Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
The Great Letaba Water Catchment in Magoebaskloof, which provides water to areas in Limpopo and Polokwane as well as feeding the Kruger National Park all the way up to the Olifants River near the Mozambique border, is being threatened by increased agricultural activity in the area, eroding water and biodiversity.
Dienende politici en amptenare van die staat en ondernemings in staatsbesit mag nie voordeel trek uit die nuwe skema vir gemengde finansiering vir swart boere nie. Die gemengde finansiering sal meer bekostigbare finansiering aan swart produsente bied omdat die helfte van die bedrag uit ’n nie-terugbetaalbare staatstoekenning sal bestaan en die ander helfte ’n lening by die bank sal wees.
Die volgende is van die kwalifiserende vereistes:
- Kommersieel haalbare boerdery-ondernemings in swart besit en bestuur, in die bedrywe wat voorkeur geniet in die meesterplan vir die landbou en landbouverwerking;
- Gesamentlike ondernemings waar die nie-swart vennoot hoogstens 40% en minstens 26% besit;
- Ondernemings met 10%-winsdeling vir plaaswerkers;
- Jong mense, vroue, mense met gestremdhede en militêre veterane; en
- Kwalifiserende aansoekers van 60 jaar of ouer mits hul bewyse van opvolgers kan lewer.
Die gemengde finansiering is bedoel om gebruik te word vir:
- Die koop van primêre landbougrond en/of kommersieel haalbare ondernemings in die landbouwaardeketting;
- Die ondersteuning van bestaande bedrywighede op private of grondhervormingsplase om te kan uitbrei;
- Die begin van nuwe bedrywighede;
- Die koop van kapitaaltoerusting en -infrastruktuur;
- Bedryfskapitaal en/of ’n produksielening; en
- Versekeringspoelvoorsiening vir die subsidiëring van versekeringsdekking vir toepaslike boere.
Me. Thoko Didiza, minister van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling, het met die bekendstelling van die skema gesê die departement verbind hom daartoe vir 10 jaar en sal oor die dekade minstens R3,2 miljard daarin belê.
Ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling begin- Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie- Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word .
The agricultural sector was the unsung hero of the economy in 2020, making an outsize contribution to SA's GDP. And in 2021 the agriculture, forestry and fishing industry contributed nearly R129bn to the country’s GDP. However, this year has been more challenging, with rising input costs including higher fuel and fertiliser prices, rising interest rates affecting the cost of debt, high inflation and the most severe load-shedding experienced in years. Challenging conditions in the second quarter of 2022 resulted in activity in the agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors declining by 7.7%, according to Stats SA. The recent Transnet strike, which led to the logistics utility declaring force majeure at its port operations, has not helped given that the fourth quarter is typically a busy one for agricultural exports. SA exports around half of its agricultural produce. Exports of food, fibre and beverages in the fourth quarter of 2021 constituted 23% of the total value of the exports last year, amounting to $2.8bn.
Suid Afrika gaan by die dag agteruit- en die land se waterstelsel gaan een of ander tyd ook finaal in duie stort. Suid-Afrika het wel die oorgang van ’n grotendeels Eerste Wêreld-staat na ’n Derde Wêreld-staat sowat 30 jaar gelede gemaak en die agteruitgang was onafwendbaar. Maar anders as in feitlik alle ander ontwikkelende lande is daar nog baie etiese kundigheid oor in Suid-Afrika. Weens kaderontplooiing en ras-redes word hulle eenvoudig nie gebruik nie, behalwe in die Wes-Kaap. Suid-Afrika staan voor ’n kruispad en dit is dat daar dringend ontslae geraak moet word van kaderontlplooing
The First Agricultural Revolution in South Africa, which exponentially increased the yield of food crops and saved millions of lives, came in form of the Green Revolution in the 1960s. The second revolution came in form of the Biotechnological Revolution in the 1990s, which shaped our agriculture to a new direction in form of tissue culture techniques, GM crops, Transgenics etc. So now, we not only have to look for improving the present situation but also keep the future in mind and environmental safety. We can see around us, the surge in digital technologies and witness them transforming all the sectors of the economy and the society in innumerable ways. Communications, banking, payments, travel, energy, healthcare, taxation, and governance have significantly benefited by deploying digital solutions. Agriculture and allied sectors call for the need for digital disruption to convert the challenges of agriculture into opportunities for betterment.
Russia and Ukraine are major producers of agricultural commodities. Wheat and maize together account for 65% of Ukraine’s grain production. The country has the reputation of being Europe’s ‘breadbasket’ and normally exports 10% of the world’s wheat, 14% of maize, 17% of barley and 51% of the world’s sunflower seed oil. In the past, about 40% of Ukraine’s wheat and maize exports went to the Middle East and Africa.
Storage dams in the Summer Rainfall Area are still at very high levels with Free State dams at 94% of full capacity compared to about 90% the same time last year. The Vaal dam is still at 91% (82% last year), Bloemhof dam at 89%, Vanderkloof dam at 96% and Gariep dam at 94%. With expected average to above average rainfall in coming months is it expected that storage dams will fill up rapidly to be at full capacity before the end of 2022. Western Cape dams are on average 72% of full capacity with rapidly falling levels (Last year this time it was 81% of capacity). The Theewaterskloof dam is currently at about 81% compared to 100% last year the same time and the Clanwilliam dam at 85% compared to 99% last year. The level of the Clanwilliam dam is of concern because if it is not 100% full at the start of the summer season, water restrictions are possible later in the summer season. Eastern Cape dams are on average 73%, compared to last year with 51%. The important Kouga dam improved to about 22% compared to 6.6% last year the same time. The Impofu dam is at 9.6% compared to 17.1% last year.
Die brandstofprysformule, asook die klein- en groothandels-winsmarges, waaroor die oliemaatskappye uit die aard van saak om verstaanbare redes baie sensitief is, is in werklikheid reeds deur die regering in die 1950’s met die brandstofbedryf onderhandel waartydens daar ook oor spesifieke gereguleerde waarborge soos die basiese prysformule en die winsmarges van die bedryf ooreengekom is. Hierdie waarborge het die strategiese voorsiening van brandstof aan Suid-Afrika oor ‘n baie lang tydperk baie goed gedien het kan nie sommer net so deur ekonomiese ongeletterde en onbevoegde politici afgeskaf word nie. Die eensydige deregulering van die brandstofbedryf sal nie vir die internasionale oliemaatskappye aanvaarbaar wees nie en hulle kan baie maklik besluit om hulle tasse te pak en die land te verlaat.” LEES HIER - Fanie Brink
The establishment of the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 77 years ago was recently commemorated with the annual World Food Day, providing an opportunity to assess the global disposition towards food security. The Global Food Security Index, compiled by The Economist and sponsored by Corteva, represents the global benchmark for international comparisons. The 2022 index shows that South Africa has recorded a record leap, namely from 70th position in 2021 to 59th. South Africa is now the most food secure country on the African continent, with Tunisia in second place at 62nd. Only 113 countries possess agriculture sectors that are worthy of inclusion in the index, based on the extent of their development, diversity and sophistication in meeting the demand for food.
Die landbousektor speel ‘n kritieke rol in die skep van ‘n beter toekoms vir alle Suid Afrikaners. Die doel van hierdie kompetisie is dan ook om akkurate en oordrag van inligting en positiewe stories binne die landbou aan te moedig. Hierdie is ‘n platform waar studente en jongmense binne die landbou en joernalistieke omgewing hulle werk kan publiseer. So kry hulle ook ‘n voorsmakie van kommunikasie met die publiek en belanghebbers binne die sektor en staan die kans om lekker kontantpryse te wen!
Daar is twee afdelings naamlik een vir joernalistiekstudente en die ander vir studente binne die landbousektor. Dit sluit ekonome, wetenskaplikes en landboukundiges ook in.
Die kompetisie sluit aan die einde van Oktober en die wenners sal aangekondig word aan die einde van November tydens ‘n geleentheid by die historiese Villa Arcadia in Parktown. Hierdie is ook die tuiste van Hollard en ons sien uit om die geleentheid daar aan te bied.
CRA Media is tans besig met die vervaardiging van 'n dokumentere reeks wat eersdaags in die Internasionale media beskikbaar gestel gaan word.
Ons kondig ook binne kort weer 'n kompetiese aan.
As jy enige kort bydrae wil lewer tot hierdie uiter gewilde artikel wat 2 weekliks geplaas woord, kontak die nuuskantoor by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Luister gerus na ons gewilde POTGOOI- daagliks op www.farmingportal.co.za
The US dollar made gains on Tuesday as the Rand weakened to its lowest point in two years, with load shedding being one of the driving factors. As per XE, a Euronet Partner, the Rand closed at R18.40 to the dollar on Monday, 25 October.
A new study of 2,000 wine drinkers showed that the average Americans will only start to fully appreciate a good bottle of vino toward the tail end of their 20s, but how they get into it, and what they prefer, varies greatly. The average American has their “wine awakening” at age 29.
Of the hundreds of winemakers in the country, Africa's top wine producer, just over 80 black-owned brands, according to the SA Wine Industry Transformation Unit. Paul Siguqa inspects his flowering grape crop in Franschhoek (Western Cape province), a town located in a South African region dotted with centuries-old vineyards.
Africa’s agricultural productivity has been stagnating for decades, but science, technology and innovation could offer solutions with measures such as enhancing soil health and irrigation and improving crop varieties, the World Food Forum’s Science and Innovation Forum has heard.
Die nasionale Departement van Landbou koördineer verbintenisse tussen, onder meer, Landbou-organisasies en Agribesighede. Dit, in 'n poging om 'n wetgewende voorsiening te skep vir nie-regeringsorganisasies om padrehabilitasiedienste in vennootskap met landelike munisipaliteite te lewer.
Approximately 88% of countries around the world use natural medicines, including herbal medicines, acupuncture, yoga, indigenous therapies, and others, according to the World Health Organization's Global Centre for Traditional Medicine. Natural medicine contributes significantly to the global health, wellness, and beauty industry which is worth billions of dollars.
“ ’n Groot vraag – wie was eerste, die hen of die eier? Dan wil ek ook vra – wie was eerste, die kind of die moeder? “In die hoender se geval kan sy twee soorte produksie-eiers lê, naamlik bevrugte en nie bevrugte [eiers]. Met ander woorde, as die haan by ‘n hen was, dan is die eier bevrug. Sonder ‘n haan is die eier nie bevrug nie en kan daar nie voortplanting plaasvind nie.
Russia announced an export quota that would cap exports of wheat, corn, rye, and barley at 25.5 million tonnes from February 15 to June 30, 2023, despite harvesting its largest wheat crop ever this summer. Individual cereal export restrictions have not been set yet, but even at the announced limit, Russia’s wheat exports for the quota period are expected to be higher than last year.
Ten spyte daarvan dat Opul sy produksie vir November met 2 miljoen vate daagliks verminder het, het die olieprys tot dusver nie noemenswaardig gestyg nie en inteendeel, in plaas van ‘n 7 persent styging in die afgelope 30 dae wat ‘n week gelede aangeteken is, staan daardie syfer nou net bo 5 persent. Op die oomblik verhandel Brent teen ongeveer 91 Amerikaanse dollar ‘n vat.
Transnet het bekend gemaak dat hy tydens die afgelope 12 dae lange staking groot verliese gely het weens kabeldiefstal en vandalisme. Transnet sê daar was ‘n toename in dié diefstal omdat minder veiligheidspersoneel aan diens was veral by sy vraghouer-korridor. Volgens Transnet is koperkabel van 12 kilometer tydens die staking gesteel. Dit is ‘n toename in kabeldiefstal van 22-persent.
Die Landbank en die departement van landbou, grondhervorming en landelike ontwikkeling het 'n “gemengde finansieringskema” van R3,2 miljard bekend gestel om boere te help. Volgens die departement gaan die program oor 'n tydperk van 10 jaar ingefaseer word, met die departement wat minstens R3,2 miljard in hierdie tyd sal belê.
Die stygende dieselprys word ‘n gevaar vir voedselsekerheid en plaas boere onder geweldige druk. Met die soveelste groot dieselprysverhoging om die draai, raak voedselsekerheid problematies weens die uitwerking daarvan op hoë insetkostes en daarmee saam hoë voedselpryse.
Less than 3% of an $8.5 billion climate finance deal being offered to South Africa by some of the world’s richest countries will come in the form of grants, Climate Home News reported, citing a copy of the financing provisions. Of the rest of the money, 54% will come in the form of concessional loans and 43% will be commercial loans and investment guarantees, the UK-based publication said.
Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za

This is the current use of AI powered smart robots in farmingpic.twitter.com/aIBKN9mzoO
— Vala Afshar (@ValaAfshar) October 25, 2022
I am very worried about the next generation.
— Wall Street Silver (@WallStreetSilv) October 19, 2022
"Farming needs to stop"
Milking machine for dairy goats🐐
— Modern Agriculture Updates (@ModernAgUpdates) October 24, 2022
This is the future of farming❤️ pic.twitter.com/AQf4jTX5Xt
Instead of being with their mothers, these poor babies have been brutally taken away at birth... and are now getting fed by what is essentially a robot. 💔
— John Oberg (@JohnOberg) October 24, 2022
Factory farming is abhorrent. 😡 pic.twitter.com/d8Bgn3hK8L