Disrupted Land- South Africa - Video

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Disrupted Land is a documentary film about the history and future of land ownership in South Africa.

The film deals with the controversial history of land in South Africa and views it is a matter that has been distorted for political gain by politicians and land reform activists. The film investigates the question of how white farmers obtained land in South Africa and exposes the extensive failure of the South African government’s land reform initiatives. Disrupted Land refutes the claim that there is a large-scale hunger for rural land among black people in South Africa. The films also point out that the situation would deteriorate if the ruling ANC and its alliance partners were to succeed with its push for expropriation of private property without compensation. 

The film was produced by Forum Films, in cooperation with AfriForum.

Die film handel oor die kontroversiële geskiedenis van grond in Suid-Afrika en beskou dit as ’n kwessie wat ter wille van politieke voordeel deur politici en grondhervormingsaktiviste verdraai word. Dit ondersoek die vraag oor hoe wit boere grond in Suid-Afrika bekom het en ontbloot die uitgebreide mislukkings van die Suid-Afrikaanse regering se grondhervormingsinisiatiewe. Disrupted Land weerlê die bewering dat daar ’n grootskaalse honger vir grond onder landelike swart mense in Suid-Afrika is. Die film wys ook uit dat die situasie sal vererger as die regerende ANC en sy alliansievennote in hul poging sou slaag om privaat eiendom sonder vergoeding te onteien.

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