. This requires that we set out a bold vision for rhino conservation, for which we then set about identifying appropriate interventions and figuring out how to fund them. 

    As a contribution to taking this debate forward, we propose South Africa should re-envision itself as home to thriving populations of both species of rhino, with ownership shared between state, private and community actors, and which contribute to our cultural and natural heritages and to the economic wellbeing of their custodians and the country. In our efforts, we should seek to work with other range states.

    Three important challenges to overcome in achieving this vision in the short to medium terms are, first, to agree on and implement models for the more equitable sharing of ownership and management of rhino. Second, we need to secure sufficient expansive parcels of land for each subspecies, populated with large enough populations of each subspecies of rhino to satisfy their demographic, ecological, behavioural and population genetic requirements. Third, we need to sustainably finance the capital and operational costs of the new sites. 

    We believe these game-changing interventions will put South Africa firmly in the driving seat of reviving thriving wild rhino populations with inclusive ownership across the country.

    Conservation in general, and rhino conservation in particular, continues to be seen as untransformed and the preserve of the few in South Africa. Currently, fewer than 10 properties have rhino in which community members have full or partial ownership. Considering the national imperative to transform participation and ownership patterns, clear and material steps need to be taken to increase access to wildlife ownership and participation in conservation by those previously disenfranchised, particularly rural communities.

    As highlighted in the CoI recommendations, community empowerment is an important consideration for any future conservation initiative. It is also important to define models for community ownership that do not set the recipients up to fail by supplying rhinos without the necessary infrastructure, expertise, security and financial resources to manage them. At the same time, we need to seek ways to minimise the pitfalls of elite capture by new players.

    We need to build on our strengths and minimise our weaknesses. There is little doubt that private rhino owners have contributed significantly to increasing the numbers of rhino in South Africa and should be encouraged to continue playing a role in the conservation of these animals in future. The question is, how? Rhino need large land parcels in which they are able to graze naturally in the veld and select their own mates. They must be able to do what rhino do naturally, without being killed unnecessarily.

    Knowing this, and recognising the high degree of compartmentalisation, unnatural densities and commonly skewed sex ratios with limited mate choice that exist, it is clear that there is currently a degree of suboptimal conservation management taking place in the sphere of private rhino ownership. In other words, conservation is more than simply a numbers game and this needs to be addressed. 

    It is also important to bear in mind that, contrary to popular opinion, owning rhino is not necessarily lucrative any more. There was a two-decade “bubble” in which poaching levels were low and space to expand rhino numbers was plenty, and some made money. These conditions no longer exist, and we should not rely on such conditions prevailing again in future. 

    The National Protected Area Expansion Strategy (Npaes) provides a possible mechanism for identifying and securing land that meets the need for protecting priority areas, while at the same time promoting partnerships between the state and private or communal landowners. The Npaes encourages the use of the Biodiversity Stewardship Programme (BSP) for this purpose. The BSP is structured to enable private or community landowners to partner with the state by declaring their land as contractual national parks or nature reserves.

    We should be using these established tools and seeking opportunities to meet both protected area expansion priorities and rhino conservation needs, while at the same time contributing to a national transformation imperative by increasing access to wildlife ownership and participation in conservation. 

    It is likely that not all suitable land for protected area expansion and rhino conservation will coincide with community land, or that communities will elect not to declare a portion of their land. In these instances, where community land is not contributed to as part of a partnership, it will still be important to consider issues of participation and ownership in wildlife conservation, and contractual arrangements, which distinguish between land ownership and wildlife ownership, can be explored. If carefully thought through, and honestly brokered, this may enable community ownership in wildlife and rhino conservation, even where they do not have land equity in a protected area.

    Importantly, it will contribute to increasing access to the wildlife economy in a manner that embraces and strengthens sound conservation biology, and this will bode well for the future. The experiences of innovation in this regard in Namibia, Zimbabwe and Kenya, as well as other countries, can provide lessons to guide our decision-making. 

    While we do not have easy solutions to the financing problem, we propose that we should be looking far more actively at a range of options. These include philanthropy, public-private-community partnerships, social impact bonds for communities adjacent to national parks, tax incentives and other innovative approaches to securing a national herd of each subspecies of rhino.

    Although the future of ecotourism is uncertain in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic, there is little doubt that it can play a role in future revenue streams. Influential global sentiment is increasingly unsupportive of hunting and trade in rhino horn, and will likely influence our decisions.

    Once the management of populations of all three subspecies of rhino has been stabilised, and we as a nation can reliably account for them, there may be opportunities for revenue to be generated by legally trading in the horn that is collected from natural rhino mortalities and from ecologically appropriate and well-managed hunting operations – but we should not rely on this being an option. 

    To conclude 

    There are many details to be thought through and many hurdles to navigate, but we are arguing that we should not allow the current crisis to leave us locked into a narrow set of options at this time. 

    By using conservation biology, leveraging partnerships between the state, the private sector, communities and NGOs, and attending to national imperatives for transformation and protected area expansion, we can be bold in our vision that most South Africans recognise value and feel a sense of ownership over what is uniquely ours: our landscapes, cultural heritage and our biodiversity, including its wildlife.

    As we enter into a world that is increasingly stressed from the climate crisis, habitat loss and biodiversity loss, and as we increasingly rapidly learn that our ecosystems are not external to our economy but are integral to our wellbeing, we need to increase the value that every citizen places on our biodiversity and natural heritage, including rhino – this can only happen if ownership and access are more equitably shared. 

  • ore than a thousand rhinos were dehorned in this park last year to make them less desirable targets for poaching syndicates.

    Releasing the latest rhino poaching statistics yesterday (6 March) Environment Minister Dion George welcomed the “encouraging downward trend” in poaching, particularly in KZN, where poaching deaths dropped from 325 rhinos in 2023 to 232 last year.

    “From January to December 2024, 420 rhinos were poached in South Africa, with 320 being killed on state properties and 100 on privately owned parks, reserves or farms. This was a decrease (of 79) in comparison to 499 rhinos poached in 2023.

    “The hardest hit province continues to be KwaZulu-Natal that lost 232 rhinos; however, this is a notable decline from the 325 that were lost in 2023. The significant reduction can largely be attributed to the Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife Dehorning Programme, that was implemented in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park from April to October 2024.

    “The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) funded programme had an immediate impact, with monthly poaching numbers dropping from 35 in April to fewer than 10 per month between May and September 2024.

    “In October, however, poaching syndicates adapted their tactics and began targeting dehorned rhinos, leading to a sudden spike in poaching incidents in Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park and in that month alone, the province lost 27 rhinos. Fortunately, the provincial anti-rhino poaching team responded swiftly, intercepting the new syndicate and preventing further losses. The considerable efforts resulted in the province ultimately achieving a 67% decline in rhino poaching over the eight months,” George’s statement said.

    Steady drop

    Jeff Cooke, the manager of WWF South Africa’s rhino conservation unit, that has been assisting Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife with a massive operation to dehorn rhinos in the Hluhluwe-iMfolozi Park, noted that the dehorning began only in April, leading to a steady drop in poaching during the last eight months of the year.

    “It’s looking much better each month,” he said, recalling that more than 100 rhinos were gunned down in the first four months of the year, (before the dehorning operation began).

      Rhino of South Africa

    Nevertheless, Cooke cautioned that it was essential for all rhino reserves to regularly dehorn their animals, as the horns continue to grow after being shaved off with chainsaws, without damaging the growth plate at the horn base.

    It was likely, he said, that recent dehorning in KZN had deflected poaching pressure from this province back towards the Kruger National Park and other rhino reserves.

    George confirmed that 88 rhinos were poached in Kruger last year – 10 more animals than the 78 deaths reported for Kruger National Park in 2023.  

    “Up until the end of November 2024, rhino losses reported in the Kruger National Park stood at 67, but a significant escalation in rhino poaching activities was experienced during December 2024 and this has continued into January 2025.

    “ A total of 21 rhino were reported poached in Kruger National Park during December 2024 and a further 17 were reported poached during January 2025.  This escalation in rhino poaching in the Kruger National Park is of great concern.”

    He said SANParks and Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife were both continuing to implement “a number of actions and initiatives” to reduce poaching in hotspot areas, including polygraph (lie-detector) tests for conservation staff. These tests had led to the arrests of at least two rangers in Kruger.

    (Graphic: Supplied by DFFE)

    (Graphic: Supplied by DFFE)

    (Graphic: Supplied by DFFE)

    While the latest statistics appear to be a cause for hope, it remains difficult to measure the true significance of the latest decline in poaching deaths as a percentage of the total population. This is because annual statistical estimates on the total remaining population of rhinos in South African reserves are not publicised for security reasons.

    However, total rhino numbers have been dropping dramatically since around 2008, the year poaching began to escalate significantly in South Africa – reaching an annual killing rate of more than 1,000 animals a year for five consecutive years between 2013 and 2017.

    The worst year was 2014, when 1,215 rhinos were shot and butchered nationally.

    Poaching deaths have since declined steadily, partly because there are now fewer rhinos to poach and also due to more effective security measures and dehorning programmes.

    However, dehorning still has limitations due to high costs and because there have been several cases of dehorned rhinos being killed to extract their remnant horn stumps, especially with older animals and those that are not dehorned regularly.

    In his statement, Minister George said he was encouraged that there had been “some very good convictions in relation to rhino related cases, with lengthy direct imprisonment terms “.

    “However, the time that it takes to finalise many of these cases does remain a concern and unfortunately where the suspects are released on bail, the data tells us that a large number of them continue to commit crimes (often relating to rhino poaching and/or horn trafficking). Accordingly, expediting these cases through our courts as well as vigorously opposing bail will no doubt result in safeguarding more rhino.”

    He noted the recent conviction of Francis Kipampa, a 50-year-old Congolese citizen who had become a major role-player in the buying of rhino horns in Gauteng. 

    He was sentenced in January to 18 years’ imprisonment, of which eight years were suspended for five years), during a collaborative investigation into organised crime and money laundering known as Project Blood Orange.

    In a second case, Ntsako Miaas Maluleke and Phanuel Vutivi Chabalala (arrested at OR Tambo Airport in 2018 en route to Vietnam with two boxes containing 27 rhino horns) were convicted last year and sentenced to 20 years in jail (five years of which was suspended, resulting in an effective 15 years in prison)

    Two Kruger Park rangers, Lucky Mkanzi and Joe Sihlangu, were also sentenced to an effective term of 20 years each after being convicted on several charges related to assisting in rhino poaching in the Crocodile Bridge area for financial reward.

  • South Africa's efforts to curb rhino poaching continue to produce results, with 2018 figures revealing that incidents had dropped to 769, down from 1 028 in 2017.

  • In a first for megafauna, half of SA’s white rhino population is now privately owned. And, given the precarious outlook for the animals elsewhere, it is conceivable that most rhinos worldwide will soon be in private hands. However, some private owners say they may not be able to sustain the costs of maintaining their herds if the global ban on the horn trade remains in place.

  • The planned sale of a rhino impact bond, aimed at growing the population of the endangered black rhino, is seen by its backers as a test for the creation of a conservation debt market that could be used for everything from protecting species facing extinction to preserving wildlife areas.

  • South African rhino farmers own half of the rhino population in the country - an estimated 15 000 to 18 000 rhinos - but many of them have already started to get rid of their animals and are considering discontinuing rhino farming, as it is not profitable.

  • In the midst of the complex debate about whether or not to trade in rhino horn, I would like to address one important subplot:

  • Botswana, Namibia and Zimbabwe will be submitting protest documents that will allow them to legally trade in elephants, rhinos and giraffes. 

  • Rhino poaching in Namibia has reduced significantly, to 41 in 2019 compared to the 72 killed in 2018, says the Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET).

    Namibia has the second largest population of white rhinos in the world after South Africa and, according to NGO Save the Rhino, it holds one-third of the world’s remaining black rhinos.

    Rhino poaching in Namibia has fluctuated over the years – from 95 in 2015 to to 60 in 2016, 36 in 2017 and 72 in 2018. These statistics are measured from January to December each year.

    Despite the horn comprising mostly of keratin – a protein that makes up your hair and nails – the demand for rhino horn continues to be high in East Asia where it is considered a medicine for multiple ailments, and is also prized by business elites as trinkets because of its rarity.

    While cracking down on rhino poaching, Namibia is also lobbying against the rules that govern the global trade in endangered species, after other countries rejected proposals to relax restrictions on legal hunting and exporting of its white rhinos. Namibia wants to allow more trophy hunting of rhinos and export of live animals, arguing that the funds it would raise would help it to protect the species, an argument rejected in August of this year by countries that are party to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). For further information about this topic read this opinion post by a conservation specialist justifying the hunting of black rhinos.

  • A decision by South Africa’s government to include more than 30 wild species—including rhinos, lions, and cheetahs—on a list of animals that can be improved by breeding and genetic research could cause considerable damage to their genetic diversity, scientists warn today in the South African Journal of Science.

  • During the time of former Minister of Environmental Affairs Dr Edna Molewa (now deceased), the department used to hold several press briefings a year, allowing us to study the stats and ask questions directly to the Minister and her assembled panel of experts and ministers from the security cluster.

  • The past few weeks have not been easy for Nico Jacobs, founder of Rhino 911, a nonprofit that provides emergency helicopter transport for rhinoceroses in need of rescue in South Africa. That’s because times are much worse for the rhinos.

  • In 1993, one nation set out to conserve an iconic species; 27 years later, its success deserves note.

  • The northern white rhinoceros. The passenger pigeon. The Javan tiger. The golden toad. The Pinta Island tortoise. These are just some of the dozens of land-based vertebrate species that have gone extinct over the past century. Many more will likely follow them into oblivion soon, a team of scientists warns in a new study which makes for sobering reading.

  • The decomposing remains of an adult white rhino lie in the bush. Its horn has been cut off – the bleached skull and vertebrae the only evidence it ever existed.

  • The High Level Panel for wildlife management introduced in 2019 by Barbara Creecy, Minister of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries, is a major opportunity to consider alternative and innovative ways to protect and grow endangered species.

  • It started as a relatively innocuous morning spent recording midden positions for a research project, barely 200 metres from our vehicle.