The Truth about Ethanol, Energy Security and World Grain Supplies

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In nearly 20 years of advocating for American renewable fuel producers and farmers, I’ve seen my share of baseless accusations, uninformed rhetoric, and outright misinformation about corn ethanol. But in those two decades, I have rarely seen an attack as ignorant, incoherent, and insulting as the bizarre tirade recently launched against ethanol by David Frum in The Atlantic (“Ethanol: The Fuel that Powers Putin”).

Alternatives to diesel for freight transport and Agriculture

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Compression-ignition engines, more commonly known as diesel engines were initially designed to run on peanut oil, not the slightly viscous, petroleum-based fuel it runs on today. Its inventor created it specifically to run on pretty much any fuel that will burn, even really low-grade stuff, in order for it to be used to help mechanize parts of the world that had at that point not been touched by the industrial revolution.