AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -16th October 2022

AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -16th October 2022

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Rentekoerse wat kort- kort verhoog word deur die Reserwebank in Suid Afrika het in die verlede en tot nou toe duisende mense se besighede en hulle persoonlike lewe vernietig.  Baie landbouers het hulle plase verloor in die jare 80 toe rentekoerse amper 25% was.. hulle skuld het vir vier dubbel.  Dit gaan weer gebeur- en die ergste daarvan is dat dit beheer word deur mense wat werklik nie belangstel in die gevolge vir die mense nie. Maak nie saak hoe jy daarna kyk nie- dit werk nie. Dis eintlik die "gulsigheid" van meeste Suid Afrikaanse maatskappye en hulle direkteure wat baie gou is om pryse te verhoog , maar baie traag is om dit te verlaag. Die brandstof prys wat maandeliks verlaag of verhoog word, is die grootste drywer van inflasie. Die "gulsigheid" van hoe salarisse en bonusse van die meeste van die korporatiewe wereld en hulle direkteure en bestuur en amptenare plaas aanmekaar druk op die werkersklas om aan te dring op hoer lone.   Die meeste van die mense wil 'n lewenstyl he wat heeltyd kompeterend is en wat in baie gevalle 'n groot "skou' is. Duur motors,huise,reis en vakansie huise is hoog op al hierdie mense se agenda.  Die probleem is dat al hierdie goed raakgesien word deur die oorgrote gemeenskap. Of die slim mense met die dik brille en grade hulle enorme salaris werd is- weet ons nie. Jy gaan nie sommer uit 'n duur "Woolies" stap sonder dat jou bankrekeing met R600 en meer gemelk is nie en dit vir 'n paar items. Die mense wat in beheer is van die verhoging van die rentekoerse kyk net na syfers- en gegewe hoe die belaanstaat van baie regeringsmaatskappye nie klop nie en daar sommer miljoene uit 'n rekening 'n ander pad vat- moet 'n mens dalk wonder of die syfers wat maandeliks vrygestel word oor inflasie ook korrek is. Word die syfers reg ingevoer???

Funding for the training of black cattle farmers is at the centre of a bitter dispute that  led to the “conditional resignation” of the Red Meat Producers’ Organisation (RPO) as a member of Agri SA. In a day marked by behind-the-scenes boere politics, the RPO said it does not want to wash its dirty laundry in public, but it could no longer keep quiet about perceived interference by Agri Enterprises, an Agri SA subsidiary. Insiders tell Food For Mzansi that tempers in red meat circles ran high during a live broadcast on Monday, 3 October in which Agri Enterprises lifted the veil on successes with its “Farming for tomorrow” project. Through this initiative, 751 black livestock farmers were fast-tracked to commercial success.At the time, Agri Enterprises chief executive Omri van Zyl described it as a very important development for South African agriculture because most new era farmers do not have exposure to the right information, data and genetic improvement schemes. “It is very important to create a knowledge economy in South Africa. So, from just that perspective, there’s a knowledge economy gap that we have filled with this project.” Read the Full article on Food for Mzanzi.

Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Thoko Didiza, launched the National Biosecurity Hub at the University of Pretoria (UP) on Tuesday 11 October, saying that it will play a major role in consistent and fair trade, especially under the African Continental Free Trade Agreement (AfCFTA) which promises to increase intra-African trade. Biosecurity poses a threat to national food security and to food safety. It is a cross-cutting priority for government and industry, and is shared across all agricultural industries because it encompasses not only the health of plants and animals, but also microbiological contamination and invasive weeds. To enhance biosecurity in South Africa, the Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) and the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD), in collaboration with UP, established the hub on the Future Africa campus after more than two years of negotiations. The Biosecurity Hub will prioritise research projects and could also focus research on specific topics of interest to the NPPOZA such as pest biology; identification and diagnostics; pest surveillance methods and procedures; inspection methods; treatments; pest risk analysis procedures and pest control methods. In addition, the hub will prioritise and initiate research projects on quarantine pests and pathogens.

In November gaan alle soorte brandstof in Suid-Afrika waarskynlik duurder word. Dis gegrond op die syfers vir die eerste twee weke van die oorsigmaand vir November se brandstofpryse. Die oorsigmaand het op 30 September begin en duur tot 28 Oktober. Met presies die helfte van die vier weke dus verby, lyk die onderverhalings soos volg:

  • 95-oktaan-petrol: 38c per liter;
  • 93-oktaan-petrol: 48c per liter;
  • diesel met 0,05% swael: R1,54 per liter;
  • diesel met 0,005% swael: R1,57 per liter; en
  • paraffien: 57c per liter.

Transnet CEO Portia Derby told the  AGRI SA congress the utility could not crumble to the demands for higher wages because its wage bill, at 66%, was very high, and further increases could cripple the logistics group.This as Casey Delport, an investment analyst at Anchor Capital, said that the latest strike at Transnet posed a significant risk to South Africa’s agricultural sector, which was highly export-driven. While agricultural production tends to be seasonal, South Africa produces a diverse range of agricultural goods, with the fourth quarter in particular traditionally featuring a high level of trade activity. For example, she said exports of food, fibre and beverages in quarter four of 2021 amounted to $2.8 billion (R49 billion), some 23% of the total value of exports in that year.

At an Agricultural Association of SA congress held this week, the association’s president, Jaco Minnaar, said the Expropriation Bill passed in the National Assembly undermined farmers’ confidence in their security of land tenure and needed to be referred back to Parliament for it to address these concerns. He said AgriSA was concerned that the very vague definition of expropriation in the new proposed expropriation bill, as well as in other poorly defined clauses, dId not strengthen property rights and give certainty to the sector.

The land, owned by Eskom, is situated around coal-fired power stations in Mpumalanga. The state-owned utility owns about 36,000ha in the province and this first round of bidding made available several parcels of land amounting to about 6,000ha. The four investors will lease a total of 6,184ha of land for 25-30 years each and contribute at least 2,000MW to the national electricity grid. 

Agricultural equipment sales have boomed the past two years. The latest August tractor sales recorded a 56% like-on-like increase to 724 units. Reporting about sales, some of the sector players have been upbeat. The listed car dealerships would weep in envy at the bumper data. Rising soft commodity prices and more hectares under maize and soya have boosted revenues in the past two years. The fruit sector has also recorded juicy increases. That spillover should continue into the 2022/2023 season, given the timing of harvests and corporate results. Eskom will issue new tenders for other parcels of Eskom land every quarter, with a view to enabling and accelerating investment in new renewable generation capacity.  And if you open for shares to buy in farming then its good to have a look at this . In the coming months Kaap Agri (with a September year end), Senwes (with an October interim period) and TWK (with an August year end) will all report results. I’m expecting good like-on-like growth from all three, with a continuation of the 2022 financial year.  Kaap Agri is at R46, Senwes at R11.45 and TWK at R35. All have been in my basket of sector buys.

Suid Afrikaners wat nie baie kontak het met ware landbouers en kommersieele boere weet nie wat regtig daagliks op plase in Suid Afrika gebeur nie. Ons landbouers voer 'n stryd teen niks anders as terrorisme nie- Dit help nie om al hierdie groot drome te he en ure lange gesprekke te voer oor hoe om landbou regteruk, as daar nie op grondvlak daadwerklik opgetree word nie.

Dit gaan nie meer lank wees voor hierdie kookpot gaan oorkook by ons landbouers wat daagliks besteel en vermoor word nie- Die regering doen absoluut niks hieraan nie. Wees verseker dat ons landbouers en elke opgevoede Suid Afrikaner eerlik genoeg gehad het van hierdie wetteloosheid en anargie wat nie einde kry nie. Reg gaan in eie hande geneem word en dit gaan nie mooi wees nie

Besoek ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling - Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie-  Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word . 

Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards - 

Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards.

The Agricultural sector is critical in helping create a better future for all South Africans and the purpose of this competition is to encourage accurate storytelling and relaying of information within this sector. The competition seeks to create a platform where students of agriculture or journalism can publish their work and get a taste for communicating to the public and industry stakeholders and stand the chance to win some nice cash prizes.There are two sections to the competition, one for journalism students and another for students of agricultural disciplines. The latter includes scientists and economists.The competition closes at the end of October 2022 and the winners will be announced at an event held at the historical Villa Arcadia in Parktown in November. Villa Arcadia is the home of Hollard and we look forward to presenting this event at this special place.  

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News stories on AGRI NEWS NET

Prices for papaya are high across the global market, but there are different reasons for this in different locations. For many, the increase in price is due to the rising cost of air freight, which many importers of the exotic fruit rely upon.

Huidige strategieë kan lewendehawe se metaanvrystellings genoeg verlaag om die beesvleis-sektor in staat te stel om sy bydrae in terme van vrystellings te beperk ten einde die 1.5°C-teiken teen 2030 te bereik.

Regenerative Agriculture definition. Factors that led to the establishing of regenerative agriculture as a newly found industry are the following and are the common thread denominators from which a definition can be compiled.

Vandeesweek se wolveiling het goed presteer ten spyte van ‘n uitdagende logistieke en handelsomgewing weens die Transnet-staking. Byna 95% van die 6 671 bale is gedurende die veiling verkoop.

Scientists have discovered a signal that causes roots to stop growing in hard soils which can be ‘switched off’ to allow them to punch through, a finding which may have 'huge implications' for agriculture. The discovery could help plants grow in even the most damaged soils, according to scientists from the University of Nottingham and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

Volgens kenners lê een sprinkaan sowat 380 eiers in haar lewe van 78 dae en dié eiers broei binne 14 dae uit. Twee tot drie generasies kan dus in een seisoen voorkom met katastrofiese gevolge omdat dié insekte weiding en aangeplante gewasse kan opvreet.

This loss will also impact the agriculture industry and force investors to go elsewhere. Jaco Minnaar, president of Agri SA, explained that the Transnet strike would further affect the confidence in South Africa and Transnet, which is already rated the worst port terminal in the world by the World Bank.

At an Agricultural Association of SA congress held this week, the association’s president, Jaco Minnaar, said the Expropriation Bill passed in the National Assembly undermined farmers’ confidence in their security of land tenure and needed to be referred back to Parliament for it to address these concerns.

The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) projected a further reduction in global grain production in its latest Cereal Supply and Demand Brief, released in October. The FAO pegged output in 2022 at 2.768 billion tonnes, a 1.7% decline from last year’s crop.

Die kragvoorsiener se bedryfshoof, Jan Oberholzer, sê intussen hulle werk daaraan om volhoubare kragvoorsiening aan die landbousektor te verseker. Oberholzer het gepraat by Agri SA se kongres in Pretoria waar boere kommer uitgespreek het oor die impak van beurtkrag op landbougewasse en diere. Oberholzer sê die beplande kragonderbrekings het ‘n reuse impak op die landbou.

Die rooivleisbedryf bly onder skoot — of dit druk van die veganiste is wat ’n volle 0,1% van die wêreldbevolking beslaan of omgewingsaktiviste wat die kweekhuisgaskat aan die stert beet het. Rede is egter besig om te seëvier. Die mensdom se eetlus is besig om die aarde oor sy planetêre grense te druk, terwyl dit terselfdertyd ook ’n gesondheidsrisiko skep.


In die 28 jaar wat die ANC regering in beheer is van die land het hulle al wat 'n staatsinstansie tot in die grond bestuur- Miljarde geplunder en korrupsie 'n ander demensie gegee. Saam met dit het hulle nog nooit afgesien van hulle aanhoudende blamerings mentalitieit en daagliks eis hulle en hulle meelopers en unies saam met die EFF nog steeds alles wat hulle oe kan sien.

Raisins SA is looking to spread the word about the fruit’s health benefits through a promotional campaign in the UK -UK consumers are being encouraged to improve their health by including more raisins in their diets as part of a South African industry campaign.

The global economy continues to face steep challenges, shaped by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a cost-of-living crisis caused by persistent and broadening inflation pressures, and the slowdown in China. Our global growth forecast for this year is unchanged at 3.2 percent, while our projection for next year islowered to 2.7 percent—0.2 percentage points lower than the July forecast.

Wat ’n ongelooflike terugslag. Twee jaar agtereenvolgens. Reuseveldbrande in die Noord-Kaap wat op byna presies dieselfde plek as verlede jaar uitbreek. Die bitter onredelikheid om weer vanjaar die angswekkende werklikheid te moet beleef van ’n veldbrand wat buite beheer woed. Dit is werklik een van die landbou se heel slegste ervarings.

Manufacturing production defied expectations to increase for a second straight month in August, though 25 days of power outages in September and the ongoing strike at Transnet are expected to weigh on manufacturing and GDP growth for the remainder of the year

Gedurende September 2022 het die jaarlikse inflasiekoers vir die alkoholiese drank en tabak met 5,6 persent gestyg, vergeleke met 3 persent in September 2021, volgens die Namibiese Statistieke-agentskap se Handelsbulletin vir September.

 AGRI NEWS NET- Summary of the Week News -9th October 2022

Boere van die Geluksdam-boerevereniging het moue opgerol en self sowat 550 slaggate oor sowat 30 km op die Jagersfontein-pad reggemaak. Die werk aan die stuk pad aan die kant van die Mangaung-metro het hulle sowat R75 000 gekos en hulle het vir agt dae oor ’n tydperk van ’n maand gewerk.

Die prys van ingevoerde steenkool in Europese hawens het sodanig verhoog dat dit sedert Mei 2022 'n drastiese prys aanpassing veroorsaak het. Die voortslepende staking van Transnet werkers het gelei tot groot vermindering in steenkool uitvoere. Die jongste gegewens wys dat daar in een hele week slegs 600,000 metrieke ton die Suid-Afrikaanse hawens verlaat het.

Die Namibiese omgewingsministerie het bevestig Namibië gaan vanaf 24 tot 28 Oktober die 10de Konferensie oor Klimaatsverandering en Ontwikkeling in Afrika in Windhoek aanbied. Namibië is een van die mees weerlose lande in die wêreld vir die negatiewe impakte van klimaatsverandering.

Cameroon and Nigeria have requested to join the Cote d'Ivoire-Ghana Cocoa Initiative (CIGCI), a joint body spearheading the interests of the two countries in the international cocoa trade, its top official said on Wednesday

Diesel prices are soaring in Europe and the US, spurring a fresh bout of inflationary pressure ahead of a winter that is expected to see major supply disruption, It has been the biggest price spike in several months, foreshadowing a winter in which Europe, in particular, is expected to face supply turmoil as it tries to wean itself off Russian-made fuels. Industrial consumers substituting oil for natural gas –

Metaangas wat deur herkouende diere vrygestel word, is een van die wêreld se grootste uitdagings in die stryd teen klimaatsverandering. Dit word gereken dat 'n enkele bees tussen 200 liter en 250 liter metaangas per dag in die atmosfeer vrystel.

The FAO Food Price Index averaged 136.3 points in September, down 1.1 percent from August while remaining 5.5 percent higher than its value a year earlier. The Index tracks monthly changes in the international prices of a basket of commonly traded food commodities.

Our visitors to our mediums increased with 22% in the past week - We have hundreds of new upcoming farmers visiting our mediums .

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