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“Statistieke vertel nie altyd die volle verhaal as dit kom by inflasie nie – dit meet weliswaar belangrike veranderings, maar is nie spesifiek genoeg nie. Kosinflasie loop dieselfde pad, want te veel ontleders kan bewys dat veral die armes, wat ver meer as die helfte van hulle besteebare inkomste aan kos bestee, inflasievlakke van tot dubbel die amptelike koerse ervaar.
'n Bekende in die veebedryf, Chris Derksen, verskaf soos oudergewoonte die veilingspryse vir lewende hawe. Hy versprei dié inligting sodat produsente en kopers dieselfde inligting tot hul beskikking het om sodoende ingeligte besluite te kan neem met die aankoop en verkoop van lewende hawe op veilings. Die Noord-Vrystaat word as 'n indeksgebied gebruik.
The ostrich is the largest and heaviest bird in the world: adult males can grow up to two and a half meters tall and weigh more than 150 kilos. Here in South Africa, the domestication and breeding of ostriches is fundamentally intended for the production of meat, skin, feathers and eggs.
The free movement of some 2,000 Amboseli elephants, along with two dozen other wildlife species plus cows owned by local Maasai people, may be under threat - from avocados.
The Lesotho government is imposing a temporary ban on the import of apples until after the country's supply has been exhausted. Minister of Agriculture Tefo Mapesela confirmed the development, stating that the Ministry will announce the decision before the end of the week.
Out of 11 vulture species found in Africa, 7 are on the verge of extinction. In Kenya, one species - bearded vulture - has less than five individuals remaining according to conservationists. Poisoning has been cited as the major cause of the vulture population decline over the past 3 decades stemming from numerous incidences of human wildlife conflicts.
When you think of bees, a hive humming with activity probably comes to mind. But most of the world's 20,000 bee species don't call a hive home. These wild species lead solitary lives instead, and around 70% of them build nests underground where they raise their offspring on the nectar they gather from flowers.
The Arion 400 range of tractors from Claas has been given a makeover to mark the introduction of new Stage V emissions compliant models in the final Quarter of 2021. The offering will include a new design, a more powerful top-of-the-range model and Claas Power Management (CPM) to boost power in the Arion 440 and above.
’n Naambord op ’n hekpaal by die ingang van ’n familieplaas sal nooit weer dieselfde wees nie. Saai het onlangs sy plaasnaambordprojek van stapel gestuur waarin die nuutste tegnologie gebruik word om plase te beskerm. Die ANC se 2017-besluit om die Grondwet te verander om vir onteiening sonder vergoeding voorsiening te maak, het familieboere diep bekommerd gelaat.
‘n Totaal van 325 ton beesvleis is in Desember 2020 ingevoer. Dit verteenwoordig ‘n drastiese daling van 9% vergeleke met Desember 2019, volgens AgriInspec.Die vry-aan-boord-prys vir Desember 2020 was R39.87 p/kg en vir Desember 2019 was dit R51.12 p/kg. Dit verteenwoordig ‘n daling van 22% in die prys per kilogram. Die meeste invoere was van Australië (75 ton).
According to the ICAC, global consumption for 2020/21 has been revised upwards to 24.5 million tons with production revised downwards to 24.2 million tons. The expected growth in mill-use would not be a complete recovery from the losses incurred during the pandemic but would exceed production for the current season.
Die moontlikheid bestaan dat ’n versoek vir nóg ’n vuurwapenamnestietydperk by die parlement ingedien sal word, het mnr. Bheki Cele, minister van polisie, gesê. Parlementslede het in die nasionale vergadering vrae aan ministers in die veiligheidsgroepering gestel.
Around 95% of the food we eat grows in the earth. However, more than one-third of the world’s soils are degraded; without rapid action, this figure could rise to 90% by 2050. Soil erosion decreases the water, nutrients and root-space available to plants. Healthy roots enable better use of nutrients and water.
Suid-Afrika verloor elke vierde dag 'n plaas. Dit is volgens statistieke wat deur die hulpverleningsorganisasie Boeredroogtehulp SA versamel is. Chris van Biljon, stigter van die hulpverleningsorganisasie, sê redes hiervoor kan toegeskryf word aan verskeie faktore soos droogtetoestande en plaasaanvalle.
Kenya is facing its worst plagues of locusts in decades. Since December 2019, huge swarms have caused devastation across east Africa. Erratic weather patterns aggravated by the climate crisis have caused locust numbers to surge. Crops and grazing land have been stripped, leaving countries battling to avoid a food crisis.
Stygende voedselpryse, met sekere voedselitems waarop veral armer huishoudings staatmaak wat tussen 5% en 35% duurder is as ses maande gelede, het voedselsekerheid in Suid-Afrika geknou. Die land het verlede jaar tot die 69ste posisie uit 113 lande teruggesak op die internasionale voedselsekerheidsindeks.
Oxygen is the not-so-magical ingredient that turns wine into vinegar. So it stands to reason that the key to preserving the life of your wine lies in letting as little oxygen come into contact with it as possible. With this in mind:
A farmer who wants to purchase a ready-to-use autonomous tractor has little choice. Manufacturers who have market-ready versions are hesitant to enter the market. Every self-respecting manufacturer of agricultural tractorsagricultural tractors develops autonomous tractors or robot tractors or at least prototypes or design studies.
Teen 2050 sal die huidige produksie van proteïen verdubbel moet word om die wêreldbevolking te voed. Die kanse dat ontwikkelaars van alternatiewe proteïene ‘n beduidende bydrae kan lewer is redelik klein en dus is daar ruimte vir die dramatiese groei van beide diere- en alternatiewe proteïene.
Around 95% of the food we eat grows in the earth. However, more than one-third of the world’s soils are degraded; without rapid action, this figure could rise to 90% by 2050. Soil erosion decreases the water, nutrients and root-space available to plants. Healthy roots enable better use of nutrients and water.
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Agri News Net en se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering. Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep. Met 25 jaar praktiese boerdery ondervinding weet ons wat landbou en sy mense is.
NUUS- NEWS- Video and Audio Presenter-
CRA Group skep gereeld nuwe geleenthede in landbou media. Ons landbou mediums Farmingportal en Agri News Net benodig die deeltydse dienste van dinamiese Video and Audio nuus aanbieder. Kennis van landbou en sy mense asook die natuurlike aanleg vir nuus en media aanbieding is 'n vereiste. As jy beskik oor die vermoee om vinnig en op jou voete te dink op jou eie kan werk onder druk en die geskikte stem en aanbiedingsvermoee het, wil ons graag van jou hoor. Ons verwag ook dat jy gemaklik sal wees voor 'n Kamera en mikrofoon . Kennis van video en audio produksie met die jongste rekenaar tegnologie sal aanbeveelbaar wees. Ons gaan jou ook die nodige opleiding gee. Stuur vir ons 'n kort video "clip" waarin jy ons meer vertel van jouself. Nie langer as 3 minute nie. Ons verkies iemand wat voltyds in die landbou betrokke is en op 'n plaas bly of op universiteit is en wat plaaslewe ken. Vlot Engels en Afrikaans sprekend lees en skryf is vereiste.Stuur video na This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -met kontak besonderhede.
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Dis is die werk van die ANC regering in Suid Afrika- Geen onderhoud
Ficksburg community unites to create #roads forum. Read more @FarmersWeeklySA @foodformzansi @The_Free_Stater @News24 @OFMNews9497
— Vrystaat Landbou (@vslandbou) March 4, 2021
Dis winter in UTAH in die VSA
A magical morning in Utah, USA.
— Haydar (@Iskenderun00) March 6, 2021
Good morning 🙋♂️
Die wonder van die Natuur
Oh yeah!😉
— Kate Bosko (@KateBosko) March 6, 2021
So maak jy 'n stroper skoon in die VSA
Little drone footage for those who like to see me working , thankyou to @lukeks93 and @Originalfoambro #freeandyclean 😉 @JohnDeere
— Deere Detailer (@DeereDetailer) March 5, 2021
En as jy weer sukkel met slaap- hier is dalk die oplossing
Good night 🙏🏻🕊️🙏🏻🕊️🙏🏻🕊️
— Jacqueline (@JacquelineJ_76) March 5, 2021
So lyk meeste van Suid Afrika se paaie- in die jaar 2021
Pothole fishing competition
— Peter Mansfield (@Peterman43) March 5, 2021