South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig -  Weekly Agriculture News Summary   22nd January 2025

South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 22nd January 2025

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Weeklikse Afrikaanse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Die Afrikaanse/Engelse Nuus is die afgelope paar dae op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas, saam met nog ander artikels. 

Weekly summary of some News in the Agri and Farming media.   GET YOUR MARKETING on this Page - Excellent stats- 7251 plus readers per week. 

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South African farmers exporting table grapes, citrus, apples, and maize may have to adapt their pesticide use, while taking hits to profitability, if they're going to continue exporting to the European Union (EU), a report has found. Researchers from the Bureau for Food and Agricultural Policy (BFAP), in a new report commissioned by CropLife Africa Middle East, considered the possible impact of the EU Farm to Fork Strategy on South African farmers – particularly with regard to restrictions on pesticide use. The Farm to Fork strategy forms part of the broader EU Green Deal that seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, causing climate change across different sectors. It is estimated that emissions from the EU's agriculture sector is 401 million tonnes per annum or 10.6% of total emissions. Pesticide use accounted for 0.6% of emissions in the agriculture sector.

Die data van die Wêreld- Meteorologiese Organisasie (WMO) toon dat 2024 die warmste jaar was wat nog aangeteken is. Dit was ook die eerste kalenderjaar waarin ’n gemiddelde internasionale temperatuur van warmer as 1,5 °C aangeteken is. Die WMO sê die inligting van ses internasionale stelle data is saamgevoeg, en daarvolgens was 2024 se gemiddelde internasionale oppervlaktemperatuur 1,55 °C?hoër as die gemiddeld wat tussen 1850 en 1900 gemeet is. In die afgelope 10 jaar is rekordhoë temperature jaarliks aangeteken, lui ’n WMO-verklaring.

Zimbabwe’s maize harvest fell nearly 60% to about 635,000t, the lowest since the 2015/2016 production season, when the country also experienced a drought. This significant decline in Zimbabwe’s maize production led to a sharp increase in imports, and South Africa played an important role in supplying maize to its northern neighbour (at market prices). Therefore, with a harvest of 635,000t, the country needs at least 1Mt in the 2024/2025 marketing year, which ends in April, to meet domestic needs (the 2024/2025 marketing year corresponds with the 2023/2024 production season). Between May 2024 and the first week of January 2025, South Africa exported 907,318t of maize to Zimbabwe. This is about 57% of South Africa’s total maize exports to the world market during this period.

Landboutoestande oor die somerreënstreek het oor die algemeen gedurende Januarie verswak, buiten oor die oostelike en noordoostelike dele van die land waar swaar reën wel voorgekom het. Reën én swaar reën het oor die algemeen net kol-kol voorgekom. Johan van den Berg, onafhanklike landbouweerkundige, sê droogtetoestande vir somergrane kom tans veral op plekke soos Hoopstad, Hertzogville, Senekal, Brandfort, Dealesville en Bloemfontein in die Vrystaat voor. Droogtetoestande kom ook in die suidwestelike dele van Noordwes by onder meer Schweizer-Reneke, Bloemhof en die omliggende gebiede voor, waar die laaste goeie reën in November verlede jaar geval het. Hoewel die toestande in die omgewings van Lichtenburg, Sannieshof, Koster en Delareyville effens beter lyk, word reën ook in hierdie gebiede benodig.

POWERED BY CRA GROUP leaders in Farming and Agriculture news. - No medium in Farming and Agriculture give your so much news at one address - 7 days of the week.

Outstanding articles of the week. Summary of some news Headlines in the Farming and Agriculture media.

2024 was a watershed year for land reform in South Africa. While there were no seismic developments that marked a momentous change in the trajectory of land reform there were, nonetheless, steady and encouraging signs that tentative progress is being made to address the land question. READ MORE - 

World Farming Agriculture Commodity news - Weekly Updated -  Exclusive and very popular - Delivering a Media service 365 days of the year. What prospects does 2025 hold for Brazilian agribusiness? This report outlines the macroeconomic backdrop for 2025 and provides an outlook for each of Brazil’s major agribusiness sectors: soybeans, corn, cotton, beef, coffee, sugar and ethanol, orange juice, dairy, farm inputs, cellulose, poultry, and pork.  READ MORE 

The South African agriculture and land policy discourse risks entering a space of inertia like much of the country's developmental agenda. More than three years ago, we knew that the South African government over the years acquired about 2,5 million hectares of land through its Proactive Land Acquisition Strategy. Much of this land was previously utilized for various farming activities. Currently, some of the land is underutilized, and some is under short-term leases to farmers who struggle to access the necessary capital to unlock the land potential. READ MORE 

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has nudged down below 1% its growth forecasts for South Africa for 2024, citing significant setbacks in the agricultural sector as a key factor affecting the nation’s economic outlook. In its latest World Economic Outlook (WEO) report released on Friday, the IMF revised its 2024 GDP growth projection for South Africa to a modest 0.8%, down from a previous estimate of 1.1% made in October 2024. READ MORE 


Type- Wine Farm

Area – Stellenbosch – Western Cape

Hectares – 157,27ha + 70ha

One of the biggest Family Farms in Stellenbosch. For sale because the owners have no kids and would like to plan for his retirement. The farm has 3 Title deeds (30.69ha; 66,42ha; 60,16ha) in total 157,27ha. There are 110ha planted with winegrapes (Chenin Blanc/Sauvignon Blanc/Chardonnay/Pinotage/Shiraz/Merlot/Cabernet). 30ha are vlei land and can be used for cattle. There is an abundance of water on the farm.  READ MORE - 

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South Africa -Weeklikse Landbou Nuusoorsig - Weekly Agriculture News Summary 15th January 2025


Weekly Health News Quanlim Life LifeIselect - 22nd January 2025


World Farming Agriculture and Commodity news - Short update 20 January 2025

CRA MEDIA is tans besig met die ontwikkeling van 3 nuwe insetels vir ons mediums.  Ons gaan binnekort ook toetree tot ander mediums wat Landbou op nog 'n beter vlak sal neem. Ons internasionale vennote wil baie graag betrokke raak by ons mediums.  Ons span is baie kreatief en is altyd besig met nuwe idees en programme-  Ons is tans besig met die beplanning van 'n baie eksklusiewe program een sy soort.  Ons sal eersdaags ons nuwe Ekonomiese afdeling in plek.

WOMEN'S VOICE - OPEN and READY for the NEXT SEASON - 2025  Marianna Du Plessis and her team is ready.

Welcome to the real world of Farmingportal/Agricultureportal/ AGRI NEWS NET Independent and impartial -Making Farming and Agriculture easy to read- to hear to view and to understand- 7 days a week- 365 days of the year.  Our daily users are real Professional Commercial Farmers and Upcoming Farmers with the ability to create wealth. Coming from real family owned farming families with years of experience in farming and food production. These farmers have the ability to buy the best Farming and machinery available and they are easy adopters of New Technologies. Decision makers and leaders in farming and Agriculture in Africa and around the world.  Quality articles and information ---Visit AGRI NEWS NET for more daily news 

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Die toenemende wisselvalligheid in die klimaat en veral hoër temperature, asook watertekorte verg ’n ernstige herbesinning oor jou besigheid se produksiepraktyke om jou risikoblootstelling te verminder. Dit kan ook wees dat jy jou vertakkingsamestelling moet aanpas by moeiliker klimaats- of marktoestande. Wisselvalligheid verhoog risiko en verg meer likiede reserwes. Hou ook in gedagte dat voerpryse ál hoër raak en wisselvallig is. Oorweeg aangepaste diere en herbedink jou weiding. In Amerika en Kanada het boere ’n staatsversekeringskema wat ondersteuning bied, maar in Suid-Afrika is dit nie die geval nie. Australiese boere kry ook – soos in Suid-Afrika – min steun van die staat, maar hul skuldverhouding (10-14%) asook hul oorhoofse koste is baie laer. Hulle streef daarna om nie produksiekrediet te hê nie, en doen baie goeie risiko-ontledings.

Boere wat brandstof op hul plase opberg, sal ingevolge voorgestelde nuwe wetgewing vir die eerste keer ’n sertifikaat vir elke opbergingspunt moet hê, of swaar boetes sal opgelê word indien die vereistes van die voorgestelde wet nie nagekom word nie.




As Donald Trump begins his second term as President of the United States (Potus), the global trade landscape is poised for significant changes.Trump's policies, particularly his emphasis on tariffs and protectionism, are expected to have far-reaching implications for international trade, logistics and supply chains.




Smallholder farmers and workers, who produce nearly one-third of the world’s food, often face poverty due to unfair market practices that undervalue their contributions. Ensuring fair pricing is vital to securing their livelihoods and building resilient communities. This, in turn, is key to tackling global challenges such as food security and climate change.




Die tradisionele reënseisoen vir die sentrale tot westelike dele van die land is van Januarie tot Maart. Met geen duidelike sein van ’n volhoubare La Niña-stelsel nie, en die moontlike verdere versteuring van weerpatrone deur siklone en storms, bly voorspelbaarheid swak.




Wetenskaplikes doen sedert die 1980’s navorsing oor gletsers en die uitwerking van klimaatsverandering en aardverwarming het veral oor die afgelope twee jaar duidelik geword.Een van die eerste groot gletsers wat wetenskaplikes reeds sedert die 1980’s bestudeer, die Peyto-gletser in Kanada se Rotsgebergte (Rocky Mountains), het tot die begin van die 2000’s reeds sowat 70% van sy volume verloor




Suid Afrika het baie min aansien die wereld- en veral in Davos in Switzerland, weens die swak leierskap van die regering, die korrupsie aanklagtes, integriteit, disrespek en arrogansie van sekere sogenaamde leiers. Swart bemagtiging en rassisme is nog steeds aan die orde van die dag en apartheid kry nog steeds die skuld. President se oggend en aand praaitjies maak die wereld onseker .





South African table grape exports were up 39% at the end of the second week of the year compared to a year before.The industry sounded a cautiously optimistic tone in its latest industry update as the export season nears its peak. It noted that “performance at the Cape Town Container Terminal continues to show improvement compared with the previous season”.




For the first time in years, South Africa's policymakers took center stage at the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) in Berlin, Germany—the largest annual gathering of agricultural ministers worldwide.




Veterinary training will assist exporters to comply with strict requirements and enable wider participation in a lucrative market.The red meat industry is about to embark on a countrywide technology transfer campaign of public and private vets and owners of abattoirs and feedlots to comply with the stringent veterinary health requirements for export to Saudi Arabia.




The demand for herbal and botanical extracts is booming worldwide, with the market projected to grow at an annual rate of 5.5% annually between now and 2030, reaching a value of USD 54.2 billion.


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Die res van al die stories kan jy lees by Geen medium in Landbou gee jou soveel nuus by een adres - 7 dae per week- 365 dae van die jaar- 

 Hierdie was van die nuus wat die afgelope tyd op AGRI NEWS NET geplaas was.  Lees dit en nog meer op

AMT- REPORT -  21 January 2025


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

White maize

R 6 960,00

per Ton


-0.50 %

R 6 995,00

Yellow maize

R 5 641,00

per Ton


0.37 %

R 5 620,00


R 9 500,00

per Ton


-1.32 %

R 9 627,00

Sunflower seed

R 10 309,00

per Ton


-1.25 %

R 10 439,00


R 5 997,00

per Ton


-0.30 %

R 6 015,00

Sorghum (IPP)

R 6 265,00

per Ton


0.00 %

R 6 265,00

Groundnuts (IPP)

R 29 186,00

per Ton


0.00 %

R 29 186,00

Cotton (IPP)

R 10 320,00

per Ton


0.00 %

R 10 320,00

Soy Meal (US derived price)

R 11 186,00

per Ton


0.00 %

R 11 186,00

Lusern (Grade 1)

R 3 200,00

per Ton


0.00 %

R 3 200,00

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 11,18

per Kg


0.00 %

R 11,18


R 14,13

per Kg


0.00 %

R 14,13


R 16,23

per Kg


0.00 %

R 16,23


R 43,35

per Kg


0.00 %

R 43,35


R 24,10

per Kg


0.00 %

R 24,10


R 12,56

per Kg


0.00 %

R 12,56


R 16,53

per Kg


0.00 %

R 16,53


R 13,91

per Kg


0.00 %

R 13,91


R 18,82

per Kg


0.00 %

R 18,82


R 9,78

per Kg


0.00 %

R 9,78


R 23,92

per Kg


0.00 %

R 23,92

Naartjies (Mandarins)

R 6,23

per Kg


0.00 %

R 6,23


R 74,95

per Kg


0.00 %

R 74,95


R 11,00

per Kg


0.00 %

R 11,00


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price


R 77,63

per 10Kg


0.00 %

R 77,63


R 8,58

per Kg


0.00 %

R 8,58


R 5,47

per Kg


0.00 %

R 5,47


R 44,42

per 10Kg


0.00 %

R 44,42


R 3,18

per Kg


0.00 %

R 3,18


R 49,06

per Kg


0.00 %

R 49,06


R 2,87

per Kg


0.00 %

R 2,87

Sweet Potatoes

R 10,61

per Kg


0.00 %

R 10,61


R 11,92

per Kg


0.00 %

R 11,92


R 10,10

per Kg


0.00 %

R 10,10


R 3,35

per Kg


0.00 %

R 3,35


R 80,28

per Kg


0.00 %

R 80,28


R 3,63

per Kg


0.00 %

R 3,63

Green beans

R 19,44

per Kg


0.00 %

R 19,44

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Sheep A2/3

R 96,57

per Kg


0.09 %

R 96,48

Feeder Lamb (Dual Purpose)

R 40,60

per Kg


1.47 %

R 40,01

Sheep AB2/3

R 81,22

per Kg


-5.03 %

R 85,52

Sheep B2/3

R 68,10

per Kg


-10.29 %

R 75,91

Sheep C2/3

R 67,62

per Kg


1.23 %

R 66,80

Ave Wool - Non RWS

R 168,87

per Kg


1.68 %

R 166,08

Ave Wool - RWS

R 173,13

per Kg


2.05 %

R 169,65


R 336,15

per Kg


0.00 %

R 336,15


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Beef A2/3

R 58,12

per Kg


0.00 %

R 58,12

Weaners (200-250kg)

R 34,19

per Kg


4.33 %

R 32,77

Beef AB2/3

R 54,14

per Kg


-3.79 %

R 56,27

Beef B2/3

R 49,53

per Kg


-3.30 %

R 51,22

Beef C2/3

R 47,09

per Kg


-4.41 %

R 49,26

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Kids (under 30kg)

R 51,80

per kg


-12.97 %

R 59,52

Medium (30-40kg)

R 46,92

per kg


-7.20 %

R 50,56

Large (above 40kg)

R 40,42

per kg


-7.53 %

R 43,71

Ewes (Goats)

R 45,49

per kg


-11.24 %

R 51,25


Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Poultry Frozen

R 32,97

per Kg


-4.10 %

R 34,38

Poultry fresh

R 37,27

per Kg


-9.25 %

R 41,07

Poultry IQF

R 33,00

per Kg


0.36 %

R 32,88

Product Name


Quantity Type



Previous Price

Pork Porkers

R 33,05

per Kg


-0.69 %

R 33,28

Pork Baconers

R 32,57

per Kg


0.06 %

R 32,55

Pork Sausage

R 25,59

per Kg


0.87 %

R 25,37