TLU SA offers a 20-point plan for South Africa before SONA

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TLU SA offers a 20-point plan for South Africa before SONA.


On the eve of the State of the Nation Address (SONA) 2020, TLU SA reflected – from an agricultural viewpoint – on which plans would be in the best interest of South Africans. With that in mind, TLU SA penned a 20-point plan which a responsible government could implement to make the country a success again.
TLU SA’s 20-point plan for South Africa 2020:

Recruit and settle new commercial entrants to agriculture, under the age of 45;
Create new agricultural opportunities;
Establish syndicates and other farming models where knowledge and capacity can be combined and applied for the sake of higher profitability;
Reinstate law and order so farmers can use their skills and focus attention to the maximum for farming purposes;
Implement a comprehensive free-market system with property rights at the core;
Implement a disaster relief plan in support of all farmers in South Africa;
Give farmers unrestricted access to international markets to earn essential foreign currency for the country;
Acknowledge agriculture as a crucial component of the economy, by preventing agriculture from becoming a tool for political gain or obsolete ideologies;
Invest and improve infrastructure so farmers can deliver their produce to markets effectively, be it by road or rail;
Put an end to forced, undefined and never-ending transformation, including the sunset clause for the discriminating system of obligatory black economic empowerment and so-called affirmative action;
Rekindle the trust of local and international investors thus enabling farmers can access financing from recognised financial institutions without difficulty;
Improve the functioning of government institutions so that agriculture could be assured of the support of local authorities and government departments, staffed by competent and corruption-free officials, irrespective of race or gender;
Create a compelling value chain where all roleplayers are responsible for accepting the risk, just as they all share in the profits;
Protect and manage water resources to ensure efficient water of good quality for agriculture, with higher storage capacity and no pollution for the sake of food security;
Amend the regulating of labour to make employment possible with a mutual agreement of wage and affordable quality training, where labourers will contribute optimal production;
Support rural economies and service delivery, thus enabling schools and businesses to offer services to the local community;
Implement effective border control, effective management of Vito sanitary and illegal immigrants, to enhance safety and reduce pressure on local resources like food, water and housing;
Create a trustworthy and affordable power supplier, irrespective of it being state- or privately owned;
Invest in mother tongue education at school and tertiary level; and
Manage urbanisation so farmers operating on prime agricultural land are disadvantaged.
“Looking back the ANC government has done very poorly in keeping their promises of last year and the years before,” says Mr Louis Meintjes, the president of TLU SA. “The ANC’s dreams for South Africa have turned into a nightmare.
“TLU SA is not in the position to utilise state resources in the interest of South Africans, but the government is,” says Mr Meintjes. “The ball is now in your hands Mr Ramaphosa. The economy is sitting on the edge of its seat during this game.
“But, to continue on this road of proven unsuccessful ideologies will only give rise to poverty and unemployment. You should not be proud of the direction your legacy is taking. Do the right things, and you might be surprised by its success.”

TLU SA bied 20-punt plan vir Suid-Afrika voor Staatsrede

TLU SA het op die vooraand van die 2020 Staatsrede besin oor watter planne – vanuit ‘n landbouperspektief – gedurende 2020 in die beste belang van Suid-Afrika se inwoners sal wees. Met dit in gedagte het TLU SA ‘n 20-punt plan saamgestel wat ‘n verantwoordelike regering kan implementeer om die land weer vooruitstrewend te maak.  
TLU SA se 20-punt Plan vir Suid-Afrika 2020:

Werf en vestig nuwe kommersiële toetreders tot landbou, onder die ouderdom van 45 jaar oud;
Skep nuwe landbou-werksgeleenthede;
Vestig sindikaat- en ander boerderymodelle waar kundigheid en kapasiteit saamgevoeg en/of aangewend word ter wille van groter winsgewendheid;
Herstel wet en orde sodat boere hulle maksimale aandag en kundigheid kan aanwend vir boerdery;
Implementeer ‘n volledige vryemarkstelsel waarvan eiendomsreg die kern vorm;
Implementeer 'n behoorlike ondersteunende rampbestuurplan tot die voordeel van alle boere in Suid-Afrika;
Gee landbouers onbelemmerde toegang tot internasionale markte, ten einde noodsaaklike valuta vir die land te verdien;
Erken landbou sonder voorbehoud as ‘n noodsaaklike deel van die ekonomie, deur landbou nie ‘n speelbal vir partypolitieke gewin of internasionaal uitgediende ideologieë te maak nie;
Verbeter infrastruktuur sodanig dat landbouers hulle produkte effektief by markte kan kry, hetsy padlangs of spoor;
Staak die gedwonge, ongedefinieerde en nimmereindigende transformasie, insluitend die sonsondergang van die diskriminerende stelsel van gedwonge swart ekonomiese bemagtiging en sogenaamde regstellende aksie;
Herstel die beleggersvertroue plaaslik en internasionaal sodanig dat boere geen probleem sal hê om finansiering te kry by enige erkende finansiële instelling nie;
Verbeter regeringsinstellings sodat landbou kan reken op die steun van funksionele plaaslike owerhede en staatsdepartemente, wat gekenmerk word deur bekwame en korrupsievrye amptenare, ongeag hulle ras of geslag;
Skep ’n effektiewe waardeketting waarin alle rolspelers deel van landbou se risiko dra, soos hulle ook deel in die verhoogde wins;
Beskerm en bestuur waterbronne so, dat voldoende bruikbare water tot landbou se beskikking sal wees ter wille van voedselsekerheid, met verhoogde opgaar-kapasiteit en geen besoedeling nie;
Verander die regulering van arbeid ten einde maksimale indiensneming moontlik te maak teen ’n wedersyds-ooreengekome loon, waarin kwaliteit-opleiding hoogs bekostigbaar beskikbaar sal wees en waar arbeiders hulle maksimale produksie sal lewer;
Herstel die ekonomie en dienslewering in die landelike omgewing, sodat skole, besighede en kerke weer ’n diens aan die hele landelike gemeenskap kan lewer;
Implementeer effektiewe grensbeheer, wat Vito-sanitêre asook onwettige immigrante beheer en bestuur, om veiligheid sodoende te verbeter en daar minder druk is op binnelandse hulpbronne soos voedsel, water en behuising;
Skep ‘n betroubare en bekostigbare kragvoorsiener, ongeag of dit staats- of privaat ondersteun word;
Belê in moedertaalonderrig op skool- en tersiêre vlak; en
Beheer verstedeliking sodat boere in die direkte omgewing daarvan nie benadeel word nie.
“Terugskouend het die ANC-regering baie swak gevaar met die hou van hulle beloftes van verlede jaar en ook die jare voor dit,” sê mnr. Louis Meintjes, die president van TLU SA. “Die drome van die ANC vir Suid-Afrika het inderdaad vir die land in ‘n nagmerrie ontaard.”
“TLU SA is nie in die posisie om die staatsmiddele aan te wend in belang van die inwoners van die land nie, maar die regering is in daardie posisie,” sê mnr. Meintjes. “Die bal is in u hande mnr. Ramaphosa. Die ekonomie wag om te kyk hoe die spel gaan afloop.
“Maar, om voort te gaan op die reeds bewese mislukte ideologiese pad sal armoede en werkloosheid net verder laat styg. U nalatenskap is op koers na iets waarop niemand trots kan wees nie. Doen die regte dinge en u mag dalk verbaas wees oor die sukses.”

