Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.

We work with a few International Health specialists regarding CANCER treatment- We had a very good run on Cancer treatment and we have put everything together- and will soon report back on this- People using this are currently clean with a much more stronger immune system after Chemo destroyed every single cell in their body-

Sparkling or carbonated water is water infused with carbon dioxide gas to create a bubbly sensation. Its popularity comes from its refreshing taste and lack of calories, making it a healthier alternative to sugary sodas. However, there are some concerns about its effects on dental and digestive health. Carbonated water is an acidic beverage that may erode your tooth enamel over time, especially if consumed excessively. Additionally, due to its carbon dioxide gas content, you may experience bloating or gas. However, sparkling water can be a valuable addition to hydration efforts, especially when incorporated into a well-balanced diet. Plain sparkling water is an acidic liquid due to its carbonation. Research has shown that various brands of carbonated water can have a wide range of pH levels. Sparkling water has a pH that ranges from 4.18-5.87 (on a pH scale of 0-14) depending on the brand.
Die rakke van Gesondheidswinkels staan vol gesondheidsprdukte- met baie beloftes wat op die verpakking staan. Mooi bottels en verpakking met al die kleure van die reenboog. Maar nooit kyk enige iemand na die inhoud nie- en die verkoopspersoneel is bly oor die verkope-en kan jou sommer so met die intrapslag gediagnoseer word as jou storie aangehoor is en dadelik iets aanbeveel en jy is so naive om alles te glo. Dis alles simptome- jy moet die oorsaak aanspreek- Sosiale media en radio en televisie is vol van sogenaamde slim mense wat almal hulle 'n storie het- daar is werklik net 'n paar wat weet wat alternatiewe gesondheid is. Die gevaar van selfdiagnose is oral te sien- en mense laat dit toe. Daar is sekere gesondheidsprodukte wat nie effektief gaan werk in jou liggaam nie- want jy weet nie of dit verteer nie- en daarmee saam moet jy sekere produkte nie saam gebruik nie- ander moet jy weer saam met iets anders gebruik om meer effektief te wees. In baie gevalle is die boks- (verpakking) waarin die pille verpak word dalk meer effektief as die pille-
Dis jou liggaam- die jou lewe- hoekom is jy so naief.

TDS Level (mg/L) | Water Quality | Health Implications |
50-300 | Excellent | Safe for drinking |
300-600 | Good | Safe for drinking |
600-900 | Fair | Safe for drinking |
900-1200 | Poor | May cause laxative effect in some people |
Suid Afrika en sy nuwe mediese wet-
Niemand in Suid Afrika wil in enige staatshospitaal beland nie- inteendeel daar is sekere privaat hospitale wat ook nie meer so op standaard is nie.- Jy en net alleen is verantwoordelik vir jou gesondheid- en daarom moes jy al lankal 'n besluit geneem het om uit die hande van die mediese wereld te bly- Jou mediesefonds soek altyd redes om jou nie ten volle te betaal nie- Die mediesewereld het jou liggaam nodig om geld te maak- dis waarom jy beheer moet he oor jou gesondheid en dit onderhou- Alternatiewe gesondheid het ook sy eie probleme- en moenie toelaat dat jy weereens op simptome behandel word nie- daar is baie metodes- maar daar is net 'n paar wat reg is. Die mense in Gesondheidswinkels het baie kennis oor produkte- maar het nie kennis oor jou gesondheid nie.
Never put supplements in your mouth unless you know what your body needed and what your Methylations status are. Synthetic products is not healthy, and not part of your body. You need to know what is really wrong in your body,before you use anything. Only a real professional health practitioner with the right equipment will be able to find the real coarse and not reacting on the symptoms. Don't jump on the wagon and start drinking Methylation products- this will also be bad- You need to use the full combination to finally get all the Vitamines, Amino Acids and Minerals you needed.

We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following
We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.
Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.