South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary 10th July 2024

South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 10th July 2024

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse/Engelse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

Weekly summary of some News in the  Agri and Farming media.   GET YOUR MARKETING on this Page - Excellent stats- The pulse of Farming and Agri News.

During the month of June 2024, there were fourteen farm attacks and four farm murders in South Africa.In May 2024, there were eleven farm attacks and four farm murders in South Africa.And in April 2024, there were sixteen farm attacks and two farm murders in the country.These farm attacks and murders are often accompanied by extreme violence, torture and rape and are being openly fueled by black South African leaders in the country.Farm attacks and Farm murders 2020:446 Farm attacks and 77 farm murders.Farm attacks and Farm murders 2021:248 Farm attacks and 43 farm murders.Farm attacks and Farm murders 2022:156 Farm attacks and 39 farm murders.Farm attacks and Farm murders 2023:182 Farm attacks and 45 farm murders.Farm attacks and Farm murders 2024:January 2024 – 7 Farm attacks and 0 farm murders.February 2024 – 13 Farm attacks and 1 farm murder.March 2024 – 12 Farm attacks, 0 farm murders.April 2024 – 16 Farm attacks, 2 farm murders.May 2024 – 11 Farm attacks, 4 farm murders.June 2024 – 14 Farm attacks, 4 farm murders.

Verdere koue toestande gaan tot ongeveer 20 Julie voortduur oor die sentrale tot suidelike dele van die land. Minimum temperature ver onder vriespunt kan veral rondom 8 tot 15 Julie voorkom, met plekke soos Bloemfontein wat tot 16 Julie minimum temperature tot so laag as -6 °C kan ervaar. By Barkly-Oos kan die kwik tot -9 °C daal, by Barkly-Oos tot -8 °C, by Bothaville, Ceres en Standerton tot -5 °C, by Caledon tot -3 °C, en by Upington, Groblersdal en Brits tot -2 °C. Verdere swaar ryp word nie binnekort weer oor die noordelike dele van die land voorspel nie. “Hoewel temperature in veral die noordelike dele van die land vinniger gaan herstel, gaan baie koue toestande tot ongeveer 20 Julie voortduur oor die suidelike dele met veral baie lae minimum temperature.”

In May 2022, the World Bank made a commitment of making available $30 billion over a period of 15 months to tackle the crisis. We have surpassed that goal. The World Bank has scaled up its food and nutrition security response, to now making $45 billion available through a combination of $22 billion in new lending and $23 billion from existing portfolio. The Bank's intervention is expected to benefit 335 million people, equivalent to 44% of the number of undernourished people. Around 53% of the beneficiaries are women – they are disproportionately more affected by the crisis.  The $766 million West Africa Food Systems Resilience Program is working to increase preparedness against food insecurity and improve the resilience of food systems in West Africa. The program is increasing digital advisory services for agriculture and food crisis prevention and management, boosting adaption capacity of agriculture system actors, and investing in regional food market integration and trade to increase food security.

Dié opspraakwekkende studie deur prof. Johann Kirsten, direkteur van die buro vir ekonomiese navorsing aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch, en Wandile Sihlobo, hoofekonoom van Agbiz, het onteenseglik bewys daar steek geen waarheid in die mite dat nog net 8% van landbougrond in swart besit is nie. Volgens syfers tot Augustus 2023 word nou beraam dat die totale area van grondregte wat oorgedra of herstel is op 19 311 057 ha te staan kom, wat gelykstaande is aan 24,9% van landbougrond.  Kirsten beklemtoon ’n belangrike mite wat ook weerlê is, is dat alle swart kommersiële boere hul grond deur die grondhervormingsprogram ver- kry het. ’n Grondoudit van titelaktes deur Johann Bornman, landboueiendomskenner en voorsitter van Agri Development Solutions, wat in samewerking met Landbouweekblad en AgriSA gedoen is, toon dat swart Suid-Afrikaners sedert 1994 uit hul eie sakke en sonder regeringsteun 1 905 675 ha aangekoop het.

POWERED BY CRA GROUP leaders in Farming and Agriculture news. - No medium in Farming and Agriculture give your so much news at one address - 7 days of the week.

Outstanding articles of the week. Summary of some news Headlines in the Farming and Agriculture media.

Domestic food price inflation remains high in many low- and middle-income countries. Inflation higher than 5% is experienced in 59.1% of low-income countries (no change since the last update on May 30, 2024), 63% of lower-middle-income countries (no change), 36% of upper-middle-income countries (5.0 percentage points higher), and 10.9 percent of high-income countries (3.6 percentage points lower).  READ MORE 

The public will get more of the British food they know and love, farmers and growers will have the confidence to build profitable, sustainable, resilient businesses – supporting economic growth and environmental delivery – and this new government will help to secure a safe supply of homegrown food in an increasingly volatile and uncertain world. READ MORE 

Given that we are early in the season, such cautious optimism is understandable from the South African and the Australian weather authorities. Still, this does not take away from the fact that the El Niño weather event has at least ended, and we are now moving towards a favourable agricultural production environment. Moreover, these reports mirror the pattern we have seen in the past, where only in September does one get a clearer view of the possible weather outlook.  READ MORE 

Understanding climate change requires us to embrace complexity: not only are greenhouse gases trapping heat, but we are undermining natural systems that cool the planet’s surface and sequester atmospheric carbon—systems of ice, soil, forest, and ocean. Grasping this complexity leads to new ways of thinking about climate change and viable responses to it. READ MORE 

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CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums.  Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neemOns internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums.  Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme-  Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort.  Ons sal eersdaags ons nuwe Ekonomiese afdeling in plek.



Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year.  Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.  Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news 

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Week se nuus op AGRI NEWS NET  - 50 nuus artikels per dag-  VOLG die AGRI NEWS NET hooftrekke op Hier is so paar om te lees.

Die koue wat tans ondervind word, het ook sedert die naweek ‘n spoor van verwoesting gelaat by boere regoor Limpopo. Swartryp het Sondagoggend die grootste deel van die provinsie getref, en talle boere het erge skade gely as gevolg daarvan.


“Vrystaat Landbou het ’n gebeurlikheidsplan in werking gestel vir plaaswerkers en inwoners op plase, in reaksie op die toename in aanvalle.” Plaasaanvalle in die Vrystaat het oor die laaste drie maande toegeneem. Dr. Jane Buys, ’n veiligheidsrisiko-analis by Vrystaat Landbou vertel die nuutste statistiek toon tussen April en Junie vanjaar was daar tien plaasaanvalle, wat twee moorde ingesluit het.


Berigte lui dat brandstofpryse dalk in Augustus kan styg. Die olieprys het gestyg en het vroeër amper 87 Amerikaanse dollar ‘n vat gehaal. Dis tans net onder 86 dollar. In die laaste 30 dae, het die kommoditeit met amper 10 persent gestyg.


Bygewerkte syfers van ’n belangrike studie aan die einde van 2022, waarin vyf mites oor grondhervorming weerlê word, toon dat bykans 25% van alle landbougrond voorheen in wit boere se besit nou reeds aan swart begunstigdes oorgedra is, deur swart boere gekoop is of deur die staat besit word.


The Australian Macadamia Society (AMS) has revised the 2024 macadamia crop forecast, with adverse weather conditions the primary factor. The updated forecast estimates production of 50,830 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (54,500 tonnes in-shell at 10% moisture), down from the previous estimate of 56,000 tonnes in-shell at 3.5% moisture (60,000 tonnes in-shell at 10% moisture).


South Africa’s spiralling electricity prices are “untenable” as they are pricing the poor and middle class out of the market, minister of electricity and energy, Kgosientsho Ramokgopa, said on Monday.


Hoewel min droëlandkoring in die Vrystaat aangeplant is, lyk die oes op die lande tot dusver belowend. Ook besproeiingskoring se vooruitsigte lyk goed, hoewel boere sê risiko’s soos die huidige lae koringprys weerhou hulle daarvan om meer hektare te plant.Op die watertafelgrond in die Wes-Vrystaat het enkele boere koring geplant danksy goeie ondergrondse vog wat hulle kon benut.“ 


Since the start of this year, we signalled that South Africa’s agricultural machinery sales would likely be subdued. We based our view on several reasons, including the normalization of sales after a  few years of strong activity, higher interest rates, and higher input costs. Indeed, as the year continued and the mid-summer drought started to bite, this was another reason for our hesitancy in agricultural equipment sales.


Daar word wyd beweer dat rooivleis sleg is vir jou gesondheid, aangesien dit jou risiko van hartsiektes, tipe 2-diabetes en sommige kankers kan verhoog.Maar die meeste van die bewyse hiervan is afkomstig van waarnemende studies, wat nie kan bepaal of rooivleis werklik die siektetoestand veroorsaak nie.


Around 80 farmworkers from across the Western Cape protested at the gates of Parliament on Friday over the government’s delay in taking decisive steps to ban harmful pesticides, as well as opposing the appointment of the DA’s John Steenhuisen as Minister of Agriculture.


In South Africa, the legal dispute involving Transnet and APM Terminals (APMT) over the 49% concession tender for Pier 2 at Durban Container Terminals (DCT) awarded to International Container Terminal Services Incorporated (ICTSI) is postponed until October.


Since the start of this year, we signalled that South Africa’s agricultural machinery sales would likely be subdued. We based our view on several reasons, including the normalization of sales after a few years of strong activity, higher interest rates, and higher input costs. Indeed, as the year continued and the mid-summer drought started to bite, this was another reason for our hesitancy in agricultural equipment sales.


In die praktyk beteken dit dat hernuwingsaansoeke dieselfde streng vereistes moet nakom as nuwe aansoeke.” Dit gebeur dikwels dat grondeienaars en produsente versuim om te verseker dat waterregte betyds hernu word. In ’n aanlyn werkswinkel wat deur Agri SA aangebied is, het die organisasie se Janse Rabie vir regskenner Adriaan Groenewald gevra waarop gelet moet word was dit by die hernuwing van waterregte kom.

  We received lots of messages from all over  - enjoying this weekly update of Farming and Agriculture NEWS -Die res van al die stories kan jy lees by Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar- 

 Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op

AMT - South Africa

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

White maize

R 5 130,00

per Metric Ton


-0.64 %

R 5 163,00

Yellow maize

R 3 830,00

per Metric Ton


1.32 %

R 3 780,00


R 8 750,00

per Metric Ton


-0.17 %

R 8 765,00

Sunflower seed

R 8 890,00

per Metric Ton


4.34 %

R 8 520,00


R 6 230,00

per Metric Ton


2.55 %

R 6 075,00

Sorghum (IPP)

R 5 425,00

per Metric Ton


-1.06 %

R 5 483,00

Groundnuts (IPP)

R 28 308,00

per Metric Ton


-1.12 %

R 28 629,00


R 10 229,00

per Metric Ton


-2.56 %

R 10 498,00

Soy Meal

R 8 900,00

per Metric Ton


0.00 %

R 8 900,00

Lusern (Grade 1)

R 3 400,00

per Metric Ton


0.00 %

R 3 400,00

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 6,75

per Kg


7.31 %

R 6,29


R 8,52

per Kg


0.59 %

R 8,47


R 4,40

per Kg


-16.51 %

R 5,27


R 14,40

per Kg


0.98 %

R 14,26


R 109,02

per Kg


8.45 %

R 100,53


R 29,38

per Kg


88.09 %

R 15,62


R 9,57

per Kg


-0.10 %

R 9,58


R 8,18

per Kg


6.93 %

R 7,65


R 123,94

per Kg


-3.39 %

R 128,29


R 4,30

per Kg


-4.02 %

R 4,48


R 94,11

per Kg


-40.35 %

R 157,77


R 6,99

per Kg


9.39 %

R 6,39


R 122,11

per Kg


-13.46 %

R 141,10


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 58,01

per 10Kg


-1.36 %

R 58,81


R 8,54

per Kg


-3.39 %

R 8,84


R 3,73

per Kg


-0.53 %

R 3,75


R 8,35

per Kg


-4.35 %

R 8,73


R 3,27

per Kg


7.57 %

R 3,04


R 110,18

per Kg


-5.42 %

R 116,49


R 4,31

per Kg


0.23 %

R 4,30

Sweet Potatoes

R 4,72

per Kg


1.51 %

R 4,65


R 15,57

per Kg


9.19 %

R 14,26


R 7,50

per Kg


12.28 %

R 6,68


R 2,82

per Kg


8.46 %

R 2,60


R 94,69

per Kg


20.56 %

R 78,54

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Sheep A2/3

R 86,68

per Kg


0.74 %

R 86,04

Feeder Lamb (Dual Purpose)

R 41,34

per Kg


-0.58 %

R 41,58

Sheep AB2/3

R 69,83

per Kg


-0.56 %

R 70,22

Sheep B2/3

R 65,48

per Kg


7.70 %

R 60,80

Sheep C2/3

R 60,97

per Kg


1.52 %

R 60,06

Ave Wool - Non RWS

R 153,05

per Kg


0.00 %

R 153,05

Ave Wool - RWS

R 170,05

per Kg


0.00 %

R 170,05


R 384,21

per Kg


0.00 %

R 384,21


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Beef A2/3

R 55,71

per Kg


-0.02 %

R 55,72

Weaners (200-250kg)

R 31,84

per Kg


0.00 %

R 31,84

Beef AB2/3

R 53,97

per Kg


1.45 %

R 53,20

Beef B2/3

R 47,82

per Kg


3.48 %

R 46,21

Beef C2/3

R 43,51

per Kg


0.60 %

R 43,25

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Kids (under 30kg)

R 64,34

per kg


-0.42 %

R 64,61

Medium (30-40kg)

R 50,35

per kg


12.04 %

R 44,94

Large (above 40kg)

R 53,83

per kg


1.22 %

R 53,18

Ewes (Goats)

R 50,66

per kg


21.52 %

R 41,69


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Poultry Frozen

R 34,90

per Kg


1.69 %

R 34,32

Poultry fresh

R 33,86

per Kg


1.04 %

R 33,51

Poultry IQF

R 29,32

per Kg


3.82 %

R 28,24

Poultry Average

R 32,69

per Kg


2.09 %

R 32,02

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Pork Porkers

R 31,24

per Kg


1.89 %

R 30,66

Pork Baconers

R 30,75

per Kg


1.55 %

R 30,28

Pork Sausage

R 24,50

per Kg


3.64 %

R 23,64

Pork Average

R 31,00

per Kg


1.74 %

R 30,47