Engen and Agri SA team up to bring relief to South African’s farmers

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Joint press release by Engen and Agri SA,

As farming communities around South Africa continue to be severely affected by severe drought, Engen has partnered with Agri SA to help drive contributions to their Drought Aid Fund, which ensures that farms remain in production and that jobs and food security are protected.

For every litre of participating Engen lubricant sold nationwide, R1 will be contributed to Agri SA’s Drought Aid Fund.

Since 2015, thousands of South African farmers and farm workers impacted by drought have benefited from the fund.

Engen is proud to be a part of this initiative given its close and longstanding ties to the agricultural sector.

“As a leading supplier of fuels and lubricants to the agricultural sector we have witnessed first-hand the impact that the ongoing drought has on our farmers, farm workers and farming communities, which is why we have partnered with Agri SA to ensure the sustainability of this sector,” says Zama Dyaphu, the Indirect Sales Manager for Engen Lubricants.

With the impact of drought being felt in the Northern Cape, Limpopo, and parts of the Eastern and Western Cape, Agri SA is thankful for the opportunity to partner with Engen.

“The contribution of Engen will go a long way to assist farmers, farm workers and farming communities who are still suffering from this long-lasting drought. We will work closely with our provincial affiliates to ensure the aid reaches those who need it the most,” says Andrea Campher, Disaster Risk Manager of Agri SA.

Customers who purchase Engen Dieselube 700 Super, Engen Agritrac Super Universal and Engen Agrifluid Transmission from participating co-ops and distributers will ensure that R1 per litre is contributed to the Drought Aid Fund.