Digital technologies on the farm improve efficiency, productivity, and profits, but few farmers are taking full advantage of available tools.
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Digital technologies on the farm improve efficiency, productivity, and profits, but few farmers are taking full advantage of available tools.
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Gene editing is when a scientist makes a tiny, controlled change in the DNA of a living organism. The simplest way to envision this process is to imagine editing a giant manuscript.
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Though the lives of dairy farmers and ranchers may seem idyllic, not everyone is cut out for the hard work it requires. Knowledge and experience are important factors, but with typical working days lasting well beyond the average 9-to-5, it also requires a preparedness to spend long hours monitoring and moving one’s herd, which especially rings true for grazing operations.
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The phrase, “Please, sir, I want some more,” was uttered by Charles Dickens’ fictional character, Oliver Twist, in a London orphanage in 1837.
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Pesticides are causing widespread damage to the tiny creatures that keep soils healthy and underpin all life on land, according to the first comprehensive review of the issue.
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An article entitled “Biodynamic agriculture, animals allies of those who cultivate.