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– Farmvest Agricapital a SA based company with Operations in Zimbabwe and South Africa announced that they have sealed a 5-year offtake agreement contract for the production and processing of Moringa in Zimbabwe and South Africa with a Big regional exporter of Moringa.

In addition to the offtake agreement Farmvest has also sealed a deal to grow and process Moringa for a South African based manufacturer who is currently producing Moringa Powder, Capsules, Tea and are currently developing Moringa Pellets to be used as a feed supplement for Livestock.


The Global Moringa Market is currently a $5.8 Billion Market growing at over 9% per year and it is estimated to be a $10 Billion market by 2025. The market is driven by several factors such as a growing need for nutritional supplements, improving health awareness among people and shifting focus towards organic medication and with current events happening in  World like the rapid spread of Covid 19 has encouraged people to re-evaluate their lifestyles and diets.

The Moringa Tree also is known as the tree life is a good source of iron, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin B6, and riboflavin and has notable amounts of potassium, vitamin A, vitamin E, and magnesium. In fact, the leaves contain 2 times the Protein of Yoghurt, 3 times the Potassium of Bananas, 4 times the Calcium of Milk, 7 times the Vitamin C of Orange. It is also known to contain 92 Nutrients, 46 Antioxidants, 36 Anti-Inflammatories, 18 Amino Acids, 9 Essential Amino Acids.

That means moringa can contribute to strengthening your Immune System, Promote Healthy Circulation, Support Normal Glucose Levels, Natural Anti-Aging Benefits,  Provides Anti-Inflammatory Support, Promotes Healthy Digestion, Promotes Heightened Mental Clarity, Boosts Energy Without Caffeine, Encourages Balanced Metabolism, Promotes Softer Skin, Provides Relief From Acne, Supports Normal Hormone Levels amongst a wide range of other things


Moringa is unique because it can be easily grown in tropical and subtropical regions with low cost, thereby resulting in increased usage of the plant in various applications. It is also one of the best products to treat malnutrition children younger than 3 years. Considering all the above-mentioned factors, demand for these products is increasing in the market.


‘The Moringa Tree is known as the miracle tree for a reason it is truly a miraculous tree with untold health benefits. It is one of the most versatile Trees and could potentially a Game changer to South Africa and Africa as a whole. The Two contracts we have sealed are just the beginning, we are in negotiations with a few buyers in Europe and Asia and hope to make further announcements in the near future. Our plan is to take Moringa to the masses, we are not only focused on the export market but the Local market because we have seen the value Moringa can bring in terms of transforming communities. We are also receiving a lot of interest from NGOs, Government and Private Sector who want to fund our programs because they understand the value of Moringa. In line with Farmvest’s business model we have opened up opportunities for individuals or businesses who wish to become financial partners in growing and expanding our Moringa Outgrowers program’ added Michael Matope (Founder/CEO Farmvest)


Moringa has the opportunity two transform communities all across the country. Farmvest will be working exclusively with small scale farmers and cooperatives. They will provide training and extension services to our Outgrower Farmers. We are looking to partner with farming cooperatives and smallholders countrywide and we encourage interested partners to contact us

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