Agri News Net-Summary of the Week News - 9th May 2021

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Suid Afrika -Mediaberigte wat die indruk wek dat almal wie se vuurwapenlisensies verval het, nou om hernuwing aansoek kan doen, is misleidend, sê mnr. Fred Camphor, uitvoerende hoof van die SA Jagters- en Wildbewaringsvereniging.

540 nuwe trekkers is in April 2021 verkoop in Suid Afrika . 23% meer as die 440 van verlede jaar. Die jaarlikse totaal is nou 27% hoër as verlede jaar,” sê Jim Rankin, sekretaris van die Suid-Afrikaanse Landboumasjinerie-vereniging (SAAMA).

Die ANC-regering se sosialistiese ideologie sal die ekonomie en die land binne die volgende 3 tot 4 jaar vernietig en die finale aftelling het reeds begin,” sê Fanie Brink, 'n onafhanklike landbou-ekonoom.

How has COVID19 impacted farmers’ incomes, livelihoods, and communities? A survey conducted by Olam among 3,400 farmers across 19 countries reveals this. Learn more in our Farmer Barometer report and how partnerships can kickstart their recovery:

The South African Revenue Service (SARS) has formally established a high-wealth individuals unit as it aims to improve compliance amongst wealthy South Africans. SARS has now begun sending letters to some taxpayers, detailing its plans for the unit and how it will look at improving collections.

Die staat het aangekondig dat hy danksy die beter as verwagte belastinginvordering voortaan aansienlik minder geld per week leen. Buitelanders is terselfdertyd besig om in groot getalle SuidAfrikaanse staatseffekte te verkoop en eerder te belê in meer riskante ontluikende lande, waar die opbrengskoerse selfs hoër is as die reeds stewige opbrengste wat op plaaslike staatseffekte behaal kan word.

China has overtaken Spain to become the world's biggest market for pricey Cuban cigars, according to Habanos, Cuba's state-owned cigar company.-For the first time in our history, China has become our No. 1 market in the world," Leopoldo Cintra González, Habanos' commercial vice president, said at a virtual press conference in Havana on Tuesday, as Cigar Aficionado reported.

The challenges agriculture poses are well known. The sector covers 40 percent of the Earth’s surface area, produces up to 11 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions, is the largest cause of deforestation and habitat loss and accounts for about 70 percent of the projected loss of terrestrial biodiversity.

According to IndexBox latest report, the production of major types of citrus fruits, except that of lemons and limes, grew in 2020 thanks to good weather conditions in most producing regions. Citrus fruit exports and demand indicated gains in all the categories considered.

The population has exploded in the last 50 years from 3.5 billion to more than double at 7.4 billion today. To sustain this increase we need more resources. Resources, however, are depleting fast — we are using clean water, clearing forests and losing arable land faster than ever before and crucially, faster than nature can regenerate.

In die studie is 43 272 mans sonder kardiovaskulêre siektes geëvalueer toe die studie afgeskop het. Navorsers kon met behulp van ‘n vraelys oor die gereelde inname van voedselsoorte bepaal of sekere risiko-faktore verbind kan word met die risiko om kardiovaskulêre sie

The South African potato industry is appealing to stakeholders to form more partnerships to drive growth and transformation. Potatoes South Africa (PSA) CEO Willie Jacobs has stated that the potato helped ensure food security throughout the pandemic in South Africa last year.

South Africa-If a person wanted to occupy someone else’s land illegally, the occupation would have to be preceded by actual trespassing on the land. The one argument is that the offence of trespassing took place before the occupation and that, notwithstanding the subsequent occupation of the land, the unlawful occupier can still be prosecuted for the offence of trespassing.

’n Groenteboer van die Laingsburg-omgewing in die Wes-Kaap wat pas sy eerste saffraan geoes het, reken dié “rooi goud” gaan veral gebiede in die Groot-Karoo bekend maak. Eric Brown, een van meer as 70 plaaslike boere wat vanjaar saffraanbolle geplant het, het einde Februarie 150 000 safraanbolle op ’n kwart hektaar geplant. Dit het pas ’n halwe kilogram gedroogde saffraan opgelewer.

A rise in global demand for avocado is attracting farmers in Africa to tap the opportunities from the export market. In Uganda, farmers are already diversifying from their traditional cash crop coffee to plant avocado. Due to high global demand, the avocado has become a lucrative export product. Its consumption per capita increased by 406% between 1990 and 2017 in the US alone.

In teenstelling met outomatisering, wat nie so afhanklik van menslike bestuur is nie, benodig meganisering heelwat meer menslike deelname om inligting te versamel en instruksies uit te deel. Meganisering het begin met die hantering van masjinerie deur die mens om die handewerk van sekere ambagte te vervang. Vandag word rekenaars al meer gebruik om meganiseringsprosesse te bestuur.

Around the world, growers have always found innovative ways to work smarter. Although processes and inputs can be stretch to the limit to maximize profits, human labor cannot, and it is becoming a devastating problem.

While at least three provinces now have conrmed cases of avian inuenza on poultry farms, Hong Kong has now also temporarily suspended the importation of all poultry products from affected municipalities in Gauteng and North West.

Demand for sulfur fertilization is gaining momentum with a wide variety of products on offer, such as sulfate, elemental sulfur, liquid sulfur, and others. With advancements in key application sectors such as cereals and grains, fruits & vegetables, and oilseeds, to name a few, sulfur fertilizer manufacturers are expected to gain higher revenues over the coming years.

This is just a FEW headlines of this week news stories of 260 that was posted this week on AGRI NEWS NET-  Get your own Unique PIN NUMBER to read some of the stories ONLINE at

    AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Weeks News - 7th February 2021

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Hoe vang jy 'n Eland- met 'n BOERSEUN

As jy dom wil wees - dan moet jy dit kan vat 

Moderne landbou op sy beste

Dis planttyd in die VSA

Dis wat tegnologie is- wonderlik- 

Die wonder van die natuur

Tegnologie maak alles so lekker lyk

Dit is tegnologie- dit gebeur as mense heeltyd ontevrede is met werk.

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