Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
Total South African pear production has increased from just over 200 000 tonnes to very nearly 500 000 tonnes per year in the past three decades. During this time, local sales of fresh pears have remained fairly stable at around 50 000 tonnes per year. The additional tonnes have been dried, processed, or exported fresh. Populations in Africa and Asia are becoming more urbanised and higher earning. City dwellers buy food, and people with more income buy fruit. There are likely to be about 500 million more potential fruit consumers in Africa, and 2.3 billion more in Asia, by 2040 than there were in 2017.
In 2022, the overall grade for South Africa’s public infrastructure declined further to D, the lowest grade ever recorded by SAICE, which is of great concern. The table below gives a broad overview of the status of infrastructure in South Africa, ranked from best to worst condition. READ MORE
Mnr. Sputnik Ratau, woordvoerder van die departement van water en sanitasie, se voorlegging aan die parlement het gekonsentreer op wat sou gebeur as iets by 286 van die 323 damme wat die departement bestuur, sou skeefloop. Daar is spesifiek na dié damme gekyk as gevolg van hul grootte en risiko om skade te rig. Veiligheidsverslae oor damme moet volgens hom elke vyf jaar by die departement van openbare werke se kantoor van damveiligheid ingehandig word. Volgens hom kan die direkteur-generaal besluit om dié periode tot 10 jaar te verleng. Die verslae word gebruik om ’n similasie te doen van wat kan gebeur as ’n dam se wal sou breek. “Die rede waarom daar nie aan veiligheidsvereistes voldoen word nie, het te doen met die aanstelling van ’n goedgekeurde diensverskaffer wat ’n gebrek aan kapasiteit tot gevolg het. Die nodige diensverskaffers moet aangestel word om te verseker dat veiligheidsverslae betyds by die kantoor vir damveiligheid ingehandig word.” Volgens die departement is die Vaaldam reeds 100,49% vol en styg sy vlak steeds vinnig. Al die dam se sluise is oop. Vrylatings van die dam se water sal oor die volgende paar dae volgens die beskikbare data van die Bo-Vaal-opvangsgebied aangepas word. Die Vaal-Oranje-stelsel ontvang volgens die departement ook tans ’n groot toevloei. Dit het ’n impak op die Vaal- en die Bloemhofdam. As gevolg daarvan sal water vandag vanuit die Bloemhofdam vrygelaat word.
The honorable President of South Africa -" With the advent of democracy in 1994, a key priority of the new government was to transform the economy so that everyone could benefit from the country’s wealth. As a society, we understood that economic transformation could not simply be left to the markets, but would need special interventions to make it happen. That is why the Bill of Rights in our Constitution says that to promote the achievem. As I told the inaugural meeting of the newly formed Presidential Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment Advisory Council in July, we need to develop a new vision for black economic empowerment that builds on successes, learns from shortcomings, and that responds to local and global economic realities. There should be no mistake or misunderstanding: broad-based black economic empowerment is not under threat and is not being reconsidered. ent of equality, legislative and other measures may be taken to advance people who had been disadvantaged by unfair discrimination. The same Constitution provides for both value-for-money and empowerment in public procurement. "CYRIL RAMAPHOSA: B-BBEE IS HERE TO STAY
Ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling begin- Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie- Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word .
Johan Van den Berg sê korttermynvoorspellings dui op ’n effense breek in swaarder reënneerslae, maar enkele tot verspreide buie van sowat 20 mm is steeds moontlik oor die sentrale tot oostelike dele van Suid-Afrika tot ongeveer 20 November. “In die laaste tien dae van November en eerste week van Desember kan swaarder reën weer verwag word oor veral die Oos-Vrystaat, Gauteng, Mpumalanga, die oostelike dele van Limpopo en Noordwes, asook groot dele van KwaZulu-Natal. “Met die La Niña-stelsel wat steeds teenwoordig is, dui langertermynvoorspellings aan dat ’n goeie kans steeds bestaan op bogemiddelde reën in veral Desember en die eerste deel van Januarie.”
Despite a marked pickup in grain prices — as reduced supply amid drier production conditions in key regions was exacerbated by war-related interruptions — agricultural input costs have soared over the past year. Sharply higher international oil prices have led to record-high fuel prices, while fertiliser supply disruptions — with Russia being a key producer — resulted in unprecedented price increases. Moreover, production of some fertilisers, particularly those that are nitrogen based, depends on natural gas — further heightening price pressures. Chemicals used in agricultural pesticides have also been adversely affected by these disruptions. READ MORE
The instability in the Black Sea region due to the Russia-Ukraine war, combined with possible dryness in South America and currency fluctuations, will continue to underpin the price movements. The comforting part for the consumers and the maize users, mainly the livestock industry, is that there will likely be sufficient supplies domestically to meet the needs. READ MORE
New Holland presents T8 tractor with Raven Autonomy, the driverless grain cart harvest application, at SIMA 2022. It is the next step in the development of its market-leading precision and autonomous technology offering with the new T8 with Raven Autonomy™. It integrates OMNiDRIVE, the first driverless agriculture technology for grain cart harvest operations, which originated as an aftermarket solution developed by Raven in 2019. The innovative technology stack enables the farmer to monitor, synchronize and operate a driverless tractor from the cab of the harvester.
Net zero by 2050 -First, it’s vital that we limit further temperature rises to 1.5 degrees to 2 degrees. Delivering on that by 2050 requires cutting emissions by 25‑50 percent by 2030 compared to pre-2019 levels. The good news is that about 140 countries—accounting for 91 percent of greenhouse gas emissions—have already proposed or set net-zero targets for around mid-century. The bad news is that net-zero rhetoric does not match reality. Actually getting to net zero by 2050 means most countries need to do even more to strengthen their targets for cutting emissions—particularly large economies. And there is an even bigger gap on the policy front. New IMF analysis of current global climate targets shows they would only deliver an 11% cut.
Our Farmers are still target of murders -In one of the 3 farm attacks in South Africa yesterday (Welkom, Witrivier and Delmas) an 80-year old farmer was killed
Om totaal en al groen te boer, gaan nie 10 biljoen mense kos gee nie- ons kan nie eers 7 biljoen mense kos gee met normale kosproduksie nie. Daar is net te veel mens op aarde en dit word elke dag meer- daar is ook te veel mense wat net eet en drink en glad nie produktief is nie. Lande sal moet begin om beperkings te plaas op hoeveel kinders 'n gesin mag he.. maar ongelukkig is daar miljoene kinders wat nie weet wie hulle Pa is nie.
Since 1974, the world’s population has doubled from 4B to 8B people. (Look at the Stats at the bottom of this article)
Die landbousektor speel ‘n kritieke rol in die skep van ‘n beter toekoms vir alle Suid Afrikaners. Die doel van hierdie kompetisie is dan ook om akkurate en oordrag van inligting en positiewe stories binne die landbou aan te moedig. Hierdie is ‘n platform waar studente en jongmense binne die landbou en joernalistieke omgewing hulle werk kan publiseer. So kry hulle ook ‘n voorsmakie van kommunikasie met die publiek en belanghebbers binne die sektor en staan die kans om lekker kontantpryse te wen!
Die kompetisie is gesluit en die wenners sal binnekort bekend gemaak word. Ons weneers sal deel wees van ons funksie in November by die historiese Villa Arcadia in Parktown. Hierdie is ook die tuiste van Hollard en ons sien uit om die geleentheid daar aan te bied.
CRA Media is tans besig met die vervaardiging van 'n dokumentere reeks wat eersdaags in die Internasionale media beskikbaar gestel gaan word.
Ons kondig ook binnekort weer 'n kompetiese aan..
Ons deel gereeld nuwe kreatiewe metodes van kommunikering en bemarking in die landbou. Ons het so paar weke terug 'n nuwe gedagte gedeel met 'n baie prominente aanbieder in Suid Afrika en 'n paar gedagte gedeel. Hy het baie aandagtig geluister en dit dadelik gaan implimenteer sonder om ons te raadpleeg
As jy enige kort bydrae wil lewer tot hierdie uiter gewilde artikel wat 2 weekliks geplaas woord, kontak die nuuskantoor by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Luister gerus na ons gewilde POTGOOI- daagliks op www.farmingportal.co.za
Suid-Afrika se damme bevat miljarde tonne water en stuit as gevolg daarvan eintlik jare, in sommige gevalle dekades, se vloede, sê dr. Anthony Turton van die sentrum vir omgewingsbestuur aan die Universiteit van die Vrystaat. Daarom is dit só katastrofies as ’n damwal breek.
Global economic growth prospects are confronting a unique mix of headwinds, including from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, interest rate increases to contain inflation, and lingering pandemic effects such as China’s lockdowns and disruptions in supply chains.
Fertiliser usage is critical in ensuring sufficient grain yields, and is generally also one of the largest farming production expenses. Before the invasion of Ukraine, global fertiliser supply had already been under pressure amid Covid-19-related disruptions to global trade.
Brood is 'n stapelvoedsel van kulture in Europa, Indië en die Midde-Ooste en word voorberei deur deeg te bak, te stoom of te braai. Brooddeeg bestaan uit ten minste meel en water; gewoonlik word daar ook sout bygevoeg asook 'n rysmiddel soos gis.
South African stone fruit suppliers are predicting a stable and high-quality 2022/23 export season, with improved volumes and a return to smooth trading after a series of logistical challenges over the past year.
Economics is boring. Or at least it can be a lot of the time. The global and local macro-economic landscape is always the context for the world that businesses operate in and so, as businesspeople, we use it to paint a picture of the background, headwinds and tailwinds that we face in day-to-day operations.
It’s a critical topic in terms of the African continent. It is not only about climate change. What happened in the last years – apart from the fact that the commercial farming sector showed remarkable resilience – we were almost in the midst of a perfect storm.
New analysis from researchers found a relationship between rainfall and soil moisture, depending on existing conditions and the time of year. This all relies on understanding what causes rain: it requires moisture on the ground, heat to turn that moisture into vapor, and an upward motion of air.
Vrystaat Landbou sê die privaat sektor moet toegelaat om noodsaaklike entstowwe vir vee te produseer om 'n krisis in die produksie van vleis en ander diereprodukte af te weer. Die landbou-organisasie het gereageer op ‘n tekort aan entstof teen Slenkdalkoors, bloutong en Afrika-perdesiekte in die land.
Ons lewe in ander tye- Die tyd toe jy nog met die bankbestuurder kon praat is verby- vandag is jy net 'n nommer by die bank en die bestuurder is iewers waar jy nie kan kom nie- Alles word aanlyn gedoen en die rekenaar wat geprogrammeer is deur iemand is ook nerens te vinde nie. Dis eintlik baie klinies en koud- Banke is nie meer lus om bates terug te neem nie.
Die bestuurshoof van Eskom, Andre de Ruyter sê die energieplan wat die Suid-Afrikaanse afvaardiging by die COP27 beraad voorgelê het, is die oplossing vir die land se energiekrisis. De Ruyter het by die beraad in Sjarm al Sjeik gesê die plan om van steenkool-gebaseerde energie oor te skakel na groen energie is volhoubaar, en sal ook die werksgeleenthede vervang wat deur die oorgang verlore kan gaan.
Leaders from all over the world are currently gathering at the Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 27) in Egypt to discuss climate action, and to negotiate the commitments being made by countries to the global climate agenda.
Deur die noodsaaklikste vervoerkorridors vir landbouprodukte in Suid-Afrika te karteer hoop Agbiz om die weg te baan vir vennootskappe tussen die staat en die private sektor wat ’n einde kan maak aan bottelnekke in die bedryf se logistiek.
Yet, while long-term trends back the change, US consumption of beef actually ticked up slightly during the 2020 pandemic, to 25.3kg per person. It has been slowly rising since 2015 after plunging during the 2007-2009 Great Recession. Consumption last year remained 11.4% below 2006 and nearly 40% below peak 1970s levels, according to the US agriculture department. 2022 it even better.
Jong Suid-Afrikaners spandeer ten minste 'n kwartier van elke wakker uur op hul fone - studie -Hoe gereeld kommunikeer jy elke dag met jou selfoon? Tien keer? Twintig keer? -As jy ’n jong Suid-Afrikaner tussen die ouderdomme van 18 en 26 jaar is, is die antwoord dalk 30 of meer keer per uur, volgens nuwe navorsing deur Adoozy Power.
First coal fired power stations do NOT send 60 to 70% of the energy up the chimney. The boilers of modern power station are 96% efficient and the exhaust heat is captured by the economisers and reheaters that heat the air and water before entering the boilers.
Klimaatverandering hou ‘n potensieel vernietigende ekonomiese bedreiging vir lae-inkomste beesboere in arm lande in weens die uitwerking van hittestres op diere. Globaal mag dié produsente teen die einde van die eeu jaarliks groot finansiële verliese lei.
Tobacco is one of the biggest foreign currency earners in Zimbabwe, alongside gold and money sent back from the diaspora. In 2021, it earned the country around $1.2 billion (€1.17bn). The southern African nation, which is the largest producer of tobacco in Africa and the sixth biggest globally, is aiming to turn tobacco farming into a $5 billion (€4.85bn) industry by 2025.
Senior wolbemarker by OVK, Heinrich Victor, sê die Cape Wools Merino-aanwyser het op 9 November se veiling met 2,3% vir nie-RWS en 3,2% vir RWS wol gedaal teenoor die vorige veiling, en teen 'n skoonprys van R157,79/kg en R166,91/kg, onderskeidelik gesluit. “Op die OVK-veiling is 1 824 bale aangebied, waarvan 93,5% verkoop is.
Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za

Amazing robotic apple picker from https://t.co/yhMZbCpuNI can pick almost 30 apples per minutepic.twitter.com/1kSj3IPVGc
— Fascinating (@fasc1nate) November 11, 2022
Industrial Beef farming comes to UK
— GO GREEN (@ECOWARRIORSS) November 14, 2022
Causing pollution and spreading disease
with animals treated as mere products in their short miserable lives pic.twitter.com/Dg2GWadUQV
Man alleen
Altyd tyd vir iemand wat menslik en opgevoed isHow Hay is packaged and collected from the farm.
— Hey Farm 🌽 (@FarmingAnyDay) November 7, 2022
Source: https://t.co/660MYykEpj pic.twitter.com/htXXko06L0
Toe Suid Afrika se spoorwee nog op tyd was en gewerk het.Your moment of Zen: I've watched this clip on loop I don't know how many times... it is effervescent. https://t.co/wFpBn3tEay
— Leonie Joubert (@LeonieJoubert) November 15, 2022
Iets wat ek baie na verlang..
— Bullie Smith (@BullieSmith86) November 15, 2022
Ons ou spoorweë soos dit eens was.. pic.twitter.com/l12pXC8kbP