TLU SA warns about labour unrest-South Africa

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TLU SA warns all farmers in the country to be alert and to take the necessary precautions against people who want to enter their farms to create unrest.

“We have taken note of the EFF’s so-called labour desks as well as people impersonating labour inspectors to obtain access to farms and farmworkers,” says Mr Drickus Botha, the regional manager of TLU SA North. “TLU SA encourages all rural landowners and inhabitants to join a local safety structure. We can beat rural crime if we all take part.”

The EFF makes a lot of threats, followed by protests where they hand over memorandums of demand to farm owners. The demands are usually unreasonable, baseless and with no laws to support it.

The farmers are then threatened to comply with the demands or to face a second visit from the party members.

TLU SA is aware of instances in Groblersdal, Tolwe and Naboomspruit where people were attacked, and workers were fired.

“The EFF misleads workers to such an extent; they don’t even take real labour issues to the CCMA or appropriate departments. The workers only listen to the EFF,” says Mr Botha. “But the EFF cannot do much more than making promises about what will happen after the upcoming election.”

TLU SA suggests all farm owners take the following precautionary measures to protect themselves:

Keep gates locked and ensure you have an explicit notice indicating private property and that trespassers will be prosecuted – the message should be in more than one language;
Join a local safety structure;
Get a response plan in place;
Get experienced negotiators to speak to the trespassers;
Plan with the local police on when and how to react;
Get expert advice about laws relating to public gatherings, and trespassing;
No personnel records may be shown to anyone without a warrant or the necessary identification.

TLU SA waarsku oor arbeidsonrus

TLU SA waarsku landbouers regoor die land om paraat te wees en voorsorg te tref teen betreders wat onrus op plase wil saai.

“Ons het verneem van die EFF se sogenaamde “labour desks” asook mense wat hulself as arbeidsinspekteurs voordoen en so toegang tot plase en plaaswerkers kry,” sê mnr. Drickus Botha, die streeksbestuurder van TLU SA se Noordstreek. “TLU SA moedig alle landelike grondeienaars en -bewoners aan om by die veiligheidstruktuur in hulle omgewing aan te sluit. Landelike misdaad kan bestry word, indien ons almal deelneem.”

Die EFF maak allerhande dreigemente, gevolg deur protesoptogte waarin memorandums van eise aan plaaseienaars oorhandig word. Die eise is meestal onredelik, ongegrond en met geen wetgewing wat dit ondersteun nie. Die boere word dan gedreig om aan die eise te voldoen of ‘n tweede besoek van die party te wagte te wees.

TLU SA is bewus van sulke voorvalle in Groblersdal, Tolwe en Naboomspruit, waar aanranding plaasgevind en werkers uiteindelik ontslaan is.

“Ons ervaar dat werkers in so ‘n mate mislei word, dat hulle nie meer ware arbeidkwessies na die KVBA of aangewese departemente verwys nie, maar slegs na die EFF luister,” sê mnr. Botha. “Die EFF kan nie veel meer doen as om beloftes te maak oor wat tydens die verkiesing gaan gebeur nie.”

TLU SA beveel aan dat plaaseienaars die volgende stappe neem om hulleself te beskerm:

Hou hekke gesluit en maak seker daar is ‘n bord waarop duidelik aangedui word dat die grond privaat is en oortreders vervolg sal word – die bord moet in meer as een taal wees;
Sluit by ‘n plaaslike veiligheidstruktuur aan;
Kry ‘n gebeurlikheidsplan in plek;
Steun op ervare onderhandelaars om met betreders te praat;
Beplan saam met die plaaslike polisie hoe en wanneer om op te tree;
Steek kers op by kundiges oor wette met betrekking tot openbare byeenkomste en betreding;
Geen personeelrekords mag sonder ‘n lasbrief of aan enigiemand sonder die nodige indentifikasie gewys word nie.