South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary  21st August 2024

South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 21st August 2024

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse/Engelse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

Weekly summary of some News in the Agri and Farming media.   GET YOUR MARKETING on this Page - Excellent stats- 6000  plus readers per week. 

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Binne die volgende dekade gaan die vraag na mielies in Afrika suid van die Sahara skerp styg. Dit kan Suid-Afrika se hoofuitvoermark word, met beter pryse. Suid-Afrikaanse mieliepryse is aan die galop, ondanks die verwagte oes en oordragvoorraad wat voldoende vir die plaaslike mark is. Die witmielieprys het byvoorbeeld tot byna R5 500/t gestyg. Lewerings is traag en vrae word oor die werklike oesgrootte gevra. Terselfdertyd is die tekorte aan mielies en voedsel noord van Suid-Afrika van só ’n aard dat daar sterk mededinging om veral Suid-Afrikaanse witmielies is.  Safex-pryse het in die laaste week van Julie skerp gestyg (met R600/t) en weerspieël nie die voldoende onderliggende aanbod in Suid-Afrika en internasionale pryse nie. Daar is tans ’n baie sterk vraag na Suid-Afrikaanse mielies in Suider-Afrika weens die groot tekorte in veral Zimbabwe en Zambië. Dit is goedkoper om mielies in Suid-Afrika aan te koop as oorsee en dan deur Durban of Maputo in te voer. Daar is boonop baie min witmielies internasionaal beskikbaar.

Citibank has raised its forecast for SA’s GDP growth to 1.2% this year and to 2% next year, citing the positive effect of the two-pot retirement reform, lower inflation and expected interest rate cuts boosting consumer spending after a few years of high inflation and elevated debt. The US multinational projects that inflation will average 4.1% in the fourth quarter. It expects a 75 basis point rate cut at the monetary policy committee’s next three meetings — September, November and January — saying this would help to boost household consumption. “We expect the two-pot retirement reform [effective September 1 2024] to boost GDP growth to 2.0% by 2025. We see upside for SA equities, given the expected positive impact on consumption, namely for consumer stocks, while the impact on banks is likely to be more nuanced, given our expectation that the reform will lead to repayment of high-yielding unsecured consumer debt, with some negative impact on net interest income, countered by better transaction fee income and likely improvements in asset quality.”

Nasionaal het landbou die afgelope kwartaal afgerond 45 000 poste verloor, met verliese in vier uit die nege provinsies (die Wes- en Noord-Kaap, Noordwes en Gauteng). Groot dalings in indiensneming in die landbou is ook in die Noord-Kaap (-38,9%), Gauteng (-28,5%) en Noordwes (-27,7%) beleef, maar hulle verteenwoordig elkeen net ’n klein deel van indiensneming in die sektor, onderskeidelik 3,7%, 6,3% en 3,7%. Die grootste groei in indiensneming in die landbou was in Mpumalanga, wat sowel die aantal poste (26 000) as die persentasie (20,7%) betref. Oor ’n jaar gemeet, het landbou wel werk geskep, maar slegs 1 000 poste, oftewel groei van 0,2%. Minder mense het ook in vier provinsies as plaaswerkers gewerk: die Wes-, Oos- en Noord-Kaap en Limpopo.

The effects of the recent El Niño-induced midsummer drought are starting to show in South Africa's agricultural jobs data. For example, the Quarterly Labour Force Survey data shows that employment in primary agriculture was down 5% quarter-on-quarter to 896,000 in the second quarter of 2024. From an annual basis perspective, the performance is also weak, though up 0.2% from the second quart of 2023. Still, the primary agricultural employment of 896,000 people remains well above the long-term jobs of 799,000 and generally reflects the harsh summer season we are leaving behind. The Western Cape, Northern Cape, North West, and Gauteng are the provinces that showed significant quarterly job losses. Meanwhile, other provinces showed a mild improvement, which was insufficient to change the overall picture of a decline in employment in South Africa's agriculture.

SA’s agricultural exports slowed in the second quarter as volumes declined, despite an improved performance by the country’s ports in the period under review. According to data from Trade Map, produced by the International Trade Centre, SA’s exports declined 0.1% to $3.3bn in the second quarter, from a 6% increase in the first quarter of the year. “The slight decrease in the second quarter reflects the moderation in the prices of some agricultural products and the decline in the volumes. The top exported products by value include citrus, apples and pears, maize, wine, dates, pineapples, avocados, sugar, grapes, fruit juices, nuts and wool,” the Agricultural Business Chamber of SA (Agbiz) said.

POWERED BY CRA GROUP leaders in Farming and Agriculture news. - No medium in Farming and Agriculture give your so much news at one address - 7 days of the week.

Outstanding articles of the week. Summary of some news Headlines in the Farming and Agriculture media.

Signs of El Niño events are routinely monitored and predicted using observations and climate models. The ability to predict El Niño events improves after the northern hemisphere spring. El Niño events can begin as early as summer and typically reach peak strength during fall or winter in the northern hemisphere. READ MORE

Partnering with South African National Parks (SANParks) and the Lion Recovery Fund, the EWT uses GPS tracking technology to monitor the movements and habitat use of these majestic creatures. This research will culminate in a much-needed population estimate, the first since 2016, providing crucial data for conservation efforts. READ MORE 

Global corn production is forecast down this month with reductions for the European Union, Russia, Serbia, Ukraine, and Moldova more than offsetting an increase for the United States, according to a USDA FAS market report on world grains. Global trade is forecast down as lower exports for Ukraine, Serbia, Russia, South Africa, the European Union, and Paraguay more than offset an increase for the United States.  READ MORE 

The narrative being punted by various urea players of prices rising due to the latest Indian tender was proved false as prices have dropped this week. Urea supply-demand fundamentals point to a very oversupplied market. The Indian tender will likely commit a lot of the surplus product presently available and should tighten the market a little. We expect that prices will soften for the next week or two and thereafter firm steadily for the remainder of the year. READ MORE

Vir almal wat of in die platteland van Suid Afrika  woon, of as stedeling van tyd tot tyd soontoe kom, is dit duidelik hoe die platteland agteruitgaan. Ek het verlede jaar 'n groot deel van die artikel geskryf en geplaas, maar ek het dit weer aangepas vir die jaar.  Ons lees dikwels van die artikels in die media en daar is weer opnuut oproepe om die platteland te herstel-  Op wie se koste gaan dit gedoen word-? Die mense wat dit afgebreek het- het nooit enige aandeel gehad in jarelange opbou daarvan nie- hulle het bloot alles vernietig en verwaarloos ten aanskoue van die mense en hulle voorgeslagte wat dit gebou het. READ MORE 

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CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums.  Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neemOns internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums.  Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme-  Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort.  Ons sal eersdaags ons nuwe Ekonomiese afdeling in plek.



Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year.  Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.  Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news 

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Week se nuus op AGRI NEWS NET  - 50 nuus artikels per dag-  VOLG die AGRI NEWS NET hooftrekke op Hier is so paar om te lees.

For some time now the agriculture sector in South Africa has been crippled by insufficient and incoherent policies regarding disaster relief for farmers. To such an extent that farmers whose farms fall victim to fires like those who have recently ravaged thousands of hectares of land in the North West, eastern Free State, Gauteng and large parts of the Eastern Cape, more often than not receive little to no support from the government. While valuable plantations in Limpopo and Mpumalanga have been lost and orchards have suffered irreparable damage, farmers must make due with whatever funds civil organisations can raise as disaster relief.


These disasters, and subsequent lack of relief from the government, even encompasses those who were beneficiaries of land reform. These farmers are struggling to keep their heads above water after the extensive damage caused by the fires. Many farmers fences have been destroyed, livestock and wildlife have been killed and in the Lowveld-region farmers have lost sheds, vehicles and equipment in devastating runaway fires.

This week saw an increase in the arrival of South African Cambria oranges compared to the beginning of the month, though the overall volume remains low. Traders report that prices are higher than last year. The Cambria oranges currently available have green stems, are adequately hydrated, but are not yet fully sweet.
More than 300 Italian food products and 500 Italian wines enjoy protected legal status because of their unique provenance and cultural value. This value-creation tactic delivers significant market share for its industries and builds the reputation of brand Italy as a cultural and agri-food superpower.
In July 2024, Cape Town experienced unprecedented rainfall, with several weather stations reporting record-breaking totals. The Cape Town City (Oranjezicht) station recorded 317.6 mm of rain, far exceeding the long-term average of 128.0 mm for July and marking the highest monthly rainfall for the month since records began in 1960.
In Mali se hoofstad, Bamako, word donkiekarre gebruik om vullis op te tel. Die stad verdrink in vullis en afval en huishoudings betaal eienaars van die donkiekarre om hulle vullis te verwyder. Die voordeel om donkies daarvoor te gebruik kan nie oorskat word nie omdat motors nie by die stortingsterrein kan uit kom nie. Die donkiekar-netwerk loop heeltemal buite die staat se beheer
‘n Internasionale navorsingspan verduidelik in ‘n verslag in Science Advances hoe die aanwending van stikstof, besoedeling en die gevolge daarvan beduidend kan verlaag. Hul bevindings sluit in dat beter landboupraktyke, minder voedsel-afval en beter brandstofverbruik koolstofvlakke teen 2050 met tot 52-persent kan verlaag
Ingemaakte sardyne raak ál gewilder terwyl baie verbruikers swaar kry, en skep ook stewige mededinging vir plaaslik geproduseerde proteïenprodukte. In die ses maande tot einde Maart vanjaar het verbruikers 4,8 miljoen kartonhouers ingemaakte Lucky Star-sardyne gekoop en in die vorige halfjaar is ’n rekord-getal van 5 miljoen verkoop. Ook Woolworths-klante het meer as voorheen hiervan gekoop.
In much of southern Africa, maize can be considered a “political crop” because of its importance as a staple food and the vast extent of farmers’ involvement in its production. When there are droughts, we see the pain through reduced supplies, increased consumer prices and distressed farming villages.
South African consumers are suddenly forking out a lot more for oranges and naartjies, which have more than doubled in price over the past four weeks in the wake of a spate of bad weather which hit the domestic crop.
The Red Meat Producers Organisation (RPO) has intensified its efforts to secure a place for specific meat products on South Africa’s zero Value Added Tax (VAT) list, following recent discussions around food affordability.
Die rand het aan die begin van die week verder versterk onder R18 teen die dollar om sy sterkste vlak in meer as ’n jaar te bereik. Maandagaand het die wisselkoers teen die dollar op R17,69 gesluit, toon
In die jongste Gewas Vordering-verslag, wat deur die USDA vrygestel is, is die Amerikaanse sojaboonoes as 68% goed tot uitstekend gegradeer. Vanjaar kan die Amerikaanse sojaboonoes volgens die USDA 'n rekord van 124,9 miljoen ton.
The impact of the poor harvest is starting to show at household levels. For example, an article in Business Day Africa on August 20 indicates that "Elisa Magosi, the SADC Executive Secretary, has called for urgent humanitarian assistance, reporting that 68 million people across the region are now at risk of hunger. 
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Die res van al die stories kan jy lees by Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar- 

 Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op

AMT - South Africa

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

White maize

R 5 374,00

per Metric Ton


0.60 %

R 5 342,00

Yellow maize

R 4 096,00

per Metric Ton


-1.30 %

R 4 150,00


R 8 405,00

per Metric Ton


-2.88 %

R 8 654,00

Sunflower seed

R 8 960,00

per Metric Ton


1.19 %

R 8 855,00


R 6 288,00

per Metric Ton


-0.82 %

R 6 340,00

Sorghum (IPP)

R 5 499,00

per Metric Ton


-2.40 %

R 5 634,00

Groundnuts (IPP)

R 28 767,00

per Metric Ton


-2.76 %

R 29 582,00

Cotton (IPP)

R 9 870,00

per Metric Ton


-0.80 %

R 9 950,00

Soy Meal (US derived price)

R 10 654,00

per Metric Ton


-1.66 %

R 10 834,00

Lusern (Grade 1)

R 3 600,00

per Metric Ton


0.00 %

R 3 600,00

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 7,80

per Kg


7.44 %

R 7,26


R 10,38

per Kg


5.27 %

R 9,86


R 5,85

per Kg


6.56 %

R 5,49


R 17,59

per Kg


16.49 %

R 15,10


R 105,47

per Kg


-14.43 %

R 123,25


R 35,54

per Kg


62.21 %

R 21,91


R 10,45

per Kg


-2.15 %

R 10,68


R 9,88

per Kg


9.17 %

R 9,05


R 33,24

per Kg


-13.98 %

R 38,64


R 5,23

per Kg


21.63 %

R 4,30


R 28,24

per Kg


-49.15 %

R 55,54


R 8,28

per Kg


11.14 %

R 7,45


R 89,14

per Kg


-1.77 %

R 90,75


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 78,96

per 10Kg


1.33 %

R 77,92


R 10,44

per Kg


11.42 %

R 9,37


R 5,19

per Kg


22.12 %

R 4,25


R 5,98

per Kg


-1.48 %

R 6,07


R 4,50

per Kg


19.68 %

R 3,76


R 94,31

per Kg


-4.78 %

R 99,04


R 4,82

per Kg


-8.02 %

R 5,24

Sweet Potatoes

R 8,25

per Kg


-1.67 %

R 8,39


R 17,28

per Kg


-19.44 %

R 21,45


R 16,53

per Kg


-5.65 %

R 17,52


R 2,91

per Kg


-9.35 %

R 3,21


R 80,86

per Kg


-2.38 %

R 82,83

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Sheep A2/3

R 90,15

per Kg


0.87 %

R 89,37

Feeder Lamb (Dual Purpose)

R 40,21

per Kg


-0.22 %

R 40,30

Sheep AB2/3

R 73,70

per Kg


2.13 %

R 72,16

Sheep B2/3

R 66,70

per Kg


0.30 %

R 66,50

Sheep C2/3

R 65,20

per Kg


0.15 %

R 65,10

Ave Wool - Non RWS

R 153,05

per Kg


0.00 %

R 153,05

Ave Wool - RWS

R 170,05

per Kg


0.00 %

R 170,05


R 384,21

per Kg


0.00 %

R 384,21


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Beef A2/3

R 55,23

per Kg


0.09 %

R 55,18

Weaners (200-250kg)

R 31,95

per Kg


-1.57 %

R 32,46

Beef AB2/3

R 52,85

per Kg


-1.14 %

R 53,46

Beef B2/3

R 46,85

per Kg


-0.38 %

R 47,03

Beef C2/3

R 43,55

per Kg


0.95 %

R 43,14

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Kids (under 30kg)

R 65,61

per kg


32.04 %

R 49,69

Medium (30-40kg)

R 49,72

per kg


10.27 %

R 45,09

Large (above 40kg)

R 40,51

per kg


13.82 %

R 35,59

Ewes (Goats)

R 46,64

per kg


19.31 %

R 39,09


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Poultry Frozen

R 34,79

per Kg


0.58 %

R 34,59

Poultry fresh

R 33,50

per Kg


0.39 %

R 33,37

Poultry IQF

R 29,58

per Kg


-0.03 %

R 29,59

Poultry Average

R 32,62

per Kg


0.31 %

R 32,52

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Pork Porkers

R 31,87

per Kg


0.25 %

R 31,79

Pork Baconers

R 31,32

per Kg


0.55 %

R 31,15

Pork Sausage

R 24,59

per Kg


1.19 %

R 24,30

Pork Average

R 31,60

per Kg


0.41 %

R 31,47