How Chinese Medicine Can Aid in Your Adrenal Fatigue Recovery

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Today, it’s safe to say that everyone deals with stress on a regular basis. And when stress becomes unending, it can start to take a toll on one’s health. In fact, it can eventually lead to Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome (AFS).

Even worse, symptoms of adrenal fatigue will continue to persist and worsen over time unless you do something to relieve it. One of the best ways to do this is by turning to Chinese medicine.

The Chinese Medicine Perspective on Adrenal Fatigue
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a practice that has gone on to evolve for over thousands of years. It is based on the fundamental belief that the body’s vital energy or qi flows along various meridians or channels in the body. This process, in turn, keeps a person’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health in proper balance.

There are 12 primary meridians that TCM has identified in the body. These include the lung, large intestine, bladder, gallbladder, liver, heart, pericardium, small intestine, stomach, spleen, triple heater, and kidney.

The kidney is responsible for storing the body’s vitality. Moreover, it’s part of the meridian that controls water. Meanwhile, it is also associated with brain function, hearing issues, aging, and feelings of will power.

Typically, TCM regards adrenal fatigue as a deficiency involving the kidneys. Because one’s adrenal glands are related to the kidney qi, it is believed that adrenal fatigue is a kidney qi deficiency. Hence, this produces several notable symptoms of kidney imbalance. These include anxiety, craving for salt, reduced libido, reduced energy, backaches, and hair loss. As you may know, these are also the very symptoms of adrenal fatigue.

On the other hand, in Western medicine view, one’s adrenal glands and kidneys are also interrelated. For starters, the adrenal glands are positioned right on top of the kidneys in the body. And though they are close to each other, these organs perform different functions on a regular basis and when the body comes under stress.

Both the kidneys and adrenal glands are part of the body’s NeuroEndoMetabolic (NEM) Stress Response system. The kidneys are part of the NEM’s detoxification circuit where it is responsible for clearing our harmful toxins or pathogens in the body.

On the other hand, the adrenals are part of the hormonal circuit where it produces several hormones needed to allow the body to respond to stress. Among this is cortisol, which acts as the body’s primary stress hormone. At the same time, the adrenals also produce the hormone aldosterone, which is responsible for retaining sodium in the body.

In the case of unending or chronic stress, the adrenals continue to produce hormones until they are no longer able to meet the body’s demand. Because of this, the body suffers a state of significant hormonal imbalance which triggers AFS. At the same time, the kidney’s function also becomes compromised since there is no longer enough aldosterone to help maintain proper water-sodium balance in the body. In the end, the kidney itself become compromised. In TCM’s perspective, this is the point where the kidneys become depleted of vital qi or energy.

Chinese Medicine Treatments for Adrenal Fatigue
Typically, Chinese medicine practitioners work to restore qi to the kidneys to help relieve adrenal fatigue. To do this, they turn to several treatments and ancient herbs to heal adrenal fatigue from the inside out.

In ancient Chinese practice, acupuncture is a form of therapy that manipulates the flow of energy or qi inside a person. This is done through the insertion of needles along certain vital points located on the body. Doing so would activate the internal energy in the body. This energy would then travel to the extracellular matrix network to locate the pathological areas of the dysfunction. Once located, the energy would then initiate self-healing.

Moreover, acupuncture has also been found to help lower stress levels. In fact, a study conducted by the Arizona State University has found that acupuncture can successfully decrease the perception of stress.]

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Tai Chi
In TCM, tai chi is a practice that can help generate internal energy, serenity, and mindfulness. Its primary purpose is to cultivate the qi from within the body and allow it to flow powerfully and smoothly. Hence, this practice can be vital in restoring proper qi to the kidneys to combat adrenal fatigue.

Moreover, tai chi has also been seen to be effective in reducing stress levels. In fact, a study conducted by La Trobe University in Bundoora, Australia, has found that practicing tai chi can reduce total mood disturbance. At the same time, the study also reported reduced depression, anger, confusion, and anxiety among the participants.

Traditional Chinese Herbs that Aid in Adrenal Fatigue Recovery
In Chinese medicine, certain herbs play a major role in helping the body heal from all sorts of ailments. This includes adrenal fatigue. In fact, there are certain ancient herbs that have been found to have significant therapeutic properties that can help fight off and reduce adrenal fatigue symptoms.

Nonetheless, it is always a good idea to consult with your physician or nutritionist first before trying any of these. This is because it is possible to have an intolerance or allergic reaction to any of the ancient Chinese herbs you may try. In some cases, the effects might even be fatal. Because of this, it may be a good idea to undergo some tests first to rule out allergies.

That said, here are a number of traditional Chinese medicine herbs that can help you with adrenal recovery and even prevent adrenal fatigue in the future:

Licorice Root (Gan Cao)
People have long turned to licorice root as a natural remedy for various ailments. These include problems involving the digestive system as well as cough, bronchitis, sore throat, and infection.

Aside from this, licorice root has also been found to be effective in fighting off stress. In fact, one study published in the Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine journal in 2017 found that licorice ethanol extract can readily protect the body against oxidative stress. Meanwhile, another study published in the Experimental Dermatology journal in 2015 found that licorice extract can also protect the skin from UV-induced stress.

Astragalus Root (Huang Qi)
The astragalus root has primarily been used in TCM to help boost one’s immune system. At the same time, it has also been found to be effective in relieving stress and its symptoms. One study conducted in Korea in 2009 has found that this herb is effective in reducing stress-induced anxiety. Not only that, it can help one recover from any neurochemical and behavioral impairments that were caused by stress.

Schisandra Berry (Wu Wei Zi)
Schisandra berry is a fruit that is known for various health benefits such as helping improve heart and cognitive functions.

At the same time, it is also known to effectively combat stress. In fact, a research carried out by the Swedish Herbal Institute Research & Development has revealed that schisandra preparations display strong antioxidant properties. In addition, it has also been found to protect the body against stress due to a number of harmful factors, including heat shock, frostbite, swimming with decreased air pressure, heavy metal intoxication, skin burn, and more.

Meanwhile, schisandra berry has also been known for its abilities to enhance one’s endurance and even promote accuracy of movement. At the same time, it can also help increase mental performance.

Some of these herbs can be taken as a tea while others are available in the form of natural health supplements. Feel free to try any method of taking these Chinese herbs. Just remember to try them one at a time so that you would be able to easily determine which one is best in providing you relief. On other hand, if you wish to explore the possibility of combining these herbs for more adrenal relief, it is best to consult with a TCM practitioner that can develop the right blend for your condition.


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