Requirements for family farmers who travel during Level 4-lockdown

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Dr Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, announced on 29 April 2020 the regulations applicable to Level 4 restrictions that took effect on 1 May 2020 to help combat COVID-19.


Section 16 of the amended Regulations (GG No. 43258) states:

(1)    Every person is confined to his or her place of residence.

(2)    A person may only leave their place of residence to –

(a)     Perform an essential or permitted service, as allowed in Alert Level 4;

(b)     Go to work where a permit which corresponds with Form 2 Annexure A has been issued;

(c)     Buy permitted goods;

(d)     Obtain services that are allowed to operate as set out in Table 1 to the Regulations ...

 Section 28(4) also requires that persons performing essential or permitted services must be duly designated in writing by the head of an institution, or a person designated by him or her, on a form that corresponds with Form 2 in Annexure A.

The Level 4-permitted retail and service operations include all agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing and related services, including the export of agricultural products.

Although these agricultural services are allowed, a permit is still required in order to travel and to perform an essential service. The travel permit, as mentioned in Section 16(2)(b) and 28(4), is a form that corresponds with Form 2 Annexure A and must therefore contain the same minimum information as mentioned in Form 2 Annexure A. It must be signed by the head of an institution, who is the chief executive officer or the equivalent of a chief executive officer of a private institution.

There has been much frustration at some roadblocks that wrongly require farmers to provide a CIPC certificate in order to continue their travels.

Ebrahim Patel, Minister of Trade, Industry and Competition announced on 16 April 2020 that enterprises that are registered with the Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) to perform essential services during the lockdown period must have a certificate obtained from the CIPC BizPortal to continue with these services.

It seems that the new regulations still require enterprises that perform essential services to register for a CIPC certificate. Section 2(3) of the amended regulations state – despite the repeal of the previous regulations – that all directions issued in terms of the original regulations continue to apply, unless these are amended or withdrawn by the cabinet member responsible for these directions.

This requirement however does not apply to farmers, as the Minister stated in the same announcement that:

Other essential service providers, like healthcare professionals registered with the Health Professions Council of South Africa, sole proprietors who provide essential goods and services (like small business owners and spaza shops), and small-scale farmers will not register through the Bizportal. These businesses will not have a CIPC certificate, but must still comply with the provisions of the lockdown regulations.

Farmers can apply for a permit online at or contact Saai at 066 071 6094 with any enquiries.

Reisvereistes vir familieboere tydens vlak 4-inperking

 Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, Minister van Samewerkende Regering en Tradisionele Sake, het op 29 April 2020 die aangepaste regulasies aangekondig oor vlak 4-inperking wat op 1 Mei 2020 in werking tree om COVID-19 te help bestry.

Artikel 16 van die gewysigde regulasies (GG No. 43258) bepaal (eie vertaling):

(1)    Elke persoon word tot sy of haar woonplek beperk.

(2)    ’n Persoon mag slegs hul woonplek verlaat indien hulle –

’n noodsaaklike of toegelate diens verrig, soos toegelaat vir vlak 4;
werk toe gaan, waarvoor ’n permit wat ooreenstem met Vorm 2 Bylae A uitgereik is;
toelaatbare goedere wil koop;
toelaatbare dienste wil verkry soos uiteengesit in Tabel 1 van die regulasies ...

Artikel 28 (4) vereis ook dat persone wat noodsaaklike dienste of toegelate dienste lewer na behore aangewys moet word deur die hoof van ’n instelling of ’n persoon wat deur daardie hoof aangewys is, en skriftelik op ’n vorm wat ooreenstem met Vorm 2 in Bylae A.

 Die kleinhandel- en diensbedrywighede wat tydens vlak 4-inperking toegelaat word, sluit alle landbou-, jag-, bosbou-, hengel- en verwante bedrywighede in, insluitend die uitvoer van landbouprodukte.

Hoewel dié landboudienste toegelaat word, word ’n permit steeds vereis om te reis en ’n noodsaaklike diens te verrig. Dié reispermit, soos vermeld in artikel 16(2)(b) en 28(4), is ’n vorm wat met Vorm 2 Aanhangsel A ooreenstem en dus dieselfde minimum inligting bevat as wat in Vorm 2 Aanhangsel A gemeld word. Dit moet deur die hoof van ’n instelling onderteken word, wat die hoof uitvoerende beampte of die ekwivalent van ’n hoof uitvoerende beampte van ’n private instelling moet wees.

Daar is ook baie frustrasie oor sommige padblokkades wat verkeerdelik van boere vereis om ’n CIPC-sertifikaat te lewer om met hul reis voort te gaan.

Ebrahim Patel, Minister van Handel, Nywerheid en Mededinging, het op 16 April 2020 aangekondig dat ondernemings wat geregistreer is by die Kommissie vir Maatskappye en Intellektuele Eiendom (CIPC) om noodsaaklike dienste tydens die staat van inperking te verrig ’n sertifikaat van die CIPC se BizPortal benodig om met hul noodsaaklike dienste voort te gaan.

Dit blyk dat die nuwe regulasies vereis dat ondernemings wat noodsaaklike dienste verrig steeds vir ’n CIPC-sertifikaat moet registreer. Artikel 2(3) van die gewysigde regulasies bepaal – ondanks die herroeping van die vorige regulasies – dat alle aankondigings ingevolge die regulasies van toepassing bly, tensy die kabinetslid wat vir dié aanwysings verantwoordelik is, dit wysig of onttrek.

Hierdie vereiste is egter nie van toepassing op boere nie, aangesien die Minister in dieselfde aankondiging gesê het dat ander noodsaaklike diensverskaffers – byvoorbeeld gesondheidsorgpersoneel wat geregistreer is by die Raad vir Gesondheidsberoepe van Suid-Afrika, eenmansake wat noodsaaklike goedere en dienste lewer (soos kleinsake-eienaars en spaza-winkels) en kleinboere – nie op die BizPortal hoef te registreer nie. Dié ondernemings benodig nie ’n CIPC-sertifikaat nie, maar moet steeds aan die bepalings van die inperkingsregulasies voldoen.

Familieboere kan by ’n reispermit aansoek doen of Saai by 066 071 6094 kontak met enige navrae.


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