Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
The Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards for 2022 Finelist
The Agricultural sector is critical in helping create a better future for all South Africans and the purpose of this competition is to encourage accurate storytelling and relaying of information within this sector. Entries from across the country were received with the youngest entrant being 18 and busy writing matric. The finalists for these prestigious awards have been announced! In alphabetical order:
Technical Article: Artvilla Sanele Dakamela, Christiaan Vercuil, Heleen Viljoen, Rachel Du Preez.
Non-Technical Article: Banelise Mhlangu, Cayle Jansen van Vuuren, Karen Truter, Michelle Marais, Ruth Hadebe.
Hier is Banelise Mhlangu, -Michelle Marais - Heleen Viljoen -Rachel Du Preez -Christiaan Vercuil by 2022 Junior skrywers funksie by Hollard in Johannesburg -
Each finalist will receive R1000 and the three top places in each category will receive an additional R5000, R3000 and R2000 respectively. Hollard is proud to sponsor the Farming Portal/Agricultural Writers SA junior communicator awards and the winners will be announced on today 2022 at the historic Villa Arcadia on the Hollard Campus in Parktown. Sien al die wenners
Produsente in die somerreënstreek moet hulself staal vir die gevaar van moontlike vloede in die volgende twee tot drie weke. Gedurende hierdie tydperk is tot 100 mm reën moontlik oor die Vrystaat, Gauteng, Limpopo, Mpumalanga, KwaZulu-Natal en die oostelike dele van Noordwes, aldus Johan van den Berg, ‘n onafhanklike landbouweerkundige. Volgens Van den Berg sal die verwagte neerslae hoofsaaklik in die opvanggebied van die Vaaldam, maar ook tot ‘n mindere mate in die opvanggebied van die Gariepdam voorkom. Hy meen dat hierdie reën omtrent alles as afloopwater beskikbaar sal wees, wat grootskaalse vloede kan veroorsaak met die huidige stand van riviere en damme. Kort tot mediumtermynvoorspellings dui ook op verdere reën in die tweede en derde week van Desember oor die oostelike helfte van Suid-Afrika, wat veral die Vaalrivier se opvanggebied insluit.
Wandile Sihlobo, hoofekonoom van die landbousakekamer Agbiz, sê dat beskikbare data daarop dui dat produsente se voornemens rakende die aanplanting van somergewasse vir die 2022/23-seisoen op nog ʼn groot oes dui. Sihlobo meen dat robuuste trekkerverkope, vooruitsigte vir nog 'n La Niña-weerstelsel (al is dit swakker as verlede seisoen), en relatief hoë kommoditeitspryse bydra tot die verwagte toename in die aantal hektaar wat vir grane en oliesade geoormerk word. Volgens die Nasionale Oesskattingskomitee se jongste statistieke het kommersiële produsente die voorneme uitgespreek om in 2023 nagenoeg 2,6 miljoen hektaar mielies te plant, wat 1,2% (32 000ha) minder was as die net meer as 2,62 miljoen hektaar van die vorige seisoen.
We are a few weeks away from the 55th national conference of the ANC, where new leadership will be elected and resolutions will be adopted on critical policy matters. Agricultural policy is likely to be among the prominent topics discussed at the conference, with burning issues of food security and land reform receiving much of the attention. The July 2022 policy conference outcome offers clues to the ANC’s approach to agriculture, food security and land reform matters. It is widely accepted that agriculture is a vital sector of the SA economy, especially the rural economy, as it has the potential to lift many South Africans out of poverty through increased production and rapid, responsible and effective land reform.
Ons eie EKSKLUSIEWE EIENDOM afdeling begin- Die plase wat hier bemark word is absoluut eksklusief en jy kry dit nie op die oop mark beskikbaar nie- Blaai gerus deur die lys wat weekliks opdateer word .
The agriculture industry influences many sectors of the economy locally and internationally. From farmers and real estate to supermarkets and restaurants, it’s essential to understand what is going on in this industry and how it will affect the production and distribution of food. In addition, these agricultural trends being seen this year are likely to set the stage for many years going forward and beyond. Issues like new vaccinations, the use of global water resources, and the recent technological ability to monitor crops will continue to play a role in the United States and agricultural procedures in the rest of the world. READ MORE -
It is characterized with the intensive use of pesticides, fertilizer and other production inputs for crops and medication as well as concentrated feeding for the animal stock. The practice concentrates more on getting the most output per area by using high input strategies. It means the amount of inputs and work required for production goes up and this has witnessed the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, mechanical ploughing, plant and animal growth hormones, medications (antibiotics and vaccines) for animals, and plant growth regulators. For this reason, intensive farming has helped improve agricultural production. On the contrary, it has also lead to increased pollution and several other environmental concerns. In substantiating the issues surrounding intensive farming, let’s take a close look at its advantages and disadvantages. READ MORE
Vloedtoestande in Suid-Afrika is nie buitengewoon tydens somers waarin La Niña-stelsels voorkom nie. Hoewel vloedtoestande buite La Niña-seisoen nie ongewoon is nie, is die omvang gewoonlik nie so groot nie, sê mnr. Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike landbouweerkundige. Hy het Suid-Afrika se geskiedenis van vloedjare van naderby bekyk. Sedert 1970 is altesaam 12 (uitgesluit die huidige seisoen) matige tot sterk La Niña-seisoene aangeteken. “Daar was ook ’n klomp swakkerige La Niña-seisoene waar reënval nie noodwendig tot vloede gelei het nie, maar indien ’n swakkerige La Niña-seisoen deel gevorm het van ’n meerjarige reeks van La Niña-seisoene, het dit bygedra tot vloedtoestande soos in wat in die seisoen van 1974-’75 voorgekom het.”
Net zero by 2050 -First, it’s vital that we limit further temperature rises to 1.5 degrees to 2 degrees. Delivering on that by 2050 requires cutting emissions by 25‑50 percent by 2030 compared to pre-2019 levels. The good news is that about 140 countries—accounting for 91 percent of greenhouse gas emissions—have already proposed or set net-zero targets for around mid-century. The bad news is that net-zero rhetoric does not match reality. Actually getting to net zero by 2050 means most countries need to do even more to strengthen their targets for cutting emissions—particularly large economies. And there is an even bigger gap on the policy front. New IMF analysis of current global climate targets shows they would only deliver an 11% cut.
Om totaal en al groen te boer, gaan nie 10 biljoen mense kos gee nie- ons kan nie eers 7 biljoen mense kos gee met normale kosproduksie nie. Daar is net te veel mens op aarde en dit word elke dag meer- daar is ook te veel mense wat net eet en drink en glad nie produktief is nie. Lande sal moet begin om beperkings te plaas op hoeveel kinders 'n gesin mag he.. maar ongelukkig is daar miljoene kinders wat nie weet wie hulle Pa is nie.
Die landbousektor speel ‘n kritieke rol in die skep van ‘n beter toekoms vir alle Suid Afrikaners. Die doel van hierdie kompetisie is dan ook om akkurate en oordrag van inligting en positiewe stories binne die landbou aan te moedig. Hierdie is ‘n platform waar studente en jongmense binne die landbou en joernalistieke omgewing hulle werk kan publiseer. So kry hulle ook ‘n voorsmakie van kommunikasie met die publiek en belanghebbers binne die sektor en staan die kans om lekker kontantpryse te wen!
CRA Media is tans besig met die vervaardiging van 'n dokumentere reeks wat eersdaags in die Internasionale media beskikbaar gestel gaan word.
Ons kondig ook binnekort weer 'n kompetiese aan..
Ons deel gereeld nuwe kreatiewe metodes van kommunikering en bemarking in die landbou. Ons het so paar weke terug 'n nuwe gedagte gedeel met 'n baie prominente aanbieder in Suid Afrika en 'n paar gedagte gedeel. Hy het baie aandagtig geluister en dit dadelik gaan implimenteer sonder om ons te raadpleeg
As jy enige kort bydrae wil lewer tot hierdie uiter gewilde artikel wat 2 weekliks geplaas woord, kontak die nuuskantoor by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Nuusredakteur This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Luister gerus na ons gewilde POTGOOI- daagliks op www.farmingportal.co.za
Net zero is a state where all generated emissions (in carbon equivalents, CO2e) can be captured by carbon sinks such as oceans and forests. Global temperature will stabilize when the world reaches net zero. If emissions can be reduced by 45% (compared to 2020) by 2030 and if we can reach net zero by 2050, global warming could be limited to 1.5 °C compared to pre-industrial levels.
Big trucks with over 700 horsepower transporting goods on roads around the world -Powerful trucks with a gross weight of more than 20 tons, used in different sectors of the industry -New generation cargo trucks, such as articulated trucks or heavy duty trailers
Big commodity buyers do not usually pay their suppliers to produce something that they will never buy. Yet Nestlé, one of the world’s biggest chocolate makers, is paying 10,000 cocoa farmers in Ivory Coast to do exactly that. Among them is Tanoh Kouadio, a 45-year-old cocoa farmer whom Nestlé will pay about 67,000 west African francs ($104) to start raising chickens.
The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species faces a crisis of legitimacy. It tramples the successful conservation models of range states at the behest of Western NGOs with a radical prohibitionist agenda.
The weekly report issued by the Department of Water and Sanitation has shown a huge improvement of the water levels in the reservoirs of the country to 96.6% this week, as compared to last week’s 89.8%. This is due to recent rainfall in most parts of the country. This is a huge improvement of the national average as compared to last year’s 77.9%.
By 2040, the world’s population is expected to exceed 9 billion. Demographers forecast that three-quarters of the world will reside in Asia or Africa at this time. Not only will the population increase, but people will be richer. Most analysts agree that the greatest wealth gains will be in the developing world where people will migrate from rural areas into cities.
In die Verenigde Koninkryk weier supermarkte om die prys van ’n dosyn eiers met 40 pennies oftwel meer as R8 te verhoog om sukkelende boere tegemoet te kom. Brittanje word in die gesig gestaar deur ’n eier tekort omdat produsente hul boerdery moet afskaal of die sektor heeltemal verlaat weens die stygende koste van voer en energie.
The start of South Africa's 2022/23 summer season has brought heavy rains across most regions with varied agricultural implications. For the horticultural industry, specifically fruit, we have been keenly watching whether the heavy rains would damage the orchards. Fortunately, there hasn't been any significant damage thus far to our knowledge.
The sixth mohair sale of the 2022 winter selling season reputation of normally being the best sale of the season came true once again. The 7% increase in price can be misleading because it is the top clips of the industry offered on this catalogue.
The Department of Public Enterprises (DPE) is working with National Treasury and Eskom to find money to buy supplies of diesel, the department said in a statement on Sunday night.
Wes-Kaapse boere is stadigaan besig om die oes wat almal so verbaas het, af te handel. Behalwe dat die opbrengste beter is as wat hulle verwag het gegewe die min reën wat hulle gekry het, het hulle ook meestal goeie oes weer gehad. Die kanola was oor die 2 ton per ha . Die hawer het ook baie goed gedoen.Opbrengs van 4,5 t/ha en grade van HS1 tot voergraad gekry.
Sojabone: Sojaboonpersing en wêreldwye beskikbaarheid van soja-olie en -meel neem in 2023 toe met die nuwe Suid-Amerikaanse oes wat beskikbaar word. Soja-olie verloor markaandeel aan ander plantaardige olies, maar binnelandse verbruik is aan die toeneem in groot produserende lande. EU-27-sojameel-invoere sal in Oktober en November merkbaar styg.
Soil is rich with biological diversity and complexity that is not immediately apparent to the un-aided eye. Without a strong microscope, you wouldn’t know that there are hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of organisms in a handful of soil.
The southern Pacific Ocean has been locked in its La Niña phase for three winters running. That is unusual, and dangerous -The trade winds trace eternal circles, east to west around the planet, driven by the sun’s heat and Earth’s rotation. In the south Pacific, they combine with ocean currents to create a climate system called the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (enso).
The world’s fish stocks are being pushed to the brink. According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), 31% of the world’s fish populations are overfished, and another 58% are fished at the maximum sustainable level. It’s obvious, wild fish cannot reproduce as fast as 8 billion people can eat them, hence the rise of plant-based seafood to the fore.
Die Vaalrivier is in vloed- ons damme is vol en loop oor. Die hele Oranjerivier stelsel is in vloed. Groot skade is aangerig aan pompe en wonings asook laagliggende gebiede langs die riviere. Augrabies se massas water is iets om te sien- dis al die tweede keer die jaar wat die water so afkom. Gariepdam loop oor met byna al die sluise oop.
Ondanks risiko’s en probleme kan Suid-Afrika se landbou ekonomies vinniger groei as wat die algemene verwagting is, mits almal in die waardeketting saamwerk om die meesterplan vir landbou en landbouverwerking doeltreffend en daadwerklik toe te pas.
With projections for Argentina’s wheat production in the 2022-23 marketing season continuing to decline, its forecast wheat export total is forecast to fall to less than 50% of last year’s total, Reuters reported, citing the Rosario Grain Exchange.
Entstof tekorte teen Slenkdalkoors, Bloutong en Perdesiekte kan op ? krisis afstuur in die lewendehawe produksie bedryf. Volgens, Francois Wilken, President van Vrystaat Landbou (VL), sukkel die landbousektor toenemend om betyds toegang tot genoegsame entstowwe te verkry.
Plant-based foods with meaty names will not be seized from shelves across South Africa until at least mid-May 2023, despite government's concerted efforts to outlaw products like vegetarian burgers and vegan biltong.
Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za

Our food, our health & the health of our planet are all inextricably linked.
— Food and Agriculture Organization (@FAO) November 22, 2022
Take #FoodSafety for instance: did you know that rising temperatures can threaten the production of safe food?
Discover how 👇#CodexCAC45 pic.twitter.com/FknMZ6JrDs
With lots of bird species relying on our farmland for food and shelter, protecting and restoring the habitats needed for farmland species through nature-friendly farming is a win-win for wildlife and for people. Let’s get to know some of them...https://t.co/YlZgMCD0c4 pic.twitter.com/h01GtzIp4l
— RSPB (@Natures_Voice) November 17, 2022
— Vox Weather (@VoxWeatherZa) November 23, 2022
𝗢𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗚𝗘 𝗥𝗜𝗩𝗘𝗥 𝗿𝗶𝘀𝗲𝘀 𝗯𝘆 𝟲𝗠 𝗶𝗻 𝟲𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦
UPINGTON: Len Fourie has documented the extent of the flood using a flight of stairs leading up to his front garden
The Augrabies Falls flowing at 3786 cumecs!! 💦
***PLEASE SHARE to inform pic.twitter.com/PXGSuPS9RK
Droogmaak op sy beste
En so verander ons wereldFor those, who take "farming" as a piece of cake !! pic.twitter.com/T3OR3CdUOI
— Ramandeep Singh Mann (@ramanmann1974) November 16, 2022
An artificial womb that successfully grew a baby lamb. pic.twitter.com/fqYG9QLrC9
— Fascinating (@fasc1nate) November 22, 2022