Wildlife Industry Trends and Analysis- South Africa

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Read the full report of African Wildlife Auctions and it’s business units. Analysis of the trends and statistical data for the wildlife industry -

Wildlife Industry Trends and Analysis

➢ The Wildlife Industry has seen some unprecedented changes in the past four years with the biggest impact in 2020 due to COVID-19.

➢ From the boom days in the industry in 2015 and 2016 to a complete change and reset in the market in 2017 with the downward trends continuing in 2018, 2019 and 2020.

➢ Although we believe that the changes in the wildlife industry the past few years are mainly due to normal market principles of supply and demand, the industry were further impacted in general by the uncertainty regarding property ownership in South Africa and continued drought in certain areas. 2020 Auctions were all severely impacted by COVID-19.

➢ 2020 Year will always be remembered as the year of COVID-19 and the wildlife industry was impacted severely as most industries in the world.

➢ Revenue values are now back to values achieved in 2009, quantities of game to numbers to 2013 numbers and average pricing of game back to values as seen in 2007.

Presentation 2020 Analysis- Information and technology will play a much bigger part in auctions in the future.

Online auctions during hosted auctions will grow exponentially year on year. Online Internet auctions will become a major part of industry in future.  WhatsApp, twitter and electronic marketing will continue to grow as a marketing medium. 

➢The offerings and marketing on the day will become more and more part of auctions.

➢Agent marketing will become less and less due to the price decrease in game.