AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 27th December 2020

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In a surprising turn of events, the ratings agency Fitch boosted its rating of five big South African banks – only a month after cutting South Africa even deeper into junk territory. Fitch now rates the country’s government bonds three levels below investment grade, warning last month that the local economy “is expected to remain below 2019 levels even in 2022”.

South Africa- Table Grapes -Regional Overview -Three production regions are now packing, namely the Northern Provinces, Orange River and Olifants River regions. The Berg and Hex River regions have not started packing yet. These two regions are also expected to start about a week later than last year.

Ná dekades waarin staal en beton die gewildste boumateriale vir wolkekrabbers en ander groot geboue was, is hout weer besig om van sy vervloë gewildheid terug te wen. Dit is deels te danke aan die ontwikkeling van sogenaamde oorkruis-gelamineerde hout (cross-laminated timber of CLT), wat in blokke vervaardig word deur lae dun hout oorkruis op mekaar vas te gom.

Alphabet se X-laboratorium, wat spesialiseer in eksperimentele projekte, se nuutste poging staan bekend as Mineral, en is gebore uit die idee dat die planeet se onversadigbare behoefte aan meer en meer kos gaan noodsaak dat ons anders kyk na hoe kos geproduseer word.

Beskikbare grond Bewerkbare grond maak ongeveer 10% van die aarde se totale oppervlakte uit. Permanente gewasse maak 1% uit, natuurlike weidings 24% en woude 31%. Die oorblywende 34% kan min of geen plantegroei akkommodeer nie en is yslande, woestyne, myne en beboude areas.

Boere behoort hulleself gereeld te vergewis van die jongste vooruitgang in tegnologie om nie agtergelaat te word nie. Die wat kies om pessimisties te bly en teen verandering gekant is, gaan doodeenvoudig nie die mas opkom in die nuwe wêreld van ‘slim’ boere nie.

Finalists Tractor of the Year awards 2021- Awarding ceremony at Eima International February 2021-The winner of Sustainable Toty 2021, will be chosen among the shortlisted tractors of the three main categories. Check out all the tractors on the link.

''n Navorser en dosent verbonde aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat (UV) se Departement Landbou-ekonomie het 'n internasionale toekenning ontvang vir sy navorsing oor die ekonomiese impak van veediefstal in Suid-Afrika.

Suid-Afrika is 121 miljoen ha groot. Daarvan is 91,3 miljoen ha natuurlike veld en 13 miljoen ha bewerkte grond. Bewaringsgebiede beslaan 6,7 miljoen ha, dorpe en stede neem 2,6 miljoen ha op, en die res van die oppervlakte word hoofsaaklik deur mynbou en ander aktiwiteite beset (Avevant, 2019).

LEES MEER- AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 13th December 2020

Die ooreenkoms tussen Brittanje en die Europese Unie wat uiteindelik vandag gesluit is nadat Britte vier en ‘n half jaar gelede gekies het om aan die Europese Unie te onttrek, beslaan twee duisend bladsye. Die ooreenkoms dek bykans 500-miljard dollar se handel teen verlede jaar se waarde.

Gronddegradasie is ’n baie belangrike faktor wat die volgehoue produksie van gesonde en veilige voedsel vir die mensdom oor die lang termyn bedreig. Produsente behoort boerderypraktyke daarop in te stel dat die degradasie van grondeienskappe verminder word. Volhoubare grondgebruik fokus op die gelyktydige bestuur van fisieke, chemiese en biologiese degradasiefaktore.

An over-the-counter horse dewormer that is being portrayed on farmers’ groups as a miracle cure for covid-19 is not only prohibited for use in humans, but also potentially life-threatening. South African Health Product Regulatory Authority has issued a stern warning to the agricultural sector to disregard fake news about Ivermectin, an animal medication used to treat parasite infestations.

The South African mango harvest is in full swing, and the increases in volumes on the market have led to pressure on prices. According to Johann du Preez, operational manager at Bavaria Fruit Estate, they started harvesting last week and that feedback from the marketplace was that the season had begun about a week earlier than last year, with bigger volumes already on the market.

By 2030, the planet will be generating at least 5bn tonnes of poo each year, with the vast majority being deposited by livestock. 80% of farms in the Netherlands already producing more cow dung than they can legally use as fertiliser, and China resorting to drastic measures to try to reduce the amount of manure being discharged into rivers, this is a major environment and health challenge.

Ons nuuskantoor word oorval met fotos en videos van oor die hele land waar dit die afgelope tyd so lekker gereen het. Die grootste geskenk vir elke boer is 'n lekker nat Kersfees met gesaaides wat groen staan, damme wat oorloop en sy eie gesin wat saam met hom in alles deel. Vet vee en wild wat rustig in die gras wei is 'n gevoel van dankbaarheid.

Die einde van die tjekboek-era is in sig. Vanaf 31 Desember 2020 sal tjeks nie meer in die nasionale betalingstelsel gebruik word nie. Dié nuus is luidens 'n gesamentlike verklaring van die Finansiëledienstesektor se Gedragsowerheid (FSCA), die Reserwebank, die Bankvereniging van Suid-Afrika (Basa) en die Betalingsvereniging van Suid-Afrika (Pasa) aangekondig.

Many of the benefits of soil organic matter to agriculture come from its decomposition and not necessarily its storage. As deadplant and animal residues enter the soil and are decomposed by microorganisms, some of the nutrients held in the residue aremade available to plants.

Soil is an important resource that is useful to us in many different ways. It is central to successful farming and allows plants and trees to grow which can then be used for financial purposes. Both nature and people can affect the health of soil through changes in the climate or the ways in which we use the land.

Die grootste probleem in Suid-Afrika wat die agterstand veroorsaak, is beperkte nektarbronne. In Suid-Afrika word slegs 15% van die heuning geproduseer van inheemse flora vergeleke met ongeveer 70% in Australië.

The apple stocks for North America and Europe are this season. In the US, the lower volumes are creating a strong domestic apple market, though exports are down. For the Autumn Glory variety, grown by Domex Superfresh Growers in Washington, supplies were up significantly this season.

Smallholder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa are, on average, using fertilisers at well-below recommended rates in their crop production. This was according to the results of a study conducted by researchers from the University of Illinois (UoI) in the US, largely because these farmers perceived their locally available fertiliser products to be of sub-standard quality.

The dirt beneath our feet is a living and magical world filled with tiny, wondrous creatures. A mere handful of soil might contain a half million different species including ants, earthworms, fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms. These organisms need organic matter for food. Soil provides nearly all of our food – only one percent of our calories come from the oceans.

Precision agriculture has enormous growth potential, just think that just 2% of the agricultural area uses precision farming robots and sensors in Italy , even if the figure should rise to 10% by 2021. Monitoring of climate parameters, phenological and productive can be carried out with remote sensors (remote sensing) such as drones, and proximal .

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-