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If president Cyril Ramaphosa blatantly lies when he addresses audiences overseas, it leaves TAU SA with no other option but to set the record straight.

Such an occasion is presented by end of November when the UN Human Rights Commission presents the eleventh session on Minority Rights in Genève. The theme is “Statelessness – a minority question”

TAU SA is of the opinion that this theme has reference to “landlessness” which is facing South African farmers and other land owners should expropriation without compensation commence.

Mr Henk van de Graaf, chairman of the TAU SA Northern Region, is planning to attend the meeting and to present a paper. He has attended and participated during three previous Forum sessions in Genève.

In the meantime a supporters fund has been established with the aim of making contributions for a delegation to attend the proceedings and land owners and other interested individuals who wish to contribute can do so at Oranjekas, Standard Bank acc. No 271240490 with reference 0165375776 or Bystandsfonds.



Uitgereik deur: TLU SA

Navrae: Mnr Bennie van Zyl, Hoofbestuurder TLU SA, Sel.: 082 466 4470

Mnr Henk van de Graaf, Streekvoorsitter TLU SA Noord, Sel.: 076 563 3800

Datum: Woensdag, 10 Oktober 2018

As president Cyril Ramaphosa blatante onwaarhede in die buiteland oor Suid-Afrika vertel, het TLU SA geen ander keuse nie as om die korrekte feite na die internasionale arena te neem.

So ‘n geleentheid is aan die einde van November wanneer die VN se Menseregtekommissie sy elfde sessie oor Minderheidsaangeleenthede in Genéve aanbied. Die tema handel oor “Staatloosheid - ‘n minderheidsaangeleentheid”.

TLU SA is van mening dat dié tema aanpas by die dreigende kwessie van “Grondloosheid” wat Suid-Afrikaanse boere en ander grondeienaars in die gesig staar as onteiening sonder vergoeding eers in aanvang neem.

Mnr. Henk van de Graaf, voorsitter van TLU SA Noord Streek, beoog om die byeenkoms by te woon en ‘n voorlegging te maak. Hy het al drie vorige Forum-byeenkomste in Genéve bygewoon.

Daar is intussen ook ‘n ondersteuningsfonds in die lewe geroep spesiaal met die doel om hierdie byeenkoms te kan bywoon, en grondeienaars en ander belanghebbendes wat ernstig voel oor die saak, kan ‘n bydrae maak na Oranjekas, Standard Bank rek. No. 271240490 met verwysing 0165375776 of Bystandsfonds.