Africa’s demographic changes and pressures are immense.
I noted that SA farmers have had one of the toughest years because of the combined effects of drought and animal disease that affected production and trade. But this is only one side of the story.
South Africa Agribusiness Market research identifies that the competition continues to intensify year-on-year with emerging applications and widening product portfolio.
Owning a tractor and various soil cultivation implements used to be part and parcel of commercial crop farming in Malawi.
Agribusiness (food and agriculture) as an asset class has grown in prominence in recent years, particularly in private markets given the largely unlisted nature of companies in the food and agricultural sectors.
It is undeniable that global warming has had several impacts on the planet's climate and, in Brazil, it could not be different.
The challenges that agriculture and agribusiness stakeholders face are the same across South Africa.
Agribusiness is a dynamic and complex sector that faces many challenges and opportunities in the 21st century.
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