Why You Should Probably Stop Eating Wheat
- Hits: 13360
Wheat is a staple food throughout the temperate world and an important source of nutrients for many millions of people.
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Wheat is a staple food throughout the temperate world and an important source of nutrients for many millions of people.
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Lab-grown meat is getting a lot of attention along with plant-based meat substitutes.
Faced with cheap, often subsidised, imports, many local dairy farmers have quit production in recent years.
Demand for plant milk has fed off café culture.
It would be overkill to say that the carrot you eat today has very little nutrition in it—especially compared to some of the other less healthy foods you likely also eat—but it is true that fruits and vegetables grown decades ago were much richer in vitamins and minerals than the varieties most of us get today.
Cargill UK is to roll out live temperature and humidity data at 30 dairy units following useful insights from a similar initiative that was trialled in Germany and the Netherlands.