Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse/Engelse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels.
Weekly summary of some News in the Agri and Farming media. GET YOUR MARKETING on this Page - Excellent stats- 6000 plus per week.
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Andries Beyers is in sy onlangse skrywe beswaard omdat John Steenhuisen as die minister van landbou aangestel is en hy reken Steenhuisen het die boere in die steek gelaat.Ons moet onthou dat pres. Cyril Ramaphosa, ongeag die druk deur Cosatu, ’n aansienlike getal ministers uit opposisiegeledere aangestel het en sodoende die regering van nasionale eenheid (RNE) op dreef gekry het.Dr. Piet Croucamp beskou Steenhuisen as “die verkeerde persoon in die regte pos”, blykbaar weens sy gebrekkige ken-nis van landbou. Ek beskou Steenhuisen egter as die regte persoon op die regte tyd in dié belangrike pos. Steenhuisen as minister hoef nie eerstehandse kennis van boerdery te hê nie en dr. Pieter Groenewald was, sover ek weet, nie ’n gevangene voordat hy die minister van korrektiewe dienste geword het nie.Steenhuisen weet hy moet die boere toelaat om te boer, hulle weet immers hoe om dit te doen. As minister kan hy van onskatbare waarde vir die landbou wees waar hy op verskeie knelpunte moet fokus. Die hawens vir uitvoer het weens Cosatu gestagneer, goedkoop invoer van pluimvee en suiwel is ’n knelpunt, en ook onbegaanbare paaie in landelike gebiede.Soos dr. Theo de Jager van Saai, is Beyers veral bekommerd omdat Steenhuisen by die regering se landbouplan ingeval het en aandag aan transformasie gee.
The reauthorisation of the African Growth and Opportunity Act (Agoa), which provides 35 sub-Saharan African countries with duty-free access to US markets, is unlikely to occur before the 2025 expiration as it is still under consideration by US legislators. The renewal of the unilateral preference programme established by US law featured prominently in discussions between the US and African ministers of trade during last week’s Agoa Forum. African countries, including SA, have pushed for an early, lengthy extension of the legislation to provide certainty to investors on the continent. For SA, retaining its status as a beneficiary is crucial. Agoa provides preferential access for about 20% of the country’s exports to the US, or 2% of its shipments globally. SA was the second-largest Agoa exporter in 2023, behind Nigeria, and the largest exporter of noncrude oil products ($3.6bn in 2023), supplying a range of products, including vehicles, jewellery, chemicals and fruit.
Die modehuis Christian Dior het Gaga se uitrusting ontwerp vir haar optrede langs die Seine, waar sy “Mon truc en plumes” gesing het. Die titel van dié lied, wat in 1961 deur die Franse ballerina Zizi Jeanmaire bekend gemaak is, beteken losweg vertaal “my ding met vere” – en die volstruisvere van Oudtshoorn het beslis daaraan gestand gedoen. Sebastian Meyer, bemarkingsbestuurder van Cape Karoo International (CKI), het gesê al die vere van Lady Gaga se kostuum én die pom-poms kom uit Oudtshoorn, maar hy het geen idee hoeveel vere gebruik is nie. CKI verskaf al ses dekades lank vere aan Europa se top-modehuise, asook die Moulin Rouge-nagklub in Parys. Sowat 15 ton vere – 10 000 volstruise se vere-oes – word ook jaarliks vir die Mardi Gras-karnaval in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilië, uitgevoer, het Netwerk24 voorheen berig. John Steenhuisen, minister van landbou, sê ook dat die vere van Suid-Afrikaanse volstruisplase kom en dus trots Suid-Afrikaans is.
This expected harvest will meet South Africa's annual maize consumption of roughly 12.00-million tonnes, leaving the country with approximately 1.40-million tonnes for exports (there is also support from the carryover stocks from the previous season). In this export forecast, about 840,000 tonnes will likely be white maize, with 600,000 tonnes likely to be yellow maize, according to data from the South African Grains and Oilseed Supply and Demand Estimates Committee. Still, the estimated exports of 1.40-million tonnes are down notably from 3.40-million tonnes in the previous season. With that said, maize prices will likely remain elevated for some time because of potentially tighter supplies later in the season and into the first quarter of 2025. The white maize prices are over 40% higher than the levels we saw a year ago, with the spot price closing at R5,490 per tonne on July 26, 2024. At the same time, yellow maize spot prices is about 10% up from a year ago, ending the week at R4,180 per tonne.
POWERED BY CRA GROUP leaders in Farming and Agriculture news. - No medium in Farming and Agriculture give your so much news at one address - 7 days of the week.
Outstanding articles of the week. Summary of some news Headlines in the Farming and Agriculture media.
Our entire generation feels this way. Be aware of it. Impact takes time. Meaningful growth takes patience. Practise the principles of reward before quitting. Your decisions are much more informed this way, and I can promise you, you’ll move further and faster than peers who move often, but sporadically. READ MORE
To reconstruct how vegetation has changed over many thousands of years, scientists look at fossilised pollen grains contained in layers of sediment and organic matter (such as decomposed twigs and leaves) in places like peat bogs and lakes. The timing of layers and variety of pollen found create a picture of the changing diversity of plant species through time in the local landscape. READ MORE
South Africa's 2024/25 winter crop season is underway. The start of the season has been somewhat harsh, with drier weather conditions around May and June in the Western Cape, followed by excessive rains since the beginning of July. We pay close attention to the Western Cape regarding the winter crops because of the province's significant contribution to these crops. For example, about 70% of the winter wheat plantings for the 2024/25 season are in the Western Cape. The area planted for barley, canola and oats is much more prominent in the province and as a winter rainfall region. READ MORE
Pork supply-demand balance will vary in different regions in 2H. Some countries, such as China, Vietnam, and Philippines, will see tight pork supply in 2H due to disease outbreaks, while other regions, including the EU and the US, will likely see pork supply increase slightly. Sow herd recovery will likely be faster than expected, especially in the EU and China. Colistin is one of the few antibiotics in the world that is used as a last-resort treatment for multidrug-resistant infections including pneumonia. It is deemed of critical importance for human medicine by the World Health Organisation. READ MORE
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AGRI NEWS NET- WEEKEND NEWS RUSH Summary of the Week News 28th July 2024
Weekly Health News and information- Quanlim Life/Lifeiselect -31st July 2024
World Farming Agriculture and Commodity news - Short update - 5th week of July 2024
CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums. Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neem. Ons internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums. Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme- Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort. Ons sal eersdaags ons nuwe Ekonomiese afdeling in plek.
Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year. Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world. Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news

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15 Best South Africa News Podcasts
Maritime traffic around the Cape Peninsula continues to bear the brunt of fierce weather coming in from the south-west and battering the coastline, especially further north of Table Bay, where marine protective efforts are under way to contain an oil spill at Doringbaai in an ecologically sensitive area.
Volgens voorlopige aanplantingsdata is die vooruitsigte vir die 2024/25-seisoen nie so rooskleurig soos die vorige seisoen nie.”Die groot afname in winterkoringaanplantings in die Vrystaat en Limpopo is nie verbasend nie. Landbousakekamer, Agbiz, meen die noordelike streke van Suid-Afrika het ’n strawwe midsomerdroogte beleef, wat tot aansienlike oesverliese gelei het.
A carbon taxation regime covering carbon tax on fossil fuel, maritime transport, and aviation could generate additional funds to support the Africa energy transition.
Our generation has been branded a generation with very little determination and perseverance. I don’t think it is always our fault; a lot of this behaviour has been shaped by the circumstances we grew up in. Parenting styles that changed, the rapid adoption of technology, the introduction of social media, and the rise of instant gratification culture.
Sustainable agricultural shows play an important role in rural areas to promote agriculture and stimulate local economic development.This is according to Breyton Milford, General Manager of Agri-Expo, host of the 2024 Agri-Expo Member Show Congress.
Amerika het humanitêre hulp van sowat R90 miljoen bewillig aan Namibië om kwesbare mense te help om die gevolge van die erge droogte te weerstaan.
Die covid-19-pandemie het heelwat landbouvertakkings bevoordeel, maar woluitvoer ’n paar taai klappe gegee. Die wolskaapbedryf bly die belangrikste bedryf in die meeste dele van die Oos-, Noord- en selfs die Wes-Kaap.
’n Tussentydse dividend van 35 sent per aandeel is reeds uitbetaal en ’n finale dividend van 26 sent per aandeel is goedgekeur.”Die NWK Beherend-groep se totale inkomste het in 2023/24 met ’n indrukwekkende 20,25%-gestyg en veral sy graansegment het puik presteer danksy goeie graanopbrengste in 2023.
TLU SA neem met groot kommer kennis van die toenemende aantal mynbouaansoeke wat op landbougrond gerig is. Hierdie situasie vereis onmiddellike aandag van die regering om die negatiewe impak op die omgewing en die landbousektor te voorkom.
As the global avocado industry recovers from a challenging year due to the El Niño phenomenon, we spoke with Zac Bard, chairman of the World Avocado Organization (WAO), about the current state of the global industry and what markets are becoming more attractive for growers.
Sebastian Meyer, bemarkingsbestuurder van Cape Karoo International (CKI), het aan Netwerk24 gesê al die vere van Lady Gaga se kostuum én die pom-poms kom uit Oudtshoorn, maar hy het geen idee hoeveel vere gebruik is nie. CKI verskaf al ses dekades lank vere aan Europa se top-modehuise, asook die Moulin Rouge-nagklub in Parys. Sowat 15 ton vere – 10 000 volstruise se vere-oes – word ook jaarliks vir die Mardi Gras-karnaval in Rio de Janeiro, Brasilië, uitgevoer.
We received lots of messages from all over - enjoying this weekly update of Farming and Agriculture NEWS -Die res van al die stories kan jy lees by www.agrinewsnet.co.za- Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar-
Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was. Lees dit en nog meer op www.agrinewsnet.co.za
AMT - South Africa
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
White maize |
R 5 490,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
4.29 % |
R 5 264,00 |
Yellow maize |
R 4 180,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
4.42 % |
R 4 003,00 |
Soybeans |
R 8 950,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
3.13 % |
R 8 678,00 |
Sunflower seed |
R 9 390,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
2.39 % |
R 9 171,00 |
Wheat |
R 6 155,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
1.74 % |
R 6 050,00 |
Sorghum (IPP) |
R 5 501,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
0.90 % |
R 5 452,00 |
Groundnuts (IPP) |
R 29 352,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
0.24 % |
R 29 281,00 |
Cotton (IPP) |
R 10 020,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
0.00 % |
R 10 020,00 |
Soy Meal (US derived price) |
R 10 526,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
0.25 % |
R 10 500,00 |
Lusern (Grade 1) |
R 3 900,00 |
per Metric Ton |
2024-07-26 |
14.71 % |
R 3 400,00 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Bananas |
R 7,10 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-0.42 % |
R 7,13 |
Apples |
R 9,77 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
6.54 % |
R 9,17 |
Oranges |
R 5,26 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
1.15 % |
R 5,20 |
Avocados |
R 15,52 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
0.26 % |
R 15,48 |
Grapes |
R 92,82 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-9.23 % |
R 102,26 |
Mangos |
R 19,54 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
13.47 % |
R 17,22 |
Pears |
R 10,77 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-0.37 % |
R 10,81 |
Pineapples |
R 7,68 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-3.15 % |
R 7,93 |
Peaches |
R 58,63 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-24.79 % |
R 77,96 |
Lemons |
R 4,26 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-4.27 % |
R 4,45 |
Nectarines |
R 53,74 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-30.90 % |
R 77,77 |
Naartjies |
R 7,65 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-9.14 % |
R 8,42 |
Blueberries |
R 81,08 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-21.06 % |
R 102,71 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Potatoes |
R 69,59 |
per 10Kg |
2024-07-26 |
18.98 % |
R 58,49 |
Tomatoes |
R 9,89 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-17.58 % |
R 12,00 |
Carrots |
R 3,91 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-0.26 % |
R 3,92 |
Onions |
R 6,81 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-11.79 % |
R 7,72 |
Cabbage |
R 3,49 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
15.56 % |
R 3,02 |
Garlic |
R 102,15 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-7.72 % |
R 110,70 |
Spinach |
R 5,54 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
10.14 % |
R 5,03 |
Sweet Potatoes |
R 7,09 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
22.66 % |
R 5,78 |
Peppers |
R 23,67 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
50.57 % |
R 15,72 |
Chillies |
R 9,73 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
6.34 % |
R 9,15 |
Pumpkins |
R 2,83 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-6.91 % |
R 3,04 |
Mushrooms |
R 82,82 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
14.30 % |
R 72,46 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Sheep A2/3 |
R 88,35 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-0.29 % |
R 88,61 |
Feeder Lamb (Dual Purpose) |
R 40,91 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-0.32 % |
R 41,04 |
Sheep AB2/3 |
R 73,03 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
1.40 % |
R 72,02 |
Sheep B2/3 |
R 67,75 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
1.54 % |
R 66,72 |
Sheep C2/3 |
R 63,65 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
0.76 % |
R 63,17 |
Ave Wool - Non RWS |
R 153,05 |
per Kg |
2024-06-07 |
0.00 % |
R 153,05 |
Ave Wool - RWS |
R 170,05 |
per Kg |
2024-06-07 |
0.00 % |
R 170,05 |
Mohair |
R 384,21 |
per Kg |
2024-06-07 |
0.00 % |
R 384,21 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Beef A2/3 |
R 55,38 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
0.02 % |
R 55,37 |
Weaners (200-250kg) |
R 32,57 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
1.59 % |
R 32,06 |
Beef AB2/3 |
R 52,82 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-0.47 % |
R 53,07 |
Beef B2/3 |
R 44,30 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-1.80 % |
R 45,11 |
Beef C2/3 |
R 42,91 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-0.63 % |
R 43,18 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Kids (under 30kg) |
R 55,65 |
per kg |
2024-07-26 |
-1.31 % |
R 56,39 |
Medium (30-40kg) |
R 44,28 |
per kg |
2024-07-26 |
2.64 % |
R 43,14 |
Large (above 40kg) |
R 48,03 |
per kg |
2024-07-26 |
-5.25 % |
R 50,69 |
Ewes (Goats) |
R 40,16 |
per kg |
2024-07-26 |
-1.79 % |
R 40,89 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Poultry Frozen |
R 35,19 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
1.91 % |
R 34,53 |
Poultry fresh |
R 34,03 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
1.16 % |
R 33,64 |
Poultry IQF |
R 29,56 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
0.61 % |
R 29,38 |
Poultry Average |
R 32,93 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
1.29 % |
R 32,51 |
Product Name |
Price |
Quantity Type |
Date |
Change |
Previous Price |
Pork Porkers |
R 31,55 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-1.13 % |
R 31,91 |
Pork Baconers |
R 31,11 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-0.38 % |
R 31,23 |
Pork Sausage |
R 24,29 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-1.78 % |
R 24,73 |
Pork Average |
R 31,33 |
per Kg |
2024-07-26 |
-0.76 % |
R 31,57 |