The tough economic conditions in recent months have impacted on the daily lives of all South Africans and have been of great concern to government. The rise in the oil price, change in sentiment towards emerging markets and deteriorating international trade relations have been among the contributing factors.
The People’s Republic of China is, according to many market analysts and commentators, fast becoming the major economic power in the world which is a very important topic almost everywhere.
“The rise in economic growth for the second quarter of 3,1% released by Statistics SA today still shows that the likelihood is not good that the economy will grow this year despite this improvement.
For the first time in a decade, investment expenditure rather than consumption accounts for more than half of GDP growth; report calls for urgent investment in education and infrastructure for good returns in long-term GDP; “Youth unemployment must be given top priority.
Calculation method
The economic growth figures for the third quarter of this year, released by Statistics SA today, show very clearly that the quarterly growth figures that were annualised (calculated at an annual rate) and adjusted for seasonal fluctuations were always wrong.
Fanie Brink, Independent Agricultural Economist
Michael O’Dowd wrote in his book, The Industrial Revolution Myth and Reality, about the widely held myth that the Industrial Revolution in 18th century England was evil, which he contended was a persistent but mistaken myth.
The main objective of this submission is a suggestion for the serious consideration of an alternative economic plan that can create economic growth and increase the income of the government to solve the very serious fiscal problems of the growing gap between its income and expenditure, higher budget deficits and government debt.
"Joernalistiek kan nooit tussen 'n mislukte staat en hoop in Suid-Afrika staan as joernaliste nie die oplossings vir die ekonomiese en politieke probleme verstaan wat ons vandag nie in die land beleef nie," sê Fanie Brink, ‘n onafhanklike landbou-ekonoom.
After contracting for two consecutive quarters, South Africa's agricultural gross value added expanded by 19,2% quarter-on-quarter (seasonally adjusted) in the third quarter of this year.
Heathrow Airport in the UK currently uses more energy than the entire west African country of Sierra Leone.
The global economy could face 50% loss in gross domestic product (GDP) between 2070 and 2090 from the catastrophic shocks of climate change unless immediate action by political leaders is taken to decarbonise and restore nature, according to a new report.
For more than a century, nations have measured societal gains in terms of economic growth.