Agricultural transformation is a priority in the policy agenda of African governments in their quest to meet the challenges of food and nutrition insecurity, climate change, youth unemployment and overall economic growth.
Agricultural transformation is a priority in the policy agenda of African governments in their quest to meet the challenges of food and nutrition insecurity, climate change, youth unemployment and overall economic growth.
A French farmer’s ‘weed harvester’, designed to minimise seed return from survivors of mechanical or herbicide treatments by trimming off the seed heads, has been developed into a commercial product.
A number of new features and upgrades have been introduced by Ag Leader across its portfolio of software and hardware products for precision farming and enterprise management.
Out in the wild, it's often every creature for itself—even plants. Left to their own devices, most wild species of plants only create enough energy to put down roots and produce leaves and seeds. But humans wanted more.
1. IBM Watson- AI is making waves in dozens of industries across the globe — and farming is no different. IBM purchased .
At an indoor farm in Silicon Valley, California, a mobile robot carries a tray of tiny plants—curly kale, Romaine lettuce, basil—to a robotic arm, which transplants them into a bigger tray to grow to size.