The 2018 South African macadamia crop ended on a positive note with a record crop of 56 550 tonnes of in-shell macadamias.This is approximately 4 000 tonnes higher than the previous estimate.
The 2018 South African macadamia crop ended on a positive note with a record crop of 56 550 tonnes of in-shell macadamias.This is approximately 4 000 tonnes higher than the previous estimate.
The first South African pomegranates have left for Europe, where Southern Hemisphere fruit fills a good gap in the market.
outh Africa’s wine industry is centered around Cape Town. But pioneers far to the northeast are forging a new frontier in unlikely surroundings as changing weather patterns test long-held conventions.
Figures released by the South African Citrus Growers’ Association (CGA) from 2016/17 paint an interesting picture of global lemon production.
The South African avocado industry is anticipating improved market conditions and better pricing in the European market this season amid lower volume forecasts in numerous supplying regions around the world.
Satellite-based crop monitoring information service FruitLook has made a visual comparison between two fruit producing areas in the Western Cape to illustrate the stark effect of the three year drought.