Best Trade and Consumer Exhibition in Africa a must for farmers as well as the public

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Agri-Expo Livestock and the Groot Plaasproe, honoured with the prestigious ROAR exhibition industry award as Best Trade and Consumer Exhibition in Africa in January this year, will be back this week from Thursday 11 to Saturday 13 October at Sandringham outside Stellenbosch.

This accolade, in the category for exhibitions larger than 12 000 m2, was awarded by AAXO (Association of African Exhibition Organizations) in conjunction with EXSA (Exhibition Association of Southern Africa) at their annual ROAR Awards Event in Johannesburg.

According to Johan Ehlers, Chief Executive Officer of Agri-Expo, Livestock and the Groot Plaasproe is one of the few opportunities in South Africa where the public can experience the total value chain of different agricultural industries in an accessible manner. The event has grown over the past five years to become a multifaceted agricultural show, expo and festival that offers a home to over 20 different projects that promote agriculture as a whole.

"Our goal is to bring the farmer and the public closer together and give the youth exposure to agricultural career opportunities," said Ehlers. Visitors can look forward to more than 150 exhibitions and 300 farm animals. In addition, they can see top animals of several breeds competing, with about 20 breeders' associations involved in Livestock. We also have an exciting entertainment program on Saturday 13 October. To summarize – it is a wonderful, honest agricultural experience for both young and old."

The programme includes the following highlights:

The biggest dairy show in South Africa: The FNB Dairy Championships with the three biggest dairy breeds, Jerseys, Ayrshires and Holsteins, competing for the title of FNB Dairy Queen. The judging panel includes Canadian judge Brian Carscadden.
The largest beef cattle interbreed championships of its kind: More than 12 different beef cattle breeds compete in these championships, with the crowning of the BKB Red Meat King/Queen in the Biomin Show Arena on Saturday 13 October as the highlight.
National championships: The 20th national championships of the SA Holstein Cattle Breeders’ Society – for the first time at Livestock and only for the third time ever in the Western Cape.
The largest schools’ programme at an agricultural show: 3 000 learners attend an agricultural educational program, in partnership with the Western Cape Department of Agriculture (WCDoA).
Information days: Small as well as commercial farmers can obtain free advice from experts during a Dairy Goat Information Day on Thursday 11 October, and a Beef Cattle Information Day on Friday 12 October, supported by the WCDoA and Standard Bank.
Auctions: The second annual South African Working Sheepdog Auction by BKB with three sheepdogs from well-known breeders, as well as an auction of five Percherons from the well-known Elsenburg stud and three miniature horses of the MNB stud.
Shows: The Cape Rabbit Club's Spring Championship Show is the largest rabbit show in the Western Cape with more than 15 different rabbit breeds. The largest boerboel show in the Western Cape forms part of the 10th anniversary of the Western Cape Boerboel Club. The Old Mutual Insure Western Cape Regional Youth Show and the Western Cape Dairy Goat Championships also take place at Livestock.
Exhibitions: The Agri-Expo Pavilion houses exhibitions on the livestock industry, technology and the value chain. A new addition is the Connect Agri exhibition of the WCDoA focusing on career opportunities. In the Animal Lane, breed societies and animal breeders offer visitors the opportunity to meet a wide variety of animals, including three rare white cattle breeds, Romagnola, Charolais and Chianina. There are also Hubs for the sheep, poultry, alpaca and game industry. And for the food lovers there is the Groot Plaasproe in the Standard Bank Food Lane with farm food such as boer goat meat available exclusively at the festival, plus beer, wine and more.
Entertainment on Saturday 13 October: The programme includes music performances by the Broers and other artists, as well as line-dancing demonstrations led by world champions. Visitors can also participate in a braaibroodjie and steak braai competition with SPAR meat vouchers worth R6 500 at stake, an ice cream-eating competition for all ages, a “sokkie” (dancing) competition and boeresport.
International Pinotage Day: On Saturday 13 October, visitors can enjoy Pinotage tastings presented by the Pinotage Association and Wellington Wines at no additional cost.

The programme also includes the Landbouweekblad Grooms’ Challenge, the Milk Producers’ Organisation (MPO) Workshop for Agri Workers, the Toyota SA National Young Auctioneer Competition (presented by Stockfarm), the DMC Dairy Conference and the Agricultural Research Council's Master Dairyman of the Year award function.

Livestock and the Groot Plaasproe takes place daily from 08:00 to 18:00. Visit or for the full programme. Tickets are available at Computicket and at the gate at R100 for adults, R50 for pensioners (Thursday and Friday), R30 for scholars (free Thursday and Friday) and free for children under six years. For more information, contact Agri-Expo at 021 975 4440 or


Isabeau Botha

Corporate Communication Manager


021 975 4440/072 247 5868