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Die oorgrote media in Suid Afrika is ingestel op sensasie en negatiewe nuus wat mense baie graag lees en waarop mense baie vinnig reageer. Eskom en sy Fase 6 beurtkrag is een van die stories wat lekker sensasie skep. Sosiale media is vol van fopnuus en allerhande stories. Die bestuur van Eskom weet wat hulle doen en as jy een van daardie mense is wat kort kort- kritiek lewer - rol jou moue op en gaan kyk of jy beter kan doen. Dit kos 'n man met insig en wysheid en vasbyt om aan die stuur van Eskom te staan en die vervalle maatskappye weer te laat werk wat die ANC in 25 plus vernietig het. Ons is dankbaar vir 'n man soos Andre de Ruyter en sy span.
In 1994, toe Suid-Afrika ’n demokrasie geword het, het wit boere 77,58 miljoen ha landbougrond van die totale grondoppervlakte van 122 miljoen ha besit. Die nuwe regering het homself die teiken gestel om 30% van dié grond binne vyf jaar te herverdeel. Die teikendatum is al telkens verskuif en is nou 2030. Daar word algemeen geglo dat 8-10% van grond al herverdeel is. Maar dit is verkeerd, soos hieronder bewys sal word, aangesien dit ’n paar sleutelstatistieke uitlaat. Net 17-20% van die 77,58 miljoen ha is geskik vir oesgewasse, besproeiing en tuinbou. Meer as 55% van landbougrond is net geskik vir ekstensiewe beweiding (grond wat arm en droog is, maar waar diere wyd kan loop – die Karoo is ’n voorbeeld). Wit kommersiële boere (nagenoeg 44 000 boerdery-eenhede) besit 61 miljoen ha – 78% van die landbougrond met private titelaktes, oftewel 50% van alle grond in Suid-Afrika.
Some ANC national executive committee (NEC) members argued in a meeting on Friday that Eskom CEO Andre de Ruyter should face the chop. This was raised when Public Enterprises Minister Pravin Gordhan was updating the NEC on the country's electricity crises. Other party leaders, however, argued that it was improper for the ANC to discuss De Ruyter's fate. The meeting heard vehement arguments from party leaders that the Eskom crisis, which this week resulted in indefinite Stage 6 load shedding, was not being adequately managed by De Ruyter. Three sources in the meeting said there had been a push for De Ruyter to be replaced with someone who has "relevant qualifications in the engineering field". "One minister said to be careful about talking about firing him [De Ruyter], because if he is dismissed and there was this discussion in an ANC meeting, he could sue the state for wrongful dismissal and win," the source said. The insider said the ANC ought to have learnt from the Zondo Commission, where it was slammed for getting involved in the hiring and firing of executives of state-owned entities. A second insider at the meeting said those questioning De Ruyter's suitabilty for the job were simply "advising the state as the main shareholder in Eskom". News 24
Ivory Coast, the top cocoa producer, has lost about 85% of its forests since the 1960s to plantations, while an estimated 1.56-million children still work in the industry - For thousands of years, humans have been drawn to chocolate. Its production these days, though, is linked to widespread deforestation and child labour, posing an ethical quandary for consumers. A British start-up says it has the answer: a guilt-free alternative that can be indistinguishable from the real thing. Chocolate’s irresistible flavours depend on the fermentation of cocoa that occurs shortly after harvesting, when beans are piled under banana leaves and left for several days. In its east London facility, WNWN Food Labs aims to replicate that process using British barley and carob — a member of the legume family, widely cultivated for its edible fruit pods — from Southern Europe.
Imposing higher rail freight tariffs on agriculture would have a devastating impact on a sector reeling from soaring input costs and would compromise food security, says Christo van der Rheede, executive director of Agri SA - “People should not have this idea that everything is hunky dory in the agricultural sector and it is ripe for squeezing. There may have been a big increase in exports, but the profitability of farmers is under severe threat,” Van der Rheede said. The value of agricultural exports had risen, but farmers' cash flow was down and would drop further because of rising input costs. Hiking rail freight tariffs would “bring it down significantly more”. “At face value agriculture looks like a very profitable sector. However, it's first and foremost a high-risk sector that is exposed to many variables that, in an eye blink, can wipe out whatever profit a farmer stands to make.” Farmers who were paying R10 for a litre of diesel in 2015 are now paying almost R26, a 160% increase. They've also been badly hit by load-shedding and rising electricity tariffs. “The entire agri value chain is reliant on energy, whether diesel or electricity. It's a highly capital-intensive business and all sorts of factors impact its profitability.”

Besoek ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling - Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie- Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word .
South Africa’s agricultural sector continues to show some signs of resilience. With all the challenges this year – from tough production conditions in grains and oilseeds, disease outbreaks in livestock, and trade barriers in horticulture – we still see increasing job opportunities. In the third quarter of this year, there were 873 000 people in primary agriculture. This is up by 5% year-on-year (while down marginally by 0,1 quarterly). Notably, this is well above the long-term agricultural employment of 780 000. As with the previous quarter, the increased farm activity in some vegetables, fruits and field crops sustained robust employment. READ MORE -
Only 3% of the world’s water is fresh water, and two-thirds of that is tucked away in frozen glaciers or otherwise unavailable for our use. As a result, some 1.1 billion people worldwide lack access to water, and a total of 2.7 billion find water scarce for at least one month of the year. Inadequate sanitation is also a problem for 2.4 billion people—they are exposed to diseases, such as cholera and typhoid fever, and other water-borne illnesses. Two million people, mostly children, die each year from diarrheal diseases alone. READ MORE
Soos wat ons die einde van 2022 nader, het beduidende teenwinde steeds ’n impak op die Suid-Afrikaanse landbousektor. Sommige uitdagings soos infrastruktuur, elektrisiteit, belegging, logistiek, siektebeheer en dienslewering is al vir ’n geruime tyd met ons, terwyl ander faktore soos klimaatsverandering en marktoegang ’n voortdurende impak op bedrywighede en groei het. Ten spyte van hierdie uitdagings is die sektor steeds op ’n positiewe plek. Dit is te danke aan die La Niña-fenomeen, bogemiddelde oeste en soliede kommersiële prestasie. Om dié positiewe aspekte te verstewig, is dit belangrik om die bestaande impak van hierdie teenwinde te verstaan, daaruit te leer, en op langtermynoplossings te fokus om dit te oorkom.
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Beef and lamb might contain plenty of protein but they use vast amounts of land. Meat and dairy production is already an unpleasant business. For instance, most chickens are grown in high-density feeding operations, and pork, beef and especially dairy farming is going the same way.
Die ongekende toegang wat ’n mens tot van Suid-Afrika se beste boere kry. Eerstens is hulle tegnies uitsonderlik. Met jare se praktiese ervaring en ’n vlymskerp waarnemingsvermoë hou die gevolglike verstellings wat hulle aan hul boerderye maak, hulle nie net aan die voorpunt van beste landboupraktyke nie, maar in baie gevalle ontwikkel hulle daardie praktyke sommer self.
Gesonde grond kan lei tot vrugbare grond, wat onder meer voordelig vir aanplantings is. Dr Elmarie Kotzé, senior lektrise van die Universiteit van die Vrystaat se Departement van Grondgewasse en Klimaatswetenskappe, sê om grondgesondheid te meet kan moeilik wees, maar dat daar verskeie maniere is om vas te stel of grond gesond is of nie.
Food prices, which reached a record earlier this year, have increased food insecurity and raised social tensions. They have also strained the budgets of governments struggling with rising food import bills and diminished capacity to fund extra social protection for the most vulnerable.
Bacteria have a remarkable ability to adapt, evolve and survive by developing resistance to therapeutic compounds. This ability is also shared by otherpathogenic agents such as viruses, fungi, and parasites.
Eating meat is not as bad for your health as previously thought, new research shows.The study, published in Nature and approved by the University of Washington in the United States, revisited decades of research and showed the evidence that eating unprocessed red meat lead to colorectal cancer, breast cancer, type 2 diabetes and ischemic heart disease, was weak.
Orange prices are currently high across many markets, for a variety of reasons depending on the locations. The popular citrus fruit is traditionally in high demand in the winter seasons on the Northern Hemisphere due to its health benefits, such as the high levels of vitamin C it contains.
SA could lose part of its preferential access to the US if its trade policies disadvantage American exporters relative to their developed-nation counterparts, according to people familiar with the matter.
Rollout of internet connectivity across Africa is supporting the digitisation of the management of logistics chains and corridors. According to Statista, around four out of 10 people in Africa are connected, with the number of internet users on the continent expected to reach 565 million by the end of 2022.
Suid-Afrika se grondhervormingsbeleid bly hoogs omstrede. ’n Aantal hardnekkige mites oor boerderygrondstatistieke en die struktuur van die kommersiële landbou verwring egter die debat. Suid-Afrika het verder gevorder met grondhervorming as verwag, en skeefgetrekte syfers maak dit moeilik om die realiteit van grond en die landbou te verstaan.
Die lys van bewerings teen David Mabuza is lank, maar dis selde dat iets teen hom bewys kan word of dat hy enige prys daarvoor betaal. Trouens, as ons weer sien, is hy in ’n selfs invloedryker posisie as tevore. So byvoorbeeld is hy destyds deur premier Mathews Phosa afgedank as Mpumalanga se LUR vir onderwys nadat die provinsie se matriekslaagsyfer van 51% tot 71% opgeblaas is, maar ná die daaropvolgende verkiesing was hy terug as LUR vir behuising onder premier Ndaweni Mahlangu.
Half of the free range turkeys produced for Christmas in the UK have been culled or have died due to bird flu, an industry chief has told MPs. Richard Griffiths, chief executive of the British Poultry Council, said that 600,000 out of about 1.3m free range birds had been lost.
South Africa needs a single, independent transport economic regulator, according to Dr Juanita Maree, CEO of the South African Association of Freight Forwarders (Saaff).
Die onwettige gebruik en bestuur van water is deesdae baie in die nuus. Daar is streng wetgewing wat die gebruik van water reguleer. Die Universiteit van die Vrystaat se Professor Frikkie Maré sê dit gaan dus oor die vloei van water en die bou van gronddamme wat sekere deurvloei beperk.
Sustainable Agricultural Intensification is required to ensure we produce more food from existing farmland while lowering the pressure on the environment.
SUID-AFRIKA se parlementsgebou het op 2 Januarie vanjaar afgebrand. Dalk was dit ’n teken van hoe die jaar sou eindig, dalk ’n metafoor van wat voorlê. In 2023 gaan die gebou steeds in puin wees.
South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 25th Oktober 2022
Daar is voldoende wetenskaplike bewyse dat die wisselvalligheid van die klimaat oor die afgelope twee dekades die produksie-omgewing en -basis van veeboerdery in Suider-Afrika dramaties verander het. Oor die lang termyn sal dit ’n potensieel ontwrigtende uitwerking op veeproduksie en voedselsekerheid hê.
Daar is baie meningsvormende artikels wat aanbeveel dat vleis uit menslike diëte gesny word of dat kunsmatige vleis gebruik word ten einde klimaatsverandering aan te spreek. Baie deskundiges glo egter dat weidingsdiere wat vir vleis gebruik word, die sleutel hou tot die toekomstige gesondheid van die mees veranderde, vernietigde en bedreigde ekostelsels op aarde: grasvelde.
Saai and TLU SA signed an agreement on 8 December 2022 to broaden, deepen and strengthen cooperation between these two organisations. TLU SA is the oldest agricultural union in Africa and has been organizing farmers since 1897. Saai was launched in 2019 as a network for family farmers in the framework of the United Nations decade for family farmers
The master plan reflects on key growth-constraining factors of the sector and further proposes solutions on sectoral cross-cutting issues and commodity-oriented. Meanwhile, the launch of the blended finance instrument between the DALRRD and Land Bank was an important step that will support the implementation of the master plan.
Nothing unites South Africans like a braai and good meat. But how does our love of meat stack up in comparison with the rest of the world?- According to the data‚ SA had the eighth-highest consumption of poultry‚ with 38.7kg per capita.
Toyota is likely to launch a highly revised top end Hilux range in South Africa. The new bakkie will get the widebody treatment, improved off-road ability and better safety features when it arrives. It’s likely to follow the just-launched 165 kW Hilux GR-S as Toyota SA continues to refresh and improve the country’s best-selling vehicle.
Although soils are vital for agriculture, biodiversity, and clean water, this below-ground world is often overlooked. The loss of life below the ground due to intensification of agriculture, climate change, erosion, and compaction, among other things, is one of the biggest global threats to soils.
Ons span terug van 'n 4 weke besoek aan die VSA, Frankryk, Duitsland, Spanje en die Scotland. Ons landbou mediums is besig om baie gewild te raak in die land asook in ander dele van Europa. Ons span was ook in Silicon Valley waar ons ingelig is oor nuwe tegnologie wat eersdaags beskikbaar gaan wees. Voornemende adverteerders maak gebruik van ombetroubare bronne om inligting te bekom oor die verkeer op internet en aanlyn media webwerwe. Ons het tans toegang tot tegnologie wat al hierdie mediums korrek kan meet. Meeste van die jong manne/dames wat hulleself uitgee as kenners het absoluut geen benul van hierdie inligting nie. Ons eie webtuistes is gebou om al hierdie inligting dadelik korrek deur te gee.
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Agri News Net en Farmingportal.co.za se daaglikse gebruikers is Professionele Kommersiele landbouers met jarelange ondervinding, wat suksesvol is in alle aspekte van Landbou en voedselprodusering.
Meeste afkomstig uit familieboerdery wat deur die jare bekend is vir die vermoee om welvaart te skep.
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Sensitive souls avoid 😰
— Fungom Farms (@FungomF) December 10, 2022
How do you manage your waste? Do you know you can make money with margot farming?
Do you want to cut down the cost of livestock feeding by 60% ?
Here is the solution. BSF Farming for Maggots, a huge source of protein for livestock and even humans 😊 pic.twitter.com/ypNJInqQSS
So boer elkeen op sy beste
This can only be in Africa. Farming Instinct that is beyond Tech!!! pic.twitter.com/Yp9Xuib7Dm
— IBK (@IBKLeads) December 10, 2022
Aartappel uithaal
As from today 7th December, Potato harvesting is underway at Mamusha farming project near Vivo. This is a prime farm allocated to a beneficiary through land redistribution program aimed at assisting smallholder farmers to transit to commercial farming. pic.twitter.com/m3YW39oKix
— Avhashoni Magada (@AvhashoniMagada) December 7, 2022
En so pas ons beurd krag toe
@mandisidyantyi Load Shedding stage 4 operating 11000 volts without an arc flash suit, this is asking for trouble. It has become a norm to commit unsafe acts in the work place. #Rustenburg ♬ original sound - mandisidyantyi
Corne Liebenberg is die Bemarkings direkteur van Laeveld Agrochem.
OVK Landbou