AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 20th December 2020

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Hollard Insure together with and AGRI NEWS NET, invites submissions for the Young Agri Writers competition. This is an opportunity for aspiring writers under the age of 28 to be published and win prizes for their efforts.

The competition is open to any young writers under the age of 28. Learners, students, postgraduates, and those already employed are encouraged to take part. Participants may not be published journalists. Articles relating to any agricultural subject can be submitted for judging and should be between 500 and 750 words. Articles may be written in the language of choice of the participant, but all articles must be submitted in English (if translated the original text must accompany the submission) and be the original work of the entrant.

The top 10 articles will each receive a cash prize of R1000. The top 3 articles will win R5000, R3000 and R2000 respectively for first, second and third places.

A new technique for measuring the ripeness of avocados could reduce waste by up to 10% and help fulfill consumer demand for ready-to-eat fruit.Developed and tested by Cranfield University in the U.K., the technology uses a laser and small vibration to test the individual fruits’ resonant frequency, giving a reliable assessment of ripeness without damaging the avocado.

Suid Afrika -Vyf weke vir uitvoer en 19 weke vir die plaaslike mark. Dít is hoe lank die wynbedryf vanjaar nie toegelaat is om handel te dryf nie of aan beperkings onderworpe was weens Covid-19- inperkingsregulasies. Teen middel September het wynverkope plaaslik en internasionaal reeds met 7,4% geval.

The Packer’s Organic Fresh Trends 2021 updates consumer attitudes and purchasing behaviors of U.S. consumers toward organic produce. Retail data show that organic sales have increased during the COVID-19 pandemic, and Fresh Trends research reveals the extent of market penetration by commodity.

LEES MEER- AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 6th December 2020

Suid Afrika -Besnoeiings aan sy begroting, ’n moratorium op die vul van 78 vakante poste en ekstra werk bemoeilik die grondeisekommissie se taak om meer as 6 000 uitstaande grondeise te finaliseer. Die kommissie het vroeg in 2020 ’n projek begin om sy administratiewe en sakeprosesse te hersien sodat uitstaande eise vinniger afgehandel kan word.

Daagliks sien ons in die media hoe die edelagbare President die Ekonomie van Suid Afrika wil " Reset" maar nodeloos om te se - baie min van ons dink dat hy en sy regering en sy ekonome wat so graag saam met hom praat weer waar die "reset" knoppie sit. Daar is hope beloftes en uitsprake en die President staan altyd en praat met 'n sak vol geld wat hy iewers geleen of gebedel het.

The higher rainfall isn’t only conducive for the crop farmers but all agricultural subsectors – entire field crops, livestock and horticulture. The higher field crops output would ideally mean that feed prices could soften, which benefits the livestock sector. Importantly, the pastures will also be improved by the rains which are to the benefit of the livestock.

Ná vele terugslae en probleme begin vertroue in die landbousektor kop optel. Hierdie neiging is ook te sien in grondpryse, wat die afgelope jare aansienlik gedaal het, maar die afgelope paar maande gestabiliseer of selfs begin styg het.

New findings share how prescribed fire and no-till management impact soil microbes.-Using no-till and prescribed fire management are two potential ways to manage crop residue. Both practices help keep organic matter and nitrogen in the soil. However, research was needed to understand how these two practices can affect long-term soil health.

The South African wine industry anticipates a promising 2021 wine grape harvest, according to the industry’s first crop estimate. According to industry bodies Sawis (SA Wine Industry Information & Systems) and Vinpro, winemakers and viticulturists were positive about the quality of the crop, and at this early stage estimated a wine grape crop bordering on the 2020 figure of close to 1.3 million tons.

The use of drones has become increasingly widespread, especially in the agricultural industry. It is a growing trend, although in its infancy in South Africa, for farmers to integrate the use of drones to assist with crop management, production, and fighting the effects of climate change.

Livestock markets remained resilient with prices up across most categories as they wind down ahead of the December holidays in a week’s time. The strength in livestock prices was underpinned by good demand and supply tightness following the easing of lockdown conditions to level 1 of the risk adjusted strategy to control the Covid-19 spread.

In total, black soils cover about 7 percent of the ice-free land surface and are distributed as follow: Chernozems cover an estimated of 230 million hectares worldwide as a continuous belt in steppe and forest-steppe landscapes in: Russia and Ukraine -The Great Plains of the US Northern Kazakhstan, and in some countries of Central Europe.

Teen einde Oktober het 836 van die 905 polisiekantore die landelike veiligheidstrategie in werking gestel, landelike veiligheidskoördineerders aangestel en landelike veiligheidskomitees gestig, het adj.pres. David Mabuza in antwoord op ’n parlementêre vraag gesê.

Suid Afrika -Die markprys vir Soja in Amerika het positief verhandel sedert die vorige sessie. Die goeie vraag na Amerikaanse sojavoorrade het kommer uitgespreek oor die moontlike oestekorte in Suid-Amerika wat die wêreldwye eindvoorraad vlakke bevraagteken, aangesien die weervooruitsigte in Suid-Amerika onseker bly terwyl die oeste op pad is na belangrike ontwikkelingsperiodes.

Gaan die landbou vir die eerste keer in baie jare ’n taamlik stresvrye feestyd beleef? ’n Seisoen waarin boere nie elke dag angstig die weerdienste nagaan en die horison dophou vir tekens van reënwolke wat saampak nie, maar klaar geplant is met kalwers en lammers wat op groen gras loop?

Na ons oproep aan eienaars van die bekende ACO trekker om hulle fotos , videos en nuus stories te vertel omtrent hierdie bekende trekker, is ons oorval met al die nuus. Wyle Koos Coetzer en sy Pa Alf Coetzer het hierdie trekkers self begin bou op hulle plaas buite Hoopstad. Maans Cornelisson en sy skoonseun "Spokie"soos hy bekend gestaan het , het hierdie trekker aanmekaar gesit.

Dit is waar Suid Afrika staan wat betref Werkloosheid in die wereld- 37%. Die regering met sy amper 1, 2 miljoen werkers leef in weelde en geniet die belasting geld van die wat werk. Korrupsie is nog steeds deel van Suid Afrika en die land gaan elke dag verder agteruit omdat die regering en sy meelopers net nie die vermoee het om die land suksesvol te bestuur en welvaart te skep nie.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET- 

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