AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH  Summary of the Week News 08 December 2024

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 08 December 2024

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-Welcome to our world- the real world of Farming and Agriculture in South Africa- Local and International news-  

This AGRI NEWS RUSH -Some of the news stories of this week-, SUNDAY EDITIONALWAYS ON TIME  -

News Comments  - Internationally shared - Nothing Sensational.  News platform of the real commercial farmers of South Africa .

Just that " ONE" step ahead-  Always on time- 7 days of the week - 365 days of the year- This commitment. 

ANN het reeds jare terug begin twyfel in al die finansiele verslae van die regering- insluitend die reserwebank se inflasie syfers. Vrae oor die gehalte van Statistieke Suid-Afrika (SSA) se data oor landbou se BBP-syfers het verder uitgekring nadat Agbiz die jongste landbou-organisasie geword het wat dit in twyfel trek. Vandeesweek se aankondiging dat die ekonomie in die derde kwartaal met 0,3% gekrimp het, was ’n matige skok vir die meeste ekonome wat juis op ’n groeisyfer gereken het.  Ons stem nie saam met die data nie. Die syfers maak nie sin nie,” het Johann Kotzé, AgriSA se uitvoerende hoof, gesê. Hy meen die omvang van die krimping stem nie ooreen met wesenlike rolspelers in die sektor se ervaring nie. Suid-Afrika se grootste landbou-organisasie sal dus eerder homself deur die Buro vir Voedsel- en Landboubeleid (BFAP) se ontleding laat lei.

India’s Reserve Bank is the latest authority to wholly dismiss talk of a new BRICS currency being developed to challenge the US dollar, following threats from US president-elect Donald Trump to retaliate against the bloc for considering the idea. There has been no decision by the so-called BRICS block about creating a common currency to reduce usage of the dollar, India’s central bank chief said.  Finance Minister Enoch Godongwana took a hard line on the topic, saying no proposal to introduce a new BRICS currency had been put forward, not even informally, and that none of the countries were ready to deal with the logistics and administration of such a currency.The finance minister maintained that the only discussion on the table was facilitating trade and finance amongst the BRICS members, which included encouraging the use of local currencies in international trade and transactions between the BRICS bloc and its partners.

Tientalle boere oor die hele land is tans in ʼn regstryd teen likwidateurs, onder meer van die Landbank, gewikkel in ʼn poging om van die grond en geld terug te kry wat hulle tydens beweerde onregmatighede met die likwidasie -en sekwestrasieprosesse verloor het. Van hierdie boere het miljoene rande verloor en eiendom wat in familie se besit is, is sommer ook opgeraap om skuld te delg. Prokureurs en likwidateurs werk saam om jou te likwideer, want hulle maak geld uit jou -  Daar is ook sekere banke en skuldeisers in Suid Afrika wat begin toe sak op ons boere oor skuld. Dis korporatiewe knapies wat geen genade toon nie en aangevuur word deur hulle groot base wat nie die moed het om die boere self in die oe te kyk nie. 

Gauteng is a bubbling cauldron of migration, contestation and ideas. An August 2024 report by the Centre for Risk Analysis, “Macro Review: Demographics without Dividends”, shows that around 640,000 people are estimated to leave Gauteng between 2021 and 2026. But around 1.4 million are expected to come to the province during the same period, swelling its population by about 750,000 net new residents. (For comparison, the second-ranked province, the Western Cape, is expected to attract around 310,000 net migrants over the same period, including 115,000 from Gauteng and 180,000 from the Eastern Cape.) This is a mayor problem for the past years and the government is doing nothing as the infrastructure cannot cope with this. Remarkably, this is despite the province’s minute physical footprint: it accounts for just 1.5% of the country’s land area, is the smallest of all the provinces – but has the largest population, 25.3% of SA’s total.

Interested Articles posted on Farmingportal/Agricultureportal 


The South African Weather Service (Saws) has issued its Seasonal Climate Watch for December 2024 to April 2025, providing crucial insights into expected weather patterns across the country. South Africans can expect a hot summer with below-normal rainfall in some regions and a neutral El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) for now. READ MORE 

The overall urea market appears to be balanced, i.e. there is nothing substantial that should be causing prices to move in any particular direction. Speculation emerged around an unexpected urea tender to take place during December and this seems to have generated support for prices such that prices rose a few dollars this week. READ MORE 

Senior economist at FNB Thanda Sithole put it into perspective. “The agricultural sector’s ongoing weakness means that the economy has grown by just 0.4% year-on-year in the first three quarters of 2024. Achieving our consensus 1.0% growth projection for the year now appears increasingly unlikely,” he said. REAd MORE 

Tigers are endangered (there are estimated to be only about 5,500 in the wild) which makes them valuable — and profitable. Conservation has resulted in a 40% increase in the wild population since 2021, but it still represents a huge drop from 100,000 about a century ago. Between 2000 and 2018, the remains of 2,359 tigers were seized globally in more than 1,100 incidents. Many of these had ties to South African farming operations. READ MORE 

EXCLUSIVE to Farmingportal - Farm FOR SALE -

Type- Wine Farm -Area – Stellenbosch – Western Cape Hectares – 157,27ha + 70ha

One of the biggest Family Farms in Stellenbosch. For sale because the owners have no kids and would like to plan for his retirement. The farm has 3 Title deeds (30.69ha; 66,42ha; 60,16ha) in total 157,27ha. There are 110ha planted with winegrapes (Chenin Blanc/Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonnay/Pinotage/Shiraz/Merlot/Cabernet). 30ha are vlei land and can be used for cattle. There is an abundance of water on the farm. Two big dams and two fully equipped boreholes with 39ha Municipality water rights.

Weekly Health News Quanlim Life LifeIselect - 04th December 2024


Dankie dat jy elke dag deel is van ons - NUUS NETWERK- Ons maak dit nog groter. 7 dae per week is ons span werksaam-  Onafhanklik en gefokus op ons werk-   Internasionaal is daar groot belangstelling in ons mediums. Our visitors to our mediums increased with 38 % in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums . No medium in farming and agriculture give you so much news at one address. - 350 "good news " stories per week-  Our domains -  and en landbounuusnet.

WOMENS VOICE is AGRICULTURE is open for 2025

 Lees gerus wat ons mediums is- READ MORE  

Michelle Marais- Winner of the FIRST Voice of women in Agriculture.

CRA MEDIA - Actions speak louder than words. So, focus on winning through your actions rather than trying to win an argument. Actions speak louder than words. So, focus on winning through your actions rather than trying to win an argument. You need to think long-term if you want to maintain power. Consider all the possible outcomes of your actions and plan accordingly. Don’t accept things that people give to you for free. People will think they have power over you if you do. You won’t be able to exert your authority as easily. 

Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year. Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.

AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 01 December 2024

 We are Independent and a leading farming and agriculture in South Africa- Africa and the rest of the world.  18 years of constant reporting with a dedicated creative team. We do not work be rewarded by a organization who we need to pay membership fees. Or to be nominated for excellent work- We know what is dignity and respect. Our mission is Professional and we reward ourselves. 

IT'S NEW - take a look - FARMERS-  you can have your own workout station on your Farm. The whole Family- in the comfort of your own home. Our revolutionary Flexbox home workout device is designed for busy men & women who crave convenience and modern style.Flexbox is a multi-purpose training platform to maximize your health and fitness potential. It has a stylish and compact design that blends seamlessly with a modern home aesthetic. Flexbox gives you the ability to do resistance training, pilates and yoga exercises without the need for bulky unappealing gym equipment.

Here it is, the ULTIMATE HOME WORKOUT that will revolutionise your life. Imagine a gym that fits YOUR schedule, in the comfort of YOUR home.
Our sleek, compact, aesthetically perfect Flexbox is here to redefine your workout experience.

Q&A with Flexbox Co-Founders and Owners, Van Aarde and Rachel Pretorius READ MORE 

OUR AUDIO CAST - Number SEVEN in November 2024

READ MORE  ( Stats)


   WATCH OUT- NEW program on the way - exclusive to CRA MEDIA and the FARMERS of South Africa - 2025   

Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year.  Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.  Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news  - A2B

NEWS  on AGRI NEWS NET - For more news visit  - This is just a  a summary of a few stories- much more on

South Africa has issued permits to import genetically-engineered corn from the United States to make up for a 22% drop in domestic production, according to a report from the Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) of the US Department of Agriculture. South Africa could import 800,000 tonnes of corn in 2023-24 after producing its smallest corn crop in five years at 13.3 million tonnes. An El Niño induced mid-summer drought and excessive heat during the crucial vegetative and flowering stages for corn reduced the yield potential, the FAS said.

Die landbousektor is nie besig om ineen te stort nie. Daar is eintlik ’n verbetering in die sektor se vertroue-indeks. Daar is fundamentele faktore om oor positief te wees.” Een van daardie faktore is juis die daling in sekere gedeeltes van boere se insetkoste. “Kunsmiskoste is byvoorbeeld 10% laer. Landbouchemikalieë se pryse het met 20% gedaal. Onkruidmiddels is ook goedkoper. “As ’n mens ook mooi na die syfers kyk, sal jy bespeur hoe die tuinboubedryf betreklik goed vertoon het. Die vrugtebedryf het veral stewig vertoon.”

The EU in 2032 could lose 600,000 hectares of maize-sown land, while Brazil would gain 3.8 million,” the France-based group said. “The decline would also be significant for ethanol, with the draft agreement granting Mercosur an export quota of 650,000 tonnes, equivalent to a loss of 235,000 hectares for the European Union.”

There will probably be a few headlines today about “rising world food prices”. However, those articles will primarily be about agricultural commodity prices, which are measured in the FAO’s “global food price index”, not necessarily retail food prices. The increase in the recent month is not widespread but in a few commodities – dairy and vegetable oils. We see declines in meat, cereals, and sugar prices.

Die departement van bosbou, visserye en omgewingsake se administratiewe onvermoë om betyds jagpermitte vir sekere spesies uit te reik kos die wildbedryf miljoene rande aan verlore inkomste, sê WRSA.

Donald Trump het 100%-tariewe op invoer uit BRICS-lande gedreig as hulle ‘n nuwe geldeenheid skep om die Amerikaanse dollar mee te ding. Die BRICS- nasies – vernoem na oorspronklike lede Brasilië , Rusland , Indië , China en Suid-Afrika – is van die snelgroeiende ekonomieë in die 21ste eeu.

Tientalle boere oor die hele land is tans in 'n regstryd teen likwidateurs, onder meer van die Landbank, gewikkel in ? poging om van die grond en geld terug te kry wat hulle tydens beweerde onregmatighede met die likwidasie -en sekwestrasieprosesse verloor het.

The average banana price decreased and traded on R13.82 per kilogram or R249 per 18kg box and is now 7% higher than a year ago. We still expect prices to remain on a relatively higher level until the end of the year due to supply that can remain under pressure, but it can dip in January.

The average banana price decreased and traded on R13.82 per kilogram or R249 per 18kg box and is now 7% higher than a year ago. We still expect prices to remain on a relatively higher level until the end of the year due to supply that can remain under pressure, but it can dip in January.

Africa imports way too much poultry than it exports! 2.2 million tonnes of poultry worth USD 2.0 billion were imported into Africa in 2018, with SA, Ghana, Congo, Angola, DRC, Benin, Zambia, Libya, and Gabon leading the pack. The figure below displays the USD value of poultry imports and exports from 2016 to 2023 for Africa.

Africa imports way too much poultry than it exports! 2.2 million tonnes of poultry worth USD 2.0 billion were imported into Africa in 2018, with SA, Ghana, Congo, Angola, DRC, Benin, Zambia, Libya, and Gabon leading the pack. The figure below displays the USD value of poultry imports and exports from 2016 to 2023 for Africa.

Progress in respect of merger between VKB and GWK The integration process following the merger between the agricultural companies VKB and GWK on 31 May 2023 is showing great progress.

South Africa’s agricultural education system is teetering on the brink. Most of the nation’s 11 agricultural colleges, once hubs of innovation and excellence, are now shadows of their former selves. They are plagued by crumbling infrastructure, outdated curricula and neglect.

NEWS  on AGRI NEWS NET - For more news visit  - This is just a  a summary of a few stories- much more on

CRA Media, a leading media Group and EUCA Media Company a renowned new global media entity USA and Europe are pleased to announce a bilateral agreement aimed at enhancing coverage of farming and agriculture news.

This strategic partnership seeks to leverage the strengths of both groups to provide comprehensive, high-quality content to farmers, agricultural stakeholders, and audience in South Africa and Africa. EUCA Media Company will provide CRA MEDIA with high quality content and focussing on Artificial Intelligence and new farming methods for the future.

Expanded Coverage: Jointly produce and distribute in-depth features, news, and analysis on farming and agriculture, covering topics such as sustainable practices, innovative technologies, and market trends.
Enhanced Content Quality: Combine CRA Media's local expertise with EUCA Media Company's global reach and resources to create engaging, informative content that resonates with diverse audiences.
Increased Global Reach: Distribute content across both organizations' platforms and and to maximize exposure and impact.
Knowledge Sharing and Capacity Building: Collaborate on training programs, workshops, and conferences to enhance the skills and knowledge of farmers, agricultural professionals, and journalists.
Pretoria- South Africa.