Weekly Health News  Quanlim Life LifeIselect - 1st January 2025

Weekly Health News Quanlim Life LifeIselect - 1st January 2025

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Welcome to our weekly Quanlim Life- Health information and news for Farmers and families.  

Exclusive to Quanlim Life-  - LIFE-I-SELECT - PLEASE TAKE NOTE - We only give you a message in this weekly Article-
(Thank you for the great response on this Weekly Article)  ( Get you marketing on this page- 9,259 plus readers per week) 
We saw many women in our rooms using Botox- and they all look very good and feel good about themselves and they want to look good- and they believe that they look good and they truly believe that Botox is not bad for them. But as the years move on we saw a lot things happening in the body. The looks are not so good anymore.
Botox is actually accelerating your aging and setting you up for gut issues and much more. You active virgin tissue will decrease and you will find it hard to lift your growth factor.
The active ingredient in Botox, Botulinum toxin type A, inhibits the release of a very important Raw material- and this is needed for muscle contractions, and this is how it stops wrinkles.
But it does more than just prevent wrinkles.
It’s critical for:
- Normal muscle contractions (expressing emotions)
- Triggering stomach acid release (key for digestion)
- Vagus nerve function (the connection between your gut and brain)
- Gut motility (preventing bacterial overgrowth)
- Parasympathetic nervous system function
This can create a domino effect of problems when it comes to gut health. Not only that, Botox has been linked to fertility issues, documented to have systemic effects and many people report it reducing emotions like empathy.
Apart from this- health and beauty start within the body- From inside out.
If you use Botox make sure that you not depleting Raw material for you active Genes and organs.
We assist women in getting this problem sorted out.
You will only understand the suffering and emotional stress of a CANCER patient if it is part of you family- you child - your mother- your Father - your husband. - They need your support and much more to survive. 
Your weight is a problem after the FESTIVE SEASON of drink and eat sit and not moving.
Before you run to the gym- or some weight loss program to get rid of all these so called holliday fat- you need to fix the root course of your weight gain.
Something in your digestive system is not well. You need to move to burn all the nice sweet drinks and foods, but the real reason need to be sorted out.
In the meantime- stop eating all those "lekker" things- and drinking all the nice sweet alcohol drinks- and remember you a unique- you not a sheep to follow the crowd and start using all the promises that is all over social media to make you lose weight. Visit a real Health practitioner before you spend money on all the programs.
QUANLIMLIFE - We Care for the past 20 years of practice and still updating ourselves through constant learning. 
We only use the best in our practice.-
We used a very natural product the past 20 years to build our immune system and to balanced the T1 T2 T3 T4 suppressors cells.
The-is “super antioxidant” that not only revs up your body’s immune system but also puts the brakes on cancer growth. Traditional cancer treatments like radiation and chemotherapy can pack a punch with their toxic side effects.
As a natural alternative, offering a gentle yet powerful approach to combating cancer. Recent studies have highlighted the role of antioxidants in cancer immunotherapy, This is nature’s ultimate antioxidants!
These “super antioxidants” work their magic by disrupting the signaling pathways that cancer cells use to spread, effectively putting the brakes on cancer’s ability to replicate and invade neighboring cells. Scientific research has shown it has been proven to inhibit the growth of leukemia cells and has shown promising results in preventing tumor progression and even achieving complete cures in some cases.
Zero reported negative side effects. That’s the power of nature’s healing touch at work-
This is product is EXCLUSIVE to our Range of products,.
We will not reveal the name of any supplement or cure if we do not know what is really wrong inside your body. The real root coarse need to be addressed. We not part of the supplement world- making promises on symptoms, you are unique and that is why we will treat you as unique. We only use the best- real natural RAW material tested and used over years.
You not a sheep to follow the crowd- take control of your health - it your body and do not drink a pill unless you know that you body will methylate it.
TAKE NOTE  - Digestive system
Struggling with digestion, bloating, or sluggish energy? It could be a sign of congested bile ducts slowing down your body’s natural detox and digestion processes.
Bile plays a critical role in emulsifying fats, absorbing vital nutrients and keeping your gut healthy.
Do not use any bile salts unless you know what the real problem is.
A lot of people struggle with their digestive system and they do not use the correct way to heal it- Most of these people still believe in PHARMA and their symptoms related pills. You can easily stop the symptoms but somewhere in the future the real problems will catch you.
It is very sad to see the health condition of our people- young and old- when you sit on the beach at the sea- you cannot miss it- overweight, circulation and lymph and "boeppense"is the favourite of the day. Most of them are on Prescribed drugs to control their blood pressure, colesterol, diabetes, blood thinners- uppers and downers exc- exc- this fatal. It all symptom related. The system of the MM still control our people.
It all start in the digestive system-
Take control of you health -
Every time u use these drugs you destroying your health and your life and putting "stress" on your family - If you a Father and Mother- think TWICE - you have children who need you in their life and maybe follow your bad habits -
Chemotherapy is a widely used treatment for cancer, but it can cause a range of side effects, some of which can be severe. Here's a summary of the common side effects of chemotherapy:
Millions are made out of your body- and as long as you have a medical plan and eager to work with the MM they will surely go on.
Long-Term Side Effects
1. Infertility: Permanent damage to reproductive organs.
2. Organ Damage: Permanent damage to organs such as the heart, lungs, and kidneys.
3. Cognitive Impairment: Long-term cognitive changes, including memory loss and difficulty concentrating.
4. Chronic Fatigue: Persistent fatigue that lasts for months or years after treatment.
5. Emotional Changes: Long-term emotional changes, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Managing Side Effects
1. Follow Treatment Plans: Adhere to treatment schedules on a natural way to restore what MM broke down.
2. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration.
3. Eat a Balanced Diet: Focus on nutrient-rich foods to maintain energy and overall health and eat proteine.
4. Get Enough Rest: Prioritize rest and relaxation to manage fatigue.
5. Seek Support: Connect with healthcare provider- to build you up to get all that nasty stuff out of your system
Remember, not everyone experiences all of these side effects, and their severity can vary from person to person. If you're undergoing chemotherapy, it's essential to work closely with your healthcare team to manage side effects and ensure the best possible outcomes.
You need to build your immune system and get you bone marrow start working to get your stem cells in place.
The MM will tell you what supplements you cannot use- it is your body - take control of it.. a real professional health care specialist with the latest equipment and years of experience will eventually get you back on the track and know what you can use and not use.
Be open and stop following the MM and PHARMA like sheep- we live in 2025.. and these old practises are not the solution for the future- maintain your body and take control.
Jou organe wat so maklik verwyder word.
Daagliks sien ons hoe mense sukkel wat se organe verwyder is- omdat iemand iewers 'n verkeerde dignose gemaak het en nie werklik geweet het wat is fout nie. Die organe kry inflammasie en moet op die ou einde verwyder word- Galblase, Mangels en Blindederms en vele ander word sommer vinnig verwyder teen 'n aardige bedrag ... 'n goeie inkomste vir die MM.
Jy het al jou organe in jou liggaam nodig om gesond te wees en reg te funksioneer.
Hier is iets om dalk oor na te dink. - dit is net 'n aanduiding en vele ander effekte kan ook voorkom.. of verwysings.
Jou vroulike dele word verwyder oor jy sukkel met hormone en ander simptome- maar eintlik was jou lewer onder druk en jou been murg te laag en dalk het jy meer hormone gekort.
Jou Galblaas word verwyder terwyl dit eintlik jou lewer is wat nie ontslae raak van gifstowwe nie- jou Homocysteine dalk te hoog was- en jy nie die volle sirkel van Detox kan voltooi nie... en nog n paar ander wat maklik reggestel kan word.
Jou thyriod wat verwyder word omdat jou lewer dalk onder druk is en nie dit nodige enzyme voorsien nie. jou "Bile track" dalk droog is- jy nie die regte "Raw materiaal" by jou Thyriod uitkry nie en jou minerale nie vrylik beskikbaar is nie..en daarmee saam het die sintetiese pil (Pharma) jou thyriod moontlik verder vernietig.
Jou mangels is sommer vroeg verwyder omdat die sogenaamd sleg was- allergie van al die soorte verkeerde kos en melk en te veel antibiotika en kortisone gegee is en die imunne sisteem afgebreek is. Nou is alles in jou longe.
Jou blindederm is verwyder want die was vol inflammsie en sou bars... dis waar- maar die oorsaak kom van verstopping en die galblaas en lewer.- en jou derms.
en as jy nie 'n blindederms het nie- sal dit goed wees om die verband tussen die en jou spysvertering uit te vind en dadleik daaraan te begin werk.
So is daar baie ander organe wat sommer uitgehaal word- omdat die MM jare geleer het om dit korrek uit te haal en hulle dit wel kan doen- jy gee toestemming.
As jy enigsins kan- pas jou kind se immune stelsel op - tussen die ouderdom van geboorte en 7 jaar. Antibiotika en kortisoon is nie aanbeveelbaar nie.
Pas jou liggaam op - jy is uniek.
Huisgesinne moet bymekaar staan en mekaar ondersteun- daar is nie 'n beter ondersteunings basis as dit nie. Vrouens moet hulle mans ondersteun en anders om ook. Moenie dat geskille van die verlede hierdie basis breek nie. Vrouens en mans wat geskei is moenie mekaar vermaak met hulle kinders en situasies versuur waar beide ouers by hulle kinders teenwoordig is. As jy jou man haat en hom nie weer wil sien nie- onthou julle het daardie kinders saam gemaak en groot gemaak. Daar is niks so sleg om by die siekbed van jou kind te staan en die haat van die ander ouer te beleef nie.  Dis belangrik dat ouers met mekaar kommunikeer en die stuasie en byeenkoms respekteer asook hulle kinders en kleinkinders. Mans trek gewoonlik aan die kortste ent en staan maar terug om die vrede te bewaar- in die proses word hulle vervreemd van hulle en kinders en kleinkinders.
Let us assist you in getting to the ROOT of your problem - 
This is our LINK TREE - if you think you do not have enough information regarding us- 
We only give you a message- you need to do more research to understand orr visit us to assist you. - You are responsible for your Health - don't be a sheep to follow the crowd and make sure you know what is wrong in your body before you only treat the symptoms - we live in 2024 and "drugs" will keep you alive and treat your symptoms so that PHARMA can have a Income forever.
Gene mutation in kids - MTHFR 
Frequent Illnesses: A weakened immune system, leading to frequent colds, infections, or a general tendency to get sick more often.
Gastrointestinal Issues: Constipation, diarrhea, or a sensitive stomach from poor detoxification and methylation, which affect gut health.
Sensory Processing Issues: Sensitivity to light, sound, touch, or other sensory stimuli.
Speech and Language Delays: Some children might experience delays in speech and language development, possibly due to neurotransmitter imbalances affecting brain function.
Skin and Hair Issues: Dry skin, eczema, or unusual hair loss from poor folate metabolism, which is crucial for cell repair and growth.
Mood Disorders: Anxiousness, blue moods, or other mood disorders can manifest, sometimes at a surprisingly young age, due to imbalances in the methylation cycle affecting neurotransmitter levels.
Poor Detoxification: Sensitivity to chemicals, toxins, or even some foods might be observed, as the body’s ability to detoxify can be impaired.

 Our own Health products range- Exclusive from Quanlim Life and Life i select
We have our own EXCLUSIVE range of  real healthy Supplements-   
Only available in our Practise if we know what is wrong inside your body. We do not "DISH OUT" any supplements unless we know what is wrong .
1) Pure Bile
2) Tissue Renewal
3) Quanlim Greens
4) Betaine Hydrochloride acid  - Exclusive
5) Methylated Folate
6) Ultimate Digest.
7) Methylated B12 Spray
8) Ultimate Maintenance
9) Methylated HOMOSYSTEINE - Assist.  MTHFR - COMP
10) Colon Assist
11) Ultimate Cell Health and ATP booster   NEW EXCELLENT   MTHFR - COMP
12) Histamine assist.
13) P5P -
15) Natrocine  Assist
15) Betaine TMG
16) Alpha Lipoic Acid 
17) DIM Life
18)Trace minerals and Antioxidant.    MTHFR - COMP
19) Celtic Salt PURE
20) The ultimate Natural VEGGIE complete. 
Revive Stem Cells- and Testosterone  assist will be soon available.
Our own products -
Tissue Renewal
Unlock the Secret to Radiant Health and Youthful Appearance
Discover the incredible benefits of Tissue Renewal Silica, a powerful formula that combines silica with other essential ingredients to promote overall health and wellbeing. Our own approved formula
Prevent and Reverse Osteoporosis
Tissue Renewal Silica helps to prevent and even reverse osteoporosis by building collagen and elastin, essential proteins for strong bones and connective tissues.
Transform Your Skin, Hair, and Nails
Silica in Tissue Renewal Silica:
- Builds collagen and elastin to reduce wrinkles and fine lines
- Strengthens hair follicles, promoting thicker, healthier hair
- Fortifies nails, making them stronger and more flexible
Rejuvenate Your Body from the Inside Out
Tissue Renewal Silica:
- Strengthens the body's musculoskeletal system, preventing injuries and speeding healing of fractures
- Regulates blood pressure, maintaining the structural integrity, elasticity, and permeability of arteries
- Eliminates intestinal parasites and worms from the body, promoting a healthy gut microbiome
Look Younger, Feel Younger
With Tissue Renewal Silica, you can:
- Enjoy softer, more youthful-looking skin
- Experience thicker, healthier-looking hair
- Strengthen your nails and improve their flexibility
- Feel more energetic and vibrant, with a renewed sense of wellbeing
Get Ready to Unlock the Secret to Radiant Health and Youthful Appearance
Try Tissue Renewal Silica today and discover the incredible benefits of this powerful formula for yourself.
Not available in the open market - Our name is our proud.
Let assist you in getting to root of your problem and assist you in feelling better- looking better and taking your health serious.
TAKE NOTE -  Hormones
Hormones are never "fixed" first because your body has a natural order of priorities to keep you alive and functioning. Think of your body like a house before you can clean or fix anything, you have to make sure the plumbing (drainage system) is working. Your liver, kidneys, lymphatic system, and gut all need to be open and flowing so your body can flush out toxins and waste.

If these pathways are clogged, your body won’t even start working on hormones because it’s too busy trying to clear the drains. Once your drainage is flowing, your body can start detoxing which means clearing out toxins like heavy metals, mold, or chemicals that can disrupt how your body works. Detoxing is a big job, and your body focuses on this step before worrying about balancing hormones because those toxins can do more immediate harm.Your body prioritizes survival. If there’s a bigger threat, like inflammation or infections, it focuses on fixing those first. Hormones are part of long-term balance, so they’re addressed last—after your body knows the basics like detox and drainage are under control. Hormones are like the finishing touch .

They depend on everything else in your body working smoothly. If drainage and detox aren’t handled, your hormones can’t balance properly. For example, if your liver is overwhelmed, it can’t process excess hormones, leaving them out of whack.Blood tests often reflect the current state of your hormones, but they’re influenced by how well your body is managing drainage, detox, etc. Until these systems are functioning properly, hormone levels won’t stabilize, and that’s why they tend to show improvement last. But again only way to do it. 
Daagliks sien ek hoe ons mense se gesondheid agter uitgaan ten spyte van al die voorgeskrewe "drugs" en letterlik tientalle aanvullings wat hulle sommer so op "facevalue" gebruik van een of ander slim geleerde wat dit aanbeveel het op Sosiale media of in 'n winkel. Jy is uniek- dit werk nie altyd vir almal nie.
As jy nie jou sogenaamde "bad habits" groet nie gaan niks vir jou help nie- Jy moet totaal en al 'n ander rigting inslaan met die regte raad en kennis om werklik gesond te word. Jy het 'n plan nodig waarby jy moet bly. Bly weg van al die "quick fixes". Jy moet presies weet wat werk nie reg in jou liggaam nie- wat is die oorsaak voor jy enige pil in jou mond sit. Moet jou nie troos en net staatmaak op 'n bloedmonster nie.. dis nie altyd korrek nie en dis waarskynlik meer ingestel op simptome.
Jy het nie nodig om al hierdie aanvullings te drink wat so duur is en sinteties saamgestel is nie- jy moet die regte Rou materiaal kry wat die oorsaak aanspreek en sorg dat jou organe gesond is en reg werk. As jou Verteringstelsel korrek werk en jy eet reg en drink reg en jy los jou rook, drank, vape en "drugs" sal jy gesond word.
As die MM 'n orgaan verwyder het en nog glo jy kan gemaklik sonder dit lewe- dan lewe jy in 'n roomkoek. Dit beinvloed jou hele liggaam .
Jy is nie skaap om agter die wereld aan te loop nie- neem verantwoordelikheid oor jou liggaam en besoek 'n professionele gesondheids praktisyn met jare ondervinding en die regte aparate en bly weg van mense wat uit jou siek liggaam wil geld maak met 'n mediese fonds wat in plek is om alles te betaal.
Quanlim Life do a FULL SCAN - of your whole body.  BOOK your session today -  
Full Report - 
You are responsible for your MIND- BODY and you SOUL-  Do not give you HEALTH and BODY to the MM to make huge money out your body and bad Health.
For many years you did not take care of your health in the correct way- do not expect to heal it in a few months
25 years of real Health - www.lifeiselect.co.za
Die regte manier. Ons lewe in 2025- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons liggame wil geld maak. Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- ons wil jou gesond sien
Thanks for all the positive replies - 
By ons is jy spesiaal- en wil ons jou gesond sien- Vry van al die kwale en allerhande Sintetiese pille en voorgeskrewe pille wat jou liggaam verniel en jou ontneem van 'n gesonde liggaam.  Jy kan gesond word as jy die regte plan en metode volg-  Dis in jou om al hierdie kwale te oorkom en vry te kom- en wees versigtig wie jy glo en - alles werk nie altyd nie. Baie dankie vir al die e posse wat ons weekliks ontvang van oor die hele wereld asook die positiewe terugvoer op die inligting wat ons weekliks hier plaas. Dis net so aangenaam om almal in hulle persoon te ontmoet tydens hulle afspraak met ons. 

Saamgestel deur Johann Pretorius -    Professionele Gesondheidspraktisyn Pretoria - Gesonde gesondheid sorg- en 25 jaar van praktiese ondervinding
I update myself on a monthly basis with 3 of the world leaders in real Health care- in Germany, Switzerland and the USA.
You can book at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.   - 
Ons maandelikse inligtings seminare is 'n "eye opener" vir elkeen wat dit bywoon. Dis lekker om te sien hoe mense reageer rondom ware Gesondheid en begin om verantwoordelikheid te neem vir hulle eie gesondheid . Saam met dit sien ons hoe mense met 'n ander oog kyk na die onverskillige gebruik
"supplements" en die newe effekte van dit en PHARMA se voorgeskrewe "drugs" - Saam met dit besef mense dat hulle moet ophou om simptome te wil behandel en liewer na die oorsaak kyk.
Ons lewe in 2024- en baie dinge is verkeerd aan ons oorgedra in die verlede deur 'n sisteem wat ons wil beheer en beheer en uit ons ligame wil geld maak. Die eintlik 'n bose kringloop.
Ons doen ook sessies aanlyn - kontak ons gerus as jy en paar van jou vriende aanlyn inskakel.  Dankie vir al die positiewe reaksie en opmerkings- ons wil jou gesond sien- Met 20 jaar praktiese ondervinding in alternatiewe gesondheid probeer ons altyd om die oorsaak te kry en en reg te behandel. Moenie simptome ignoreer nie- en nog minder iets gebruik om die simptome te laat wegraak. Meeste van die voorgeskrewe "drugs" gaan net jou simptome beheer en voor jy weet is jy in die hande van Pharma en sy meelopers. Ons werk net op DNA vlak en gebruik net die beste toerusting - maar kennis om al hierdie inligting te verwerk is die sleutel. 

We only make use of Suppliers who practise the following

We only purchase raw herbal ingredients from reputable manufacturers.
A signed certificate of analysis must accompany each ingredient.
Even from excellent sources, we occasionally reject a herbal extract because it does not meet our strict requirements.
All our products are manufactured in sterile environments.
We adhere to strict international Good Manufacturing Practices.
Our manufacturing facility is inspected by the Medicines Control Council on a regular basis.
Up to date batch records are kept on all manufactured products.
To ensure safety, shelf life and stability on our dermatological products, stability testing is done on a regular basis.


Regulation 42(4) prohibits any off-label statements. This means, any indication for which a product is not registered for that use by SAHPRA – the medicines regulatory authority. Any person or entity, are offences in terms of section 29 of the Medicines Act, which could attract fines or even imprisonment. What is permitted are disease awareness campaigns, which we as a company fully support, as they benefit public health, if the public and patients are empowered. Disease awareness activities may however not lead to the support, endorsement or recommendation, specifically or by implication, of any specific schedule 2 to 6 medicine. South Africa.

Die media is vol van allerhande inligting rakende gesondheid en wat jy alles moet drink- sluk- doen en nog meer om gesond te wees. Meeste van die inligting is daarop gemik om een of ander tyd aan jou 'n produkte verkoop wat jy gaan koop omdat jy alles geglo het wat aan jou gewys en vertel is. Voor jy enige pil in jou mond sit moet jy weet wat presies fout is in jou liggaam- om simptome te wil aanspreek is fataal. Baie van die sogenaamde gesondheidsprodukte bevat "filler"s wat baie gevaarlik is- al se dit nie so nie- dan is daar die kans dat jy jouself kan oordoseer met een of ander vitamine wat baie skade kan veroorsaak in jou liggaam. Wanneer dit generis is daar iets anders wat vernietig word in jou liggaam. Saam met dit is die kwaliteit van meeste van die produkte baie swak...en dan is daar nog mense wat vir jou allerhande boererate gee wat sekerklik werk en die simptome wegneem- maar die oorsaak word nie aangespreek nie. Simptome beheer gaan jou nie gesond maak nie. Wees maar versigtig vir al die raad en allerhande toerusting wat gebruik word om jou te oortuig dat daar fout is met jou.. en dat jy een of ander produk moet aankoop. Dis jou liggaam en mense gaan allerhande maniere probeer om iets aan jou te verkoop. Pas jou liggaam op en besoek 'n professionele Gesondheids praktisyn met jare van praktiese ondervinding.

TESTIMONIALS - Wat se ons lesers en kliente

Wat se ons Klieente -


Hallo Johan, ek wou nog vir jou se - my hande het in die afgelope 6 jaar konstant gepyn van die osteo arthritis, soms so erg dat dit gevoel ht of ek koorsig was. Ek het op Exinef 90 mg geleef en soms vir dae die 120mg gebruik. Vandat ek jou pille begin gebruik is my hande nooit meer seer of inflamend nie. My duime is soms so bietjie seer maar nie eens genoeg om 'n exinef te drink nie. Dis amazing en kan dit nie glo nie!!!!!!!  BAIE BAIE BAIE DANKIE!!!!!!Santie




What a pleasure to meet you Johan- you really changed my health. I was drinking a lot of supplements over years with no results- Thankyou -you indeed know your work - Rulande.




Johann vir maande loop ek rond met kopsere en ongemak asook 'n skildklier wat nie werk nie -  na 2 maande is alles weg- ,met die regte behandeling - Marita van Blerk.




Johann- jou hele denkwyse rondom gesondheid is so suiwer en opreg- Jy het my gesond gemaal met soveel omgee en soveel geduld. Ek hoop jou familie waardeer jou kennis. Herman Visagie





Ek was 30  kilogram oorgewig- lekker boeppens - en baie ongemaklik-  vol voorgeskrewe pille bloeddruk, suiker,gout ens- in 6 maande sien ek my voete- en alles wat moet sien- dis die werk van die man- kry jou tydbom uit jou lyf met die regte raad en metode  - Frans Rabie




Johann did a full Methylations scan on me after I paid almost R10,000 through the medical aid  to so called experts with almost no information except alot of useless supplements and pages and pages of information . He started with the correct one and almost getting all the other in harmony again. I ve never seen a man with such a natural knowledge regarding your health. Lizette Kriel- Pretoria




Ek het 2 jaar uit mekaar Chemo gehad. Ek kon nie een voet voor die ander sit nie- Alles was stukkend- Johann het my gevat en my sterk gemaak om die kanker self veg- Dit het het 13 maande geneem om al die gemors wat in my liggaam was uit te kry en my gesond te maak,  Moenie op die mediese wereld vertrou nie- jy is net 'n nommer en liggaam om geld uit te maak, Dankie Johann  - Le Marie Venter




I ve never seen a man with so much knowledge regarding real health- he explain everything in such a normal manner to understand- His own products is excellent and unique. I am feeling so much better. John Venter.



Ek ontvang Chemo al die afgelope 2 jaar en was totaal en al afgebreek tot op grondvlak- my liggaam het uitmekaar geval.  Johan het 'n volledige "scan" op my gedoen en my weer opgebou waar my liggaam weer sterk en gesond is. Dankie Johan- sy kennis van die die werking van die liggaam en hoe hy alles so natuurlik hanteer is "amazing" -Sy produkte is ver bo enige ander produk. 


My Mentor
Dear Johann

I wanted to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for the outstanding work and exceptional results you've achieved in the online test regarding DNA tests and cancer. Your dedication and expertise in this field are truly commendable. 
Your ability to distill complex concepts into clear and concise language made the test accessible and easy to understand. The depth of knowledge and insight you brought to the subject matter was impressive, and your enthusiasm for the topic was evident throughout.

Your excellent results are a testament to your hard work and commitment to excellence. You should be proud of your accomplishments, as they demonstrate a mastery of the subject matter and a passion for sharing knowledge with others. 
Please know that your efforts have not gone unnoticed. Your contributions to the field of DNA tests and cancer research are valuable and appreciated. I am grateful for your dedication to advancing our understanding of this critical area. 
Thank you again for your exceptional work and outstanding results. I look forward to seeing your continued success and contributions in the future.

Another year of great success for you.


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