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Fanie Brink, Independent Agricultural Economist


"There can be a lot of talking about the different political systems in the world for a long time, but in reality it is irrelevant because the countries that cannot create economic growth, prosperity and development cannot solve their social problems either!! The result is a country like South Africa where socialism and communism result in a totally corrupt, bankrupt and failed state that will be completely destroyed within the next 3 to 4 years,” says Fanie Brink, an independent economist.

He referred to the article "DA: Dís waar die party nou staan” which appeared on Netwerk24's internet page this morning.

Brink says the question is rather which political system swaps capitalism for socialism and communism that can only destroy economic growth that is totally corrupt and uses political power only to enrich politicians themselves and their officials to where the government will no longer be able to pay any social grants, as has been clearly proven by history. Where the politicians are economically totally illiterate and do not understand that their policies can completely destroy the economy because only the outcome of the next election is important to them.

A country can have any political system as long as economic growth is accepted as the most important priority, rather than a power-hungry and corrupt political system, as long as it is not just another system that destroys the economy.

The Democratic Alliance's policy of trying to achieve “social justice” through “inclusive growth” (just an alias for socialism) and the enormous delusion about a “social market economy” (which still means socialism) has completely collapsed and the party does not even have an economic policy at the moment.

It is much more important to have a system that can create economic growth to generate revenue for the government to address socio-social problems rather than a political system without a policy that can create economic growth. It does not really matter what the name of the political system is. Just as long as it is not the communist system with which the dictator and arch-communist, Vladimir Lenin, and his successor, Joseph Stalin, completely destroyed Russia's economy, or the dictator Adolf Hitler's system of world domination with which he destroys virtually all the economies of European countries and thus unleashed the Second World War. Or the purely socialist, power-hungry and corrupt policies that have economically destroyed most African countries today that all the financial aid packages from different countries and the United Nations' Social Development Goals could still not make any difference to the poverty, famine and human suffering.

 That is why a Kenyan speaker who once spoke about corruption said: "People do not run from Africa, they run away from Africa even if they drown in the Mediterranean Sea!"

"America was supposed to be capitalist, but only the other day did they have to help their banks out of trouble. It is not capitalism?” This is simply not correct except for political commentators who do not understand the economy at all. It is the responsibility of every government in the world to always create an environment in which the creators of economic growth can survive financially, create profits and economic growth, especially during the worst international financial crises in the world such as in 2008/09 when America had to help its banks and the crisis now with the Covid19 pandemic. Of course, it is still pure capitalism!!

A "free market system has a poor history of solving social problems," but it no longer exists due to the excessive economic interference by virtually all the governments in the world with regulatory measures (just like Lenin's communist “decrees”) that have already almost completely destroyed it.

"The ANC government's economic policy of 'inclusive growth' and the so-called 'social treaty' with its social partners is pure socialism which has proven throughout history that it can by no means create economic growth. Its political goals of alleviating poverty and reducing unemployment can only be achieved through economic growth within a capitalist economic system, but it is incomprehensible to the ANC government, as well as to all the drafters of various socialist economic recovery plans that are now emerging, but which will not succeed in its goal,” says Brink.

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