Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
There are convincing signals pointing to another favourable agricultural season for SA in 2022/2023. In its Seasonal Climate Watch report last week the SA Weather Service highlighted that “the El Niño-Southern Oscillation is in a La Niña state, and forecasts indicate that it will likely remain in this state during the remainder of 2022 and early 2023. A La Niña event usually has the strongest impact on rainfall during the midsummer months. With the continued strengthening of the La Niña event, there is a high chance that it will have its usual effect on SA, generally for above-normal rainfall.”
Agri SA het pres. Cyril Ramaphosa se besluit verwelkom om Janse Rabie, dié landbou-organisasie se hoof van regs- en beleidsake, as lid van die presidensiële klimaatkommissie aan te stel. Christo van der Rheede, uitvoerende hoof van Agri SA, sê in ’n verklaring die organisasies het ’n sentrale rol om te speel in Suid-Afrika se pogings om by klimaatverandering aan te pas en om die uitwerking en oorsake daarvan te versag. Die landbousektor moet ’n integrale rol speel namate Suid-Afrika op ’n sinvolle en doeltreffende wyse op die groeiende bedreiging reageer.
Representatives from around the world will continue meeting in Egypt this week for the annual global climate talks at the 27th Congress of Parties (COP270. The Cop27 talks began on Sunday with an opening ceremony in Sharm El-sheikh. Just days before heading over to the conference President Cyril Ramaphosa presented a new climate investment plan to potentially solve the country’s energy crisis. "It gives me great pleasure to declare open the 27th session of the Congress of the Parties of the United Nations Framework on clime change," said UK representative Alok Sharma. Representatives arrived on Sunday at the Lamborghini International Convention center in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt. France is proud to work with South Africa on the implementation of this Just Energy Transition Partnership, which will help to strengthen the country’s energy security, green its electricity mix and set a benchmark for other countries around the world, while keeping at its core the just element of this transition in order to leave no one behind. I welcome the ambitious Just Energy Transition Investment Plan presented by South Africa and I am happy to confirm that France has just unlocked a concessional policy support of €300-million to South Africa, as a first step towards the fulfilment of our $1-billion commitment to support South Africa’s decarbonisation.”
The South African members of the World Farmers Organisation (WFO) – which include our network of family farmers Saai, AFASA and WRSA – have won the bid to host the World Farmers General Assembly in South Africa in June 2023. The WFO represents more than 80 national farmers organisations in 56 countries and 1,4 billion farmers worldwide. The General Assembly is a premier event on the Internal Agricultural Calendar and is the most influential gathering of farmers and agricultural leaders in the world.
Ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling begin- Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie- Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word .
Net zero by 2050 -First, it’s vital that we limit further temperature rises to 1.5 degrees to 2 degrees. Delivering on that by 2050 requires cutting emissions by 25‑50 percent by 2030 compared to pre-2019 levels. The good news is that about 140 countries—accounting for 91 percent of greenhouse gas emissions—have already proposed or set net-zero targets for around mid-century. The bad news is that net-zero rhetoric does not match reality. Actually getting to net zero by 2050 means most countries need to do even more to strengthen their targets for cutting emissions—particularly large economies. And there is an even bigger gap on the policy front. New IMF analysis of current global climate targets shows they would only deliver an 11% cut.
Talle plaaslike graanprodusente in die omgewing van die Swartland het reeds begin oes, terwyl sommige nog geduldig wag om hul stropers aan te skakel. Buiten ongunstige produksietoestande gedurende planttyd, is vanjaar se graanprodusente ook onderhewig aan wisselvallige en onvoorsiene marktoestande. Die plaaslike koringmark in 2021-’22 het ’n besonderse goeie jaar beleef met die grootste produksie sedert die 2002-’03-seisoen. Die 2021-’22-seisoen se algehele oes van 2,29 miljoen ton is opgelewer deur die hoogste opbrengs per hektaar (4,36 t/ha) wat nog in Suid-Afrika aangemeld is. Die 2022-’23-seisoen se vooruitsigte lyk egter minder belowend as die vorige twee seisoene. Die Swartland veteenwoordig tussen 65% en 75% van die algehele Wes-Kaapse koringproduksie. Onvoldoende reën in die Wes-Kaap – veral die Swartland – het ’n uitwerking op hierdie seisoen se opbrengste. “ ’n Rekordbrekende 792 miljoen ton koring word voorspel om wêreldwyd in 2022-’23 gestroop te word. Dit is ’n styging van 1% teenoor die vorige jaar. Groot opbrengste word in die VSA, Kanada, Kazakstan, China, Turkye en die Verenigde Koninkryk verwag, wat hierdie verbetering sal aanhelp. Dit het gehelp om die verwagte oesverlies in die EU, Australië, die Oekraïne, Argentinië en Indië te verdoesel. Met die uitsondering van die Oekraïne is die voorspelde daling in koringproduksie in ander nasies meestal die gevolg van ongunstige weer. Die voorspelling is dat koringpryse in die korter termyn ondersteun sal bly. Die mark is egter steeds wisselvallig en reageer op enige nuus oor die oorlog.
More than 70 percent of global emissions come from energy use. To decarbonize, the world needs to electrify the things we currently do with fossil fuels and generate that electricity from green sources such as wind and solar. This will require massive amounts of solar panels, wind turbines, electrical cables, and capacitors as well as mechanisms to store energy, such as lithium-ion batteries. Electrolyzers and fuel cells will be needed as well to convert electricity into hydrogen and back. All these products are highly intensive in metals and rare earth elements. Production of these minerals will have to expand by several multiples if the world is to achieve net zero. So net zero requires a mining boom.
Om totaal en al groen te boer, gaan nie 10 biljoen mense kos gee nie- ons kan nie eers 7 biljoen mense kos gee met normale kosproduksie nie. Daar is net te veel mens op aarde en dit word elke dag meer- daar is ook te veel mense wat net eet en drink en glad nie produktief is nie. Lande sal moet begin om beperkings te plaas op hoeveel kinders 'n gesin mag he.. maar ongelukkig is daar miljoene kinders wat nie weet wie hulle Pa is nie.
Since 1974, the world’s population has doubled from 4B to 8B people. (Look at the Stats at the bottom of this article)
Die landbousektor speel ‘n kritieke rol in die skep van ‘n beter toekoms vir alle Suid Afrikaners. Die doel van hierdie kompetisie is dan ook om akkurate en oordrag van inligting en positiewe stories binne die landbou aan te moedig. Hierdie is ‘n platform waar studente en jongmense binne die landbou en joernalistieke omgewing hulle werk kan publiseer. So kry hulle ook ‘n voorsmakie van kommunikasie met die publiek en belanghebbers binne die sektor en staan die kans om lekker kontantpryse te wen!
Die kompetisie is gesluit en die wenners sal binnekort bekend gemaak word. Ons weneers sal deel wees van ons funksie in November by die historiese Villa Arcadia in Parktown. Hierdie is ook die tuiste van Hollard en ons sien uit om die geleentheid daar aan te bied.
CRA Media is tans besig met die vervaardiging van 'n dokumentere reeks wat eersdaags in die Internasionale media beskikbaar gestel gaan word.
Ons kondig ook binne kort weer 'n kompetiese aan..
As jy enige kort bydrae wil lewer tot hierdie uiter gewilde artikel wat 2 weekliks geplaas woord, kontak die nuuskantoor by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Luister gerus na ons gewilde POTGOOI- daagliks op www.farmingportal.co.za
The war in Ukraine; global post-pandemic supply-side disruptions; record droughts in Europe and China; frosts in Brazil; Hurricane Ian in Florida; and unusually heavy rains and floods in India, Pakistan and Australia combined in 2022 to test the limits of the current production and retail chain of food supplies.
According to the recently released Organisation for Economic Development (OECD) Agricultural Outlook 2019-2028, beef production is expected to continue to grow. In developing countries, it is expected to be 17% higher in 2028, with developing countries such as Brazil, Mexico, Pakistan and South Africa, to account for 72% of additional beef produced worldwide.
THE Daures Green Valley green hydrogen pilot project north of Swakopmund, headed by the University of Namibia in partnership with European universities, is expected to give Namibia's crop sector a boost.
Tractor Sales - Since April 2020, the monthly sales have remained positive, registering an average of 26% y/y growth over the past 31 months.
Transnet has partnered with the National Association of Automotive Component and Allied Manufacturers (Naacam) and the National Empowerment Fund (NEF) to boost localisation and manufacturing capacity to support Transnet’s core business.
Offshore wind turbines are growing in size as technology advances and demand for renewable energy soars, but installing them could be a headache for operators as demand will outpace the supply of capable vessels by 2024.
Fertilizer shortages brought on by high prices and tight supplies are continuing to threaten global agricultural production. Gro Intelligence's Global Fertilizer Impact Monitor, launched earlier this year, is the first tool to help quantify the potential impact on global production of major crops from reduced applications of nitrogen fertilizer under different scenarios in a fully transparent way.
Cover crops should be viewed as a long-term investment in improved soil health and farm management. A cover crop is a plant that is used primarily to slow soil erosion, improve soil health, enhance water and nutrient availability, control weeds, help control pests and diseases, increase soil biodiversity and bring a host of other benefits to the farm.
Die La Niña-stelsel en weerstelsels wat meer weswaarts oor Suid-Afrika beweeg, is van die redes vir die die donderstorms en hael wat die afgelope weke oor onder meer die winterreënstreek voorgekom het.
We need to feed the world- we need to get "food secured" It seems like most advocates of a “transformation of food systems” at COP27 want to move 8 billion people to a plant based diet produced with no fertilisers or chemical crop protection on less land by 2030- This will never work- too many people in the world.
South Africa’s litchi harvest is expected to rise by 10 to 15% over last year, which was a light year. “We’re expecting a good season,” says Bram Snijder, chairperson of the South Africa Litchi Growers Association. “The expectation is that we’ll export around 1.5 million 2kg cartons, of which around 10% will go to the United States.
Twee jagluiperds van Namibië het vanoggend binne enkele ure na hul vrylating in ‘n groter gebied by Kuno Nasionale Park in Indië hul eerste bok gejag. Die jagluiperds het ‘n gevlekte takbok platgetrek, sê ‘n park-amptenaar.
Modern farming enables farmers to leave the soil undisturbed and promote soil health. Practices such as no-till, reduced-till, and conservation tillage allow farmers to reduce or eliminate plowing a field, churning up the soil
Agri SA welcomes the appointment of Janse Rabie, the Legal and Policy Executive at Agri SA to the Presidential Climate Commission by President Ramaphosa. This important body has a central role to play as South Africa works to adapt to and mitigate the effects and causes of climate change.
Agri SA welcomes the appointment of Janse Rabie, the Legal and Policy Executive at Agri SA to the Presidential Climate Commission by President Ramaphosa. This important body has a central role to play as South Africa works to adapt to and mitigate the effects and causes of climate change.
Oor ’n afstand van 30 km op die R708 tussen Clocolan en Marquard is daar 1 034 slaggate. Dit kom neer op gemiddeld net meer as 34 slaggate per kilometer, of gemiddeld een slaggat elke 29 m. Op sommige dele is die “teerpad” minder as 3 m wyd, sê Vrystaat Landbou (VL) in ’n verklaring.
Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za

Ons damme word volWhat not to do … No matter how scared you are, running to the bush is never a safe option… You may end up being devoured on by a hungry Lion,
— CertifiedEcoTourismDoyenne (@ms_tourist) November 7, 2022
Leopard, Hyena, Rhino, buffalo … kuningi nje. This is a musth season for oGatsheni until March.. 📹Hluhluwe Game Reserve..#LetsGoWild pic.twitter.com/NdksVfey9z
Gariep Dam on Monday, 7 November at 8h30 💧💦
— ReenvalSA (@ReenvalSA) November 7, 2022
🎥Anette Klopper Du Toit@SAWeatherServic @DWS_RSA @JoelGuy_ @VoxWeatherZa pic.twitter.com/GlbEfZFool
Dis tegnologie
Is this the Future of restaurants? pic.twitter.com/dwff4kMHdG
— H0W_THlNGS_W0RK (@wowinteresting8) November 8, 2022
There is no excuse for this cruelty. We must work to end factory farming. pic.twitter.com/ze5DbBvKtF
— World Animal Protection US (@MoveTheWorldUS) November 9, 2022