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"An important aspect of the ANC government's land expropriation policy without compensation is the question why the amendment of Section 25 of the Constitution is so important because it already makes it possible, according to virtually all legal opinions and other opinions, already allow expropriation without compensation. 

While the fact that this policy will undoubtedly have devastating consequences for the sustainability of agricultural production, food security and economic growth, is not considered important," says independent economist, Fanie Brink.
Brink says the ANC has already made a very clear decision in July to implement its land expropriation policy, even though the Constitutional Review Committee did not yet finalise its report and it was clearly not prepared to do it within the prescribed constitutional process. Specifically, regarding the nature and extent of the constitutional obligations of the government's legislative body which, according to Section 59 of the Constitution, obliges him to facilitate public involvement in its legislative processes and its committees and the consequences of failure to comply with these prescribed obligations.

Also given the fact that the proposed motion in this regard, adopted by the National Assembly of Parliament in February this year, completely ignored the prerequisite that it should not negatively impact on agricultural production, food security and the economy. It was, therefore, not a part of the terms of reference of the Committee that this important issue should have been discussed during the public hearings and that the comments in the written submissions to the Committee were also considered.

The question arises why the agricultural industry should want to share its wealth of experience and expertise with the government if it will expropriate the land of the commercial farmers without compensation and thereby losing all their possessions?

"I cannot find any good reason for that. It is, therefore, totally incomprehensible why the amendment of the Constitution is so important because whether it should be changed or not, it will not make any difference, as it is already possible for expropriation without compensation. The decisive difference is the fact that it will have much more devastating impacts on agricultural production, food security and economic growth."

The ANC government has long been in the process of destroying the economy and the country and then expected it from the private sector to come to the rescue of the country without it having a say in setting specific conditions for the excessive tax burden that the taxpayers must bear and the misappropriation of state funds.

The private sector should rather stand up and walk away from this lawless and corrupt ANC government to put an end to the wasting of taxpayers' money as well as the redistribution and destruction of the country's assets and prosperity. Even if it had to be enforced on the government through international sanctions.

The private sector cannot continue any longer to participate in this process without linking specific and clear prerequisites to it. The ANC's policy is already devastating for the entire population and will be the reason for serious human suffering as a result of much higher poverty and unprecedented famine.

"The ANC government only needs another 5 years to completely destroy the economy and the country!"

18 November 2018
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