Global organic cultivation shows sustained growth

Global organic cultivation shows sustained growth

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Similarly, the number of organic producers also saw a significant rise, surpassing 4.5 million. 

Global sales of organic food are also on the rise, reaching nearly $14.4 billion in 2022, according to the latest figures and the statistical yearbook "The World of Organic Agriculture", which is being published for the 25th time this year.

The annual survey on global organic agriculture is supported by the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO), the Sustainability Fund of Coop Switzerland, and NürnbergMesse, the organizer of BIOFACH trade fair.

By the end of 2022, 237 million acres were under organic management, representing an increase of 26.6% or 49 million acres compared to 2021. 

Australia showed tremendous growth, adding over 42 million acres. The nation remains the country with the largest area of organic agriculture at 130 million acres, followed by India, the new number two (11.6 million acres), where the area also increased significantly.

The organic farming area increased on all continents. Over half of the organic area is in Oceania (130 million acres), followed by Europe with 45 million acres and Latin America with 23 million acres.

Despite a difficult market environment, with high inflation and a significantly increased cost of living, Austria remains at the top of global organic production and consumption. In 2022, organic sales reached a new high of $2.94 billion and remained at a high level during 2023.

 Genetically Modified Organisms

Due to changing government support measures in the 1990s, a large number of farms shifted to organic production, which is why Austria has the highest percentage of agricultural land under organic management within the EU. 

Per capita expenditures of organic sales in Austria are one of the highest in the world. Organic food products have developed from a niche market to having a significant market share.

According to RollAMA, a quarterly agricultural and food marketing study conducted by keyQuest, almost all Austrian households purchase organic products at least occasionally. 

The frequency and quantity of organic are on a rising trend. The RollAma survey shows sales (food retail, direct sales and organic specialist retailers, catering) of $2.94 billion (€2.69 billion) for the overall organic market in 2022, a new high.

Despite the difficult market environment due to high inflation, sales increased by over 5% or $177 million (€162 million) compared to 2021. That is a half-billion increase compared to 2019 sales.

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