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TLU SA mourns the efforts of specific role players in the industry to constantly discredit farmers, and more so commercial farmers, and portraying them in the worst light possible.

“We’ve been inundated with calls from our members who are fuming at being portrayed as land thieves and unnecessary to the agricultural industry in the country,” says Louis Meintjies, the President of TLU SA. “Our members are tired of being called criminals while they are working hard to keep food on South Africa’s tables.”

The renewed attack on commercial farmers follows a panel discussion at the Word Festival (Woordfees) in Stellenbosch where Dr Piet Croucamp unexpectedly took part. During the debate Dr Croucamp made statements implying the farmers in South Africa are criminals by alleging they stole the land they are farming on.

“As an academic Croucamp should know better and at least offer confirming proof for his far-fetching claims,” says Meintjies. “All research indicates that no farmer stole his or her land. We, as TLU SA, have in the past offered a reward of R100 000 for any person who can prove that commercial farmers stole their land. Our money is still safely in our bank account.”

Landowners have title deeds issued by the state, making them the legal owner of the land.

“By using the unfounded political rhetoric from ultra-left political parties, Croucamp is showing his true colours,” says Meintjies. “He is trying to rewrite our history, while TLU SA is focussing on building a future for everyone in the country.”

“We find it puzzling that people like Croucamp are still given public platforms to add more fuel to the fire of lies concerning property rights in South Africa. We hope the North West University takes the appropriate action against him. He is dishonouring the reputation of this academic institution by making such emotional and unfounded claims.”

TLU SA rejects the claims of Dr Piet Croucamp that farmers stole their land with the contempt it deserves.


Uitgereik deur: TLU SA

Navrae: Mnr Louis Meintjes, President TAU SA,
Sel.: 082 461 7262

Mnr Bennie van Zyl, Hoofbestuurder TLU SA,
Sel.: 082 466 4470

TLU SA betreur die pogings van bepaalde rolspelers in die bedryf wat deurlopend probeer om die landbouer, en veral kommersiële boere, in Suid-Afrika te diskrediteer en in ‘n swak lig te stel.

“Ons word oorval deur ons lede wat woedend is omdat hulle as gronddiewe en onnodig vir die landboubedryf beskryf word,” sê Louis Meintjies, die President van TLU SA. “Ons lede is moeg daarvoor om gereeld die sondebok gemaak te word terwyl ons hard werk om Suid-Afrika se tafels vol kos te hou.”

Die hernude aanslag op kommersiële boere volg na ‘n paneelbespreking by die Woordfees op Stellenbosch waaraan Dr Piet Croucamp onverwags deelgeneem het. Tydens die gesprek het Dr Croucamp stellings gemaak wat impliseer dat die boere van Suid-Afrika misdadigers is deur te beweer dat hulle die grond waarop hulle boer, gesteel het.

“As akademikus behoort Croucamp van beter te weet deur ten minste stawende bewyse vir sy vergesogte stellings voor te kan lê,” sê Meintjies. “Alle navorsing dui daarop dat geen boer sy of haar grond gesteel het nie. Ons het, as TLU SA, selfs al ‘n beloning van R100 000 uitgeloof vir enige persoon wat kan bewys dat die kommersiële boer sy grond gesteel het. Ons geld is nogsteeds veilig in ons bankrekening.”

Grondeienaars beskik oor titelaktes wat deur die staat uitgereik is wat hom of haar die wettige eienaar van die grond maak.
“Deur hierdie ongegronde politieke retoriek uit die ultra-linkse politieke partye se arsenaal te gebruik, wys Croucamp sy ware kleure,” sê Meintjies. “Hy is besig om ons geskiedenis te probeer herbou terwyl TLU SA daarop fokus om ‘n toekoms te bou vir almal in die land.

“Dit is vir ons onverklaarbaar dat sodanige mense nog enigsins ‘n platform gegun word om nog meer petrol in die leuen-vuur oor grondbesit in Suid-Afrika te gooi. Ons hoop dat die Noordwes Universiteit waaraan Croucamp verbonde is gepas teen hom sal optree. Hy benadeel die reputasie van hierdie akademiese instelling deur sulke emosionele en ongegronde uitlatings te maak.”

TLU SA verwerp die aantygings van Dr Piet Croucamp dat boere hulle grond gesteel het met die minagting wat dit verdien.