Will Cannabis Oil Cause Psychoactive Effects?

Will Cannabis Oil Cause Psychoactive Effects?

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As more information about medical cannabis and cannabinoids emerges, more patients are interested in learning about this treatment option.

The current research literature, although somewhat sparse still, indicates cannabis could be a potential treatment for many different health conditions.

Current research is shedding more light on what different cannabinoids can do in the potential treatment and management of different conditions. As research isolates these different compounds, more forms of treatment become available. For example, patients may have the choice of cannabis, cannabis oil, and other formats, such as prescription cannabinoids.

Cannabis oil is becoming a more popular alternative for many reasons, including eliminating the need to inhale cannabis and the fact that it comes in many different formulations. Many people still have questions about oil. One of those questions is often the likelihood of it causing psychoactive effects.

Cannabis Oil vs. CBD Oil
The first thing you need to do is understand the difference between cannabis oil and CBD oil. The difference lies in the ratio of CBD and THC, two well-known cannabinoids, in the oil. If the oil is CBD-dominant, it should be termed “CBD oil.” Some sources call all oils, including CBD oils, cannabis oil.

This can sometimes confuse the situation for patients. While CBD oil still has THC in it, it is CBD-dominant. Cannabis oils tend to be more THC dominant.

   CBD Oil: What are 9 Proven or Possible Health Benefits?

Consider the Concentration of THC
When asking whether cannabis oil causes psychoactive effects, you’ll need to consider the concentration of THC. THC is responsible for the majority of cannabis’ psychoactive effects, as it binds to the CB1 receptor. This, in turn, causes the psychoactive effects typically associated with cannabis use. THC can cause some negative side effects, such as paranoia, especially for inexperienced patients. Oils overly dominant in THC may be overwhelming for some. It’s thus important to keep the concentration of THC in any cannabis oil in mind.

To lower the risk of negative psychoactive effects, patients can choose oils that are less THC dominant. CBD oils may be a good alternative.

CBD Oils
As mentioned, some sources will refer to CBD oils as cannabis oils, which can muddy the waters. Any oil that is CBD-dominant is a CBD oil, and it produces different effects from THC-dominant cannabis oils.

This is because the compound is non-psychoactive. CBD doesn’t produce the same effects as THC, which makes it a safer and more effective option for patients who are concerned about the mind-altering effects of THC and other cannabinoids.

Some studies have suggested CBD can ease discomfort, in addition to acting as an anti-inflammatory in the body. CBD oils may be a more practical option for the relief of pain and the management of some health conditions. Patients may prefer CBD oils for daytime use, as opposed to THC-dominant oils, which can cause drowsiness.

What Does the Research Say?
As with other areas of medical marijuana research right now, there’s relatively little conclusive evidence about the use of cannabis oils, CBD oils included. The body of research is growing, especially as more medical professionals and patients turn to oils to avoid the negative effects of inhaling cannabis.

One study investigated cannabis oils as a potential treatment for Alzheimer’s, combined with pharmacotherapy. Although the study didn’t specify the psychoactive element of cannabis oil as an issue, the evidence actually suggested patients experienced a decreased number of delusions.

It’s obvious more research will be needed to follow up on this effect, in addition to other areas of investigation. As more research emerges, a clearer picture of just how cannabis oils, including CBD oils, could be used to treat a wide range of medical conditions will come into focus.

Overall, we found that scientists and doctors consider CBD oil to be safe for most people to use, and there are few, if any, serious side effects.

While everyone has their own unique body chemistry, it seems like the vast majority of people can ingest CBD oil without ever feeling any unpleasant side effects at all, and the remaining few will mostly likely experience only minor symptoms like stomach upset or dry mouth. Since scientists are using pure extracts from known sources, it’s likely that some consumer reports of headaches or other minor adverse reactions could be due to impurities in inferior CBD products.

As always, you should closely research the products you buy, and consult with a medical expert if you have any doubt about the best or safest way to use CBD oil.

New Life- CBD Interantional.


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